Term 3 Adventure Summaries

Avatar for MagicalStardust Jakub ( MagicalStardust )

Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

This thread will contain brief overviews of all the adventures taking place during Term 3 of LARP 2018-2019. Any posts made in this thread that are not an adventure summary will be removed.


Avatar for MagicalStardust Jakub ( MagicalStardust )

Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

Week 1 - The Grim Months Ahead

After suffering defeat in Arbosa's jungle thanks to the intervention of Psijgn Yvern and Dr. Nightscream, Morgan Simnel has retreated into his study and the Warden presence in Dimbernel has begun to shrink even further. In the wake of constant bandit, fragment and animal attacks the Expedition Leader of Pellas (the largest Aestas colony) Marcus enlisted the help of the aforementioned mad doctor and Arbiter Isaac in forming an armed citizen league to defend the colonies from further dangers. The pair set out with the task of convincing the leaders of the major Aestas colonies to gather in Pellas to discuss joining forces.

Nightscream and Isaac first headed to Korinias to talk with Auriel Beauregard, the militaristic swordmaiden leader of the colony and hardline Aestas patriot. Along the way they were ambushed by wolves but their skills combined with a timely intervention from the unnamed Skoi Death Mage helped them prevail. The latter decided to join the party and they reached Korinias as a group of three, requesting an audience with Auriel. Whilst Nightscream busied himself with explaining the merits of various animal-based organ replacements to the local warriors, Isaac and the Skoi cultist easily convinced Auriel to help form the defence force.

The trio set out for their next destination, the secluded colony of Luminas buried deep within the eastern forests. After some difficulties the party managed to reach their destination and meet Luminas’ figurehead and spiritual leader, Kythe Spirithost. Kythe expressed sympathy for the party and Marcus’ cause but refused to leave his people to their own fate unless the adventurers would be able to return the kidnapped guardian spirit of Luminas. Learning that the spirit was bound and taken by bandits, the three set off in hot pursuit and after a somewhat unsuccessful attempt at an ambush managed to bring them to justice and retrieve the device the spirit was trapped in. With Luminas’ guardian looking over the colony once more, Kythe was happy to leave for Pellas as soon as possible.

The party’s last destination was Renias, a colony led by the cheerful and wise pixie Professor Pennyworth. The journey to Renias went without a hitch but some trouble started brewing once the party located Pennyworth’s Academy in the middle of the colony – having decided to enter the premises on his own, Dr. Nightscream overheard a lecture on the merits of safe medical practice and felt compelled to give his own opinion. After hearing his name in the middle of the heated conversation, his fear reflex caused the scientist to break through the classroom window and fall from four stories with the unnamed cultist following after for reasons unknown. Fortunately, the exasperated but determined Isaac was able to talk the party’s way out of the situation and convince Pennyworth to come to Pellas as soon as he was finished with investigating this bizarre scenario.

With all the figureheads now headed to Marcus, the party decided to return as well and preside over the discussions. Immediate tension started brewing as Auriel Beauregard’s calls for excluding non-Aestasi from the organization conflicted with Pennyworth’s desire for an equal empire for people of all backgrounds and homelands. The party was able to step in, however, and provide sufficient arguments to convince Beauregard to temporarily ease up on her stance whilst the big threats of the Hollow plague and rampart fragments remain – thus, the Aestas Citizen Defense Protectorate was born.


Avatar for MagicalStardust Jakub ( MagicalStardust )

Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

Week 2 - We Are Legion

Having acquired the means of controlling people afflicted by the devastating Hollow disease, the Nameless cultist was driven by cryptic visions and boundless machinations towards the city of Aestas where most of the infected dwell. Picking up a few stray Hollows along the way there, the cultist reached the city and found it on the verge of collapse with fragments still running wild, the disease spreading faster by the day and gangs of thugs under the banner of the paramilitaristic "Aestas First" running rampant with no-one to stop them.

The cultist's first destination was the quarantine zone on the other side of the city, where the vast majority of the Hollows were kept. Infected fueled the cultist's ranks whenever he encountered any along the way, forming a small but deadly force capable of ripping a man to shreds at a moment's notice. From one of the passerby petty thieves, the cultist learned that the quarantine zone they were headed towards was coincidentally unguarded thanks to the sudden disappearance of the Warden in charge of it, Captain Carroc. After thanking the thief with death by plagued horde, the Nameless broke into the quarantined area and took control over almost all the Hollows in Aestas. The small band was now an army.

With his newfound legion of obedient puppets, the cultist turned his attention towards gathering weapons and armor for the horde. Setting off on a looting spree, the army of Hollows ransacked abandoned Warden storehouses and garrisons for any usable equipment until the cultist came across one that seemed to contain people. Inside was Captain Carroc tied and gagged by a pair of Aestas First goons. Guided by his visions, the cultist decided that Carroc was too important to the timestream and came to his aid. Although confused by the Hollow army, Carroc was grateful for the aid and figuring that there was little use in trying to fight the cultist and his horde, asked the cultist to bring any Wardens still loyal to him and Aestas to the guardhouse.

Having collected a suitable amount of armaments, the cultist prepared to leave. Along the way the army encountered the Aestas prison under siege - the prisoners having taken over in all the pandemonium and exchanging pistol shots with the Wardens still trying to keep order in the city. For reasons only known to him the cultist intervened, sending his obedient Hollow troops to easily quash the would-be rebellion and subdue all of the prisoners. Identifying the Wardens as underlings of Carroc and Aestas loyalists, the cultist sent them to the captain before taking his army and heading out of the city. Aestas was left scratching its' head at the sudden disappearance of all the Hollows, and hoping that the removal of almost all the infected would hamper the spreading of the disease.


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