2018/19 Term 1 Week 0 Exec Meeting Minutes

Avatar for morrowkei Ares ( morrowkei )

Posted 6 years, 4 months ago

You can view the full powerpoint minutes for this meeting here:

This meeting was conducted on 26/09/2018 at 1200 in B2.02

Exec Present
Nigel (Pres.)
Ares (Sec.)
Patrick (Boardgames)
Alisdair (CCGs Ass.)
Josh (CCGs)
Aleksa (Draft)
Ash (Web Admin.)
Finnbar (News Dude)
Callum (RPGs)
Jakub (LARP)

Exec Absent - Apologies
Jon (RPGs Ass.)
Timothy (Quartermaster)

Orders of Business:
1. Advertisement orders
2. RPGs
3. Board Games (inc. B2.02 storage)
4. Hoodie orders (inc. what we release to the soc members and when)
5. Discord
6. Exec Handover Document

1. Advertisement Orders
Info/To Discuss:
○ Ran out of business cards and flyers at socs fair
○ Order more business cards (double sided) + order updated generic business cards for Open Day socs fairs?
○ Need to get LARP and Wargames posters printed
○ Need to get our already printed posters up around campus

○ Order another 250 timetable business cards
○ Sort out generic business cards later
○ Flyering has already been done
○ Suggestion to write “check rooms on our website” on future advertising

2. RPGs (welcome week) - Callum
Info/To Discuss:
○ Numbers/locations
○ “Get to know your DM” prior sessions (Callum’s poll)

○ Talk to the SU about rooms etc today (try and get meeting rooms as extras)
○ “Talk to your group about expectations beforehand” - Patrick can give a mini speech as welfare officer
○ Arrange with individual DMs about prior sessions (Callum)

2.2 Ad Hoc - Drinking Socials
Info/To Discuss:
○ This is a topic we need to bring up in the next few weeks

○ Don't reply/talk to the person who approached us at socs fair from Assembly (agreed it was somewhat suspicious)
○ Put a preliminary post up on the exec group about drinking social possibilities (Patrick)

3. Board Games and B2.02 Storage- Patrick
Info/To Discuss:
○ Now that Asa and Ross have left, we’re missing a chunk of boardgames
○ Order list needed
○ Quantum is high on priority list for obtaining
○ And we need a generic copy of monopoly probably?
○ Moving over old boardgames to Westwood and moving larp kit into B2.02
○ Progress on B2.02 locks? (want to also store a small amount of draft stuff in there but can't until it's lockable)

○ Alisdair is donating a generic monopoly
○ Organise between Patrick, Nigel, Ares and Jakub the LARP kit
○ Clean out leftmost cupboard in B2.02, get rid of old banners, use that for LARP
○ WE NEED A DEFINITIVE INVENTORY NIGEL (explicitly including games people have lent us)
○ Paper copies of inventories B2.02 and Westwood
○ Nigel needs to talk to Rashida about locks

4. Hoodie Orders
Info/To Discuss:
○ What you owe is now on a spreadsheet that Dan has posted up in the exec group! Pay it!
○ Jakub and James SF lost out on hoodie order, so can put them in next order
○ What are we going to be offering the rest of the society in the way of an order?
○ We are definitely doing a member order
○ Should purple remain exclusive to exec or not
○ And how are we doing it? (i.e. payment method)

○ Think about the talking points, we’ll bring this up next week
○ So if you’re opinionated, turn up next week!

5. Discord and Website
Info/To Discuss:
○ (Josh) Having exec name and role be explicit on our discord - should this be required for any exec on the discord?

○ Want to make the discord a place where people can ask the exec questions and get a response - having names/roles facilitates this
○ Need to make sure that there’s an amount of new exec willing to moderate the discord when handover happens
○ Try and find Dan’s minutes on the previous discord discussion (Ares)
○ Check the constitution and see whether it is required
Addendum: You can now add photos of yourself on the website - PLEASE DO UNLESS YOU HAVE A VALID REASON - REQUIRED BY CONSTITUTION

6. Exec Handover Document
Info/To Discuss:
○ Ares wants there to be a full handover document by the time the next exec handover happens, as we’ll probably have a huge changeover in exec members.

○ Inc. your experiences and what you want to change
○ Write down everything you had to do before term started
○ Create a google doc to start this on (Ares)

Next Meeting:
○ Try for Friday Week 1
○ Rundown of welcome week
○ Hoodie Order
○ Drinking Socials
○ Discussion for future meeting about online storage

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