Posted 7 years ago
We are sitting in that sweet spot of term where most of the exams have finished but it’s early enough that you don’t have to worry about this terms work. So why not use all that free time to enjoy the events provided by your favourite society?
Week 8
As the weeks tick on, you will start to see this section get more and more serious since – in accordance with SU regulations - you really need to make sure you have been a member for at least 2 weeks before the AGM to be eligible to vote and run. If you are considering running for a role then don’t hesitate to contact the current exec member as they will be able to offer lots of great advice as well as give an overview of the responsibilities expected.
Monday 17:00 to 22:00, B2.01 Science Concourse
With multiple new faces at wargames last week it’s great to see its popularity is still rising in term 2. And if you are interested in trying out one of the many systems we play then don’t forget we have an extensive collection of society armies for you to choose from, so you really have no excuse for not turning up. You can even use our Facebook group to arrange a game.
Tuesday 18:00 to 22:00, B2.01 Science Concourse
We will be drafting Rivals of Ixalan this week, and with that comes all the excitement of a new set. With only a sketchy pick order and most the architypes still to be discovered, true skill will be put to the test as those with a keen eye for card evaluation will prevail. As always draft is £8 with a reduction of £2 per booster you supply and starts at 19:00.
Wednesday 14:00 to 22:00, B2.02 Science Concourse
Back to normal for boardgames this week, so it’s time to see who the real boardgames lovers are and who just turned up for free pizza and chocolate. There have also been multiple requests to get a game of diplomacy going, but due to its long nature it’s been hard to find players on the day. So, may I suggest using our boardgames Facebook group to arrange a time that is good for everyone before the event, as it would be great to see this amazing game get played.
Thursday 16:00 to 22:00, B2.04/5 Science Concourse
With a new set release comes a bunch of sweet new cards to add to your commander decks, and what better place to test those decks out than casual card games. If Magic isn’t your thing then why not get some games of Android Netrunner or Yu-Gi-Oh in instead, Thursdays really do have it all.
Saturday 12:00 to 22:00, Meeting in the Social Sciences Café
Another week and another new RPG has popped up on our websites event page. This time it’s a Call of Cthulhu game set in the fictional city of Arkham and with only two spaces left you better be quick. For those of you brave individuals who are preparing to run a campaign or one-shot then don’t hesitate to post it on the website’s events page, and you can even contact me directly to get it advertised in next weeks newsletter.
Sunday 12:00 to 18:00, OC0.06 Oculus
Well the weather finally defeated the LARPers, as last weeks LARP took place in the sanctuary of OC0.05. So, in order to make sure that our LARPers are never defeated by anything again, we had a weapons training session with special guest Robert. I’m sure you can’t wait to put your new skills to the test on Sunday.
One Wednesday we were joined by our sponsors TPP at our regular boardgames session. We hope everyone involved had a great time (although that’s not hard when there are 30 free large pizzas on offer) and that those interested in finding out more about our sponsors got the info they needed.
TPP are a healthcare company striving to achieve the concept of "One patient, one record" not just in the UK, but all around the globe.
They are currently recruiting Software Developers, Analysts, Account Managers, Technical Operations and Communications Managers. They also have a Summer Internship in Software Development, for students who will be going into their final year of study.
Visit for more information.
Thanks for reading,
John Humphreys (Communications Officer)
Society Website:
Society Facebook Page:
Board Games Facebook Group:
Card Games Facebook Group:
Wargames Facebook Group:
LARPs Facebook Group:
RPG Facebook Group: