2018/19 Term 2 Week 4 Exec Meeting Minutes

Avatar for morrowkei Ares ( morrowkei )

Posted 5 years, 11 months ago

You can view the full powerpoint minutes for this meeting here:
This meeting was conducted on 31/01/2019 at 1300-1400 in S2.81

Exec Present:
Ares (Sec.)
Nigel (Pres.)
Patrick (Boardgames)
Finnbar (News Dude)
Callum (RPGs)
Alisdair (CCGs Ass.)
Jakub (LARP)
Josh (CCGs)
Jon (RPGs Ass.)
Nathan (Treasurer)
James SF (Wargames)

Exec Absent:
Tim (LARP Ass.)
Ash (Web Admin.)
Aleksa (Draft)

Orders of Business:
1. AGM
2. Quiz
3. Follow up to last week's confidential issue
4. PG presence
5. LARP/Society camera
6. Commander tournament

Info/To Discuss:

  1. Hoodies have been paid for and the order is in progress. The forecasted shipping date is Monday.
  2. Any game design update? (Finnbar)
  3. Any Zatu update? (Finnbar)
  4. Exec handover doc:
    a. Nathan: need to finish your section
    b. Still need to contribute: Ash, James SF, Aleksa, Patrick, Jakub (to HSO specifically)


  1. I’ll keep people updated in the chat as this progresses; when the hoodies ship, I’ll put announcements out on our various social media platforms and/or get Finnbar to put details in the newsletter.
  2. No game design update (Finnbar will attend exec meeting tomorrow)
  3. Replied to email, sent prices for the 2 new board games and will get an invoice soon; also, they are sending leaflets in time for tabletop weekend.
    a. Price comparison with amazon for interest?
  4. DO IT

1. AGM Update
Info/To Discuss:

  • I’ve created a slide in the drive to advertise the AGM. Please display this on the projector at ALL the events we host from now on (where possible). It’s super important!
  • So far in the 2019 AGM thread:


* President: Callum
* Board Games: Josh Smith
* Treasurer: Benjamin McRae


* Timforce role in Discord
* Other roles in Discord
  • Genuine question: do I (Ares) run for secretary again?
    • It is unlikely I will know whether Warwick gives me an offer before the AGM (have an interview)
    • If I do get the offer, all is well. I’d love to continue my role.
    • If I don’t get the offer, I can perform the role until the end of September (maybe longer if I don’t get a PhD elsewhere and my Master’s is extended a couple of months to publish stuff). Finnbar can step into my role from Comms, and an EGM could be done for a new comms officer?


  • Do the goddamn handover document
  • Nigel needs to research electronic voting for his motion
    • Will talk to Indy about this
  • I'll run for sec again, and make sure that the society knows the backup plan

2. Quiz
Info/To Discuss:

  • Friday 08/03 (Week 9) 6-8pm OC0.01
    • (room booked 5-10pm)
  • Need people to do rounds!
    • I have 2 round ideas: “music” round and a fibbage based round
    • So need ~4 people to volunteer
      • Nigel, Callum, Finnbar, James SF


  • Everyone who has volunteered, please get your slides to me by the Wednesday evening before the quiz (so I have Thurs and Fri morning to compile everything)
  • Speak to John about bonus quiz round (Ares)!

3. Follow up on issue
There has been an update as to the confidential matter

4. PG presence
Info/To Discuss:

  • Running of summer board games: need a solution as to who will run this in the future
  • Nominate a PG rep (“Holiday Rep”) position that is responsible for running event(s) in the summer
    • As well as events over christmas and easter
    • Exec nominated position, not elected
    • Wouldn’t need to be AGM’ed as we can already nominate assistant reps
    • Doesn’t have to be one person, could be a team
  • Potential consolidation of wargs and boardgames sessions during the holidays


  • James is happy to run wargs this summer but will probably be gone by winter
  • We'll action this when the next exec are elected

5. LARP Camera and other equipment needs
Info/To Discuss:

  • It would be nice to invest in a society camera, particularly for LARP photos
    • Can be used generally throughout the society for all our events
  • Responsibility of the reps to take photos during adventures
  • LARPers don’t often have smartphones during adventures; having a camera that everyone can just access on the fly in the battle bag would be a bonus
  • Buy a new battle bag?
  • Also need new storage for wargs/board games - i.e. suitcases


  • LARP reps can do some homework on camera options vs smartphone photos, get prices/options etc
  • Measure cupboards before buying new suitcases

6. Commander Tournament
Info/To Discuss:

  • Polled some people from CCGs and came up with some responses to the idea of a commander tournament
    • Apathetic to positive?
  • Point system (not just based on win-loss)
  • Would rather avoid monetary prizes as that can lead to an unhealthy atmosphere


  • Trial this concept during the latter part of this term without a prize
  • Discussion for the future: alternatives to traditional prizes
    • Newsletter shout out
      Cake?? Everyone gets cake, but winner decides flavour?
      Determination of a deck building “theme” for next term’s tournament

Next Meeting:
To Discuss (Focussing):

Next week
1. Tabletop weekend (Patrick)
2. Moving exec chat to Discord (Ares)
3. Star Wars collab (Nigel)

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