You can view the full powerpoint minutes for this meeting here:
This meeting was conducted on 31/01/2019 at 1300-1400 in S2.81
Exec Present:
Ares (Sec.)
Nigel (Pres.)
Patrick (Boardgames)
Finnbar (News Dude)
Callum (RPGs)
Alisdair (CCGs Ass.)
Jakub (LARP)
Josh (CCGs)
Jon (RPGs Ass.)
Nathan (Treasurer)
James SF (Wargames)
Exec Absent:
Tim (LARP Ass.)
Ash (Web Admin.)
Aleksa (Draft)
Orders of Business:
1. AGM
2. Quiz
3. Follow up to last week's confidential issue
4. PG presence
5. LARP/Society camera
6. Commander tournament
Info/To Discuss:
- Hoodies have been paid for and the order is in progress. The forecasted shipping date is Monday.
- Any game design update? (Finnbar)
- Any Zatu update? (Finnbar)
- Exec handover doc:
a. Nathan: need to finish your section
b. Still need to contribute: Ash, James SF, Aleksa, Patrick, Jakub (to HSO specifically)
- I’ll keep people updated in the chat as this progresses; when the hoodies ship, I’ll put announcements out on our various social media platforms and/or get Finnbar to put details in the newsletter.
- No game design update (Finnbar will attend exec meeting tomorrow)
- Replied to email, sent prices for the 2 new board games and will get an invoice soon; also, they are sending leaflets in time for tabletop weekend.
a. Price comparison with amazon for interest?
1. AGM Update
Info/To Discuss:
- I’ve created a slide in the drive to advertise the AGM. Please display this on the projector at ALL the events we host from now on (where possible). It’s super important!
- So far in the 2019 AGM thread:
* President: Callum
* Board Games: Josh Smith
* Treasurer: Benjamin McRae
* Timforce role in Discord
* Other roles in Discord
- Genuine question: do I (Ares) run for secretary again?
- It is unlikely I will know whether Warwick gives me an offer before the AGM (have an interview)
- If I do get the offer, all is well. I’d love to continue my role.
- If I don’t get the offer, I can perform the role until the end of September (maybe longer if I don’t get a PhD elsewhere and my Master’s is extended a couple of months to publish stuff). Finnbar can step into my role from Comms, and an EGM could be done for a new comms officer?
- Do the goddamn handover document
- Nigel needs to research electronic voting for his motion
- Will talk to Indy about this
- I'll run for sec again, and make sure that the society knows the backup plan
2. Quiz
Info/To Discuss:
- Friday 08/03 (Week 9) 6-8pm OC0.01
- Need people to do rounds!
- I have 2 round ideas: “music” round and a fibbage based round
- So need ~4 people to volunteer
- Nigel, Callum, Finnbar, James SF
- Everyone who has volunteered, please get your slides to me by the Wednesday evening before the quiz (so I have Thurs and Fri morning to compile everything)
- Speak to John about bonus quiz round (Ares)!
3. Follow up on issue
There has been an update as to the confidential matter
4. PG presence
Info/To Discuss:
- Running of summer board games: need a solution as to who will run this in the future
- Nominate a PG rep (“Holiday Rep”) position that is responsible for running event(s) in the summer
- As well as events over christmas and easter
- Exec nominated position, not elected
- Wouldn’t need to be AGM’ed as we can already nominate assistant reps
- Doesn’t have to be one person, could be a team
- Potential consolidation of wargs and boardgames sessions during the holidays
- James is happy to run wargs this summer but will probably be gone by winter
- We'll action this when the next exec are elected
5. LARP Camera and other equipment needs
Info/To Discuss:
- It would be nice to invest in a society camera, particularly for LARP photos
- Can be used generally throughout the society for all our events
- Responsibility of the reps to take photos during adventures
- LARPers don’t often have smartphones during adventures; having a camera that everyone can just access on the fly in the battle bag would be a bonus
- Buy a new battle bag?
- Also need new storage for wargs/board games - i.e. suitcases
- LARP reps can do some homework on camera options vs smartphone photos, get prices/options etc
- Measure cupboards before buying new suitcases
6. Commander Tournament
Info/To Discuss:
- Polled some people from CCGs and came up with some responses to the idea of a commander tournament
- Point system (not just based on win-loss)
- Would rather avoid monetary prizes as that can lead to an unhealthy atmosphere
- Trial this concept during the latter part of this term without a prize
- Discussion for the future: alternatives to traditional prizes
- Newsletter shout out
Cake?? Everyone gets cake, but winner decides flavour?
Determination of a deck building “theme” for next term’s tournament
Next Meeting:
To Discuss (Focussing):
Next week
1. Tabletop weekend (Patrick)
2. Moving exec chat to Discord (Ares)
3. Star Wars collab (Nigel)