OwOKORINA Day Tournament

OwOKORINA Day Tournament
6th March, 10:30 to evening-ish Discord and Jinteki

(full credit to Finnbar for the title)

New Angeles is home to many an outlaw. While a select few of these denizens don the mantle of "runner" and use their computational abilities to defile and destroy corporation servers, there are a swathe of freedom fighters and renegades who don't poses such coding craft, but who nonetheless fight in the same epic ideological struggle to throw of the yoke of their opressors. In OKORINA, we focus on these less glorified struggles so we can finally get answers to the ultimate questions, such as: who would win? Legendary reporter Beth Kilrain Chang, or some maggots being thrown into a fire?

Have you ever thought to yourself: "wow, all these FFG and NISEI printed IDs suck, I wish I could just play as that grumpy dude with a pawn shop, that'd be so cool." Well, I'm here to tell you, yes, you totally can! In OKORINA, instead of chosing a normal ID for your deck, you get to chose from an expertly curated* list of connection resources and agendas to use as your ID. Prime examples include, some history nerd, a java based protozoan, and even, Pinocchio . The rules, including a full list of allowed IDs and the deck size and influence associated with them, can be found here, but to clarify a couple of points:

  • Your chosen ID must be from the list in the rules spreadsheet. There are some neutral and rotated cards that are included so it's worth having a read through all of them
  • Each ID has it's own individual stats, so you might want to pay attention to things like link strength and subtype because they might matter
  • How this'll be implemented on Jinteki is using the /replace-id command. You'll build your deck with a placeholder ID and then use this at the start of the game and it should work
  • "When scored" and "when installed" abilities happen at the start of the corps first turn. So with Bellona you start the game with 10 credits total. This will need to be done manually on Jinteki
  • Salvaged Memories is legal in this tournament
  • If you have any more specific questions, you can find the FAQ document here

To talk a little bit about the tournament structure itself, this'll be neatly wrapped up in a day. There'll be 3 rounds of swiss, followed by a top 4 single sided double elimination bracket. This may change depending on numbers and the general vibe, so watch the discord channel for updates. If you have any queries or concerns feel free to @ or DM me. I look forward to seeing you there =)

Ran by: Scarlett ( ORCH1D )

Players: 8/32