Coffin Rock

Coffin Rock
Saturday Week 3 @ 12:00 in Soc Sci Cafe


Deadlands Reloaded (Savage Worlds)

This tale is set in the troubled town of Coffin Rock, Colorado. If you’re a savvy cuss you already know Colorado is taken from the Spanish for “color red.” Your posse would do well to give this some serious consideration when they enter this place—it might just save their sorry lives!

Coffin Rock is named for the large, morbidly shaped bluff looming over the town. Not far from the base of that ominous stone outcropping lies the Cooked Earth Mine—a blasted pit of sorrow that stole many a miner’s life as he desperately dug for copper in its played-out depths.

Something ain't quite right in this here town, and there's no one but you greenhorn "heroes" to figure out exactly what that is. If you think you have the brains, fighting skills, and most important of all the intestinal fortitude to survive, welcome yourself on in to Coffin Rock...

Ran by: Callum ( Callum )

Players: 4/4