šŸ—³ AGM: 2022 Edition (nominate yourself + suggest motions here)

Avatar for morrowkei Ares ( morrowkei )

Posted 3Ā years ago

Here we go again.

Itā€™s time for an Annual General Meeting (AGM) šŸ—³

šŸ’Ø Quick Details

šŸ“… Date: Wed 2 Mar (Week 8)
āŒš Time: 7-9pm
šŸ—ŗ Location: B2.02, Science Concourse
šŸ™‡ā€ā™‚ļø Returning Officer: Ares (outgoing Vice President)
šŸ“Ø RSVP: please RSVP to our Facebook event so we know how many people will be attending

AGM advert image

It's time for the society's most important event of the year. Without an AGM and elected exec members the society cannot exist, and therefore neither can the events we run!

So, to help the society function, we need as many members as possible to turn up, submit motions, run for exec roles, and vote.

šŸ—ƒ If you have no idea how an AGM works, or if you want to read specifics, please see our newly updated AGM FAQ!

šŸ“… Important Dates

āš  Thu 17 Feb, 12pm: deadline to buy standard membership for those wishing to vote/stand in election/put forward motions
āš  Wed 23 Feb, 12pm: deadline by which constitution-changing motions must be put forward
šŸ“¢ Thu 24 Feb, 12pm: full AGM announcement (including constitution-changing motions) made
šŸ—Ø Wed 2 Mar, 7-9pm: AGM takes place!
šŸ—³ Thu 3 Mar, 12pm: voting opens
šŸ”’ Sun 6 Mar, 12pm: voting closes
šŸ“¢ Sun 6 Mar, 3pm: provisional results announced
šŸŽŠ Sun 13 Mar, 3pm: provisional period over, results now 100% valid! Yay!

šŸ—‚ Orders of Business at the AGM

  1. Introduction (including the rules of the mascot election)
  2. Society update
  3. Rundown of voting rules and procedures
  4. Motions
  5. Comfort break
  6. Exec nominations
  7. Any other business
  8. Wrap-up (including the result of the mascot election)

šŸ“› Becoming a member and verifying your membership

If you want to run for a position, suggest a motion and/or vote, you must be a member of the society 14 days prior to the vote opening. That would be by Thu 17 Feb, 12pm.

There are 2 main steps to this:

šŸ• Buy membership on our SU page

šŸ•‘ Verify your membership on this here website

  • Make sure you have an account on this website.
  • Log in to your account and go to Edit Profile, select the "Verify Membership" option, and follow the process
  • Note: if you've voted in any of our online elections before, you're gucci, you do not need to verify anything again!
  • Please make sure to verify your membership by the same deadline of Thu 17 Feb, 12pm. If you have membership but don't verify it before then, please let our Web Admin Finnbar know and they will be able to fix it manually - this is an irritating process for them though, so please be nice and do it on time.
  • If you have any queries about online voting, please let Finnbar know either by emailing them (su303@warwicksu.com) or messaging them on Discord (there's the #agm-2022 channel for that too).

ā˜‘ Requirement for the vote to be valid

Voting will take place between Thu 3 Mar, 12pm and Sun 6 Mar, 12pm on our website. You do not need to attend the AGM meeting itself to vote, but we highly encourage you to do so, so that you know more about who/what youā€™re voting for.

Quorum is ā€œa minimum number of votes needed in order for a vote to be valid.ā€ There are 2 quorums we can meet.

For elections and non-Constitution changing motions, quorum is as follows:

a. The first 100 Society or Club members shall be subject to a quorum of 10%.
b. Membership between 101 and 200 inclusive shall be subject to a quorum of 9%.
c. Membership between 201 and 400 inclusive shall be subject to a quorum of 8%.
g. The quorum calculations in a) ā€“ f) are cumulative and the total shall be rounded up to the nearest integer.
h. The minimum quorum for any Society election is 5.

For Constitution changing motions:

1. The quorum for all Society and Sports Clubs constitution changes shall be the cumulative total of Quorum 1. a) ā€“ f) in ā€˜Club and Society Election Appendixā€™ multiplied by 1.5 and then rounded up to the nearest whole number.
2. The minimum quorum for any Society or Sports Club constitution change is 8.

As of 15-01-2022, we have a membership of 177. For this number, our basic quorum is 17; our constitution-changing quorum is 26.

If we donā€™t reach the minimum number of votes, the subject of the vote is not valid, and we will likely have to run an EGM (Emergency General Meeting) to perform the vote again, which is not very desirable as it is a further drain on everyoneā€™s time. So, if you can vote, please vote!

šŸ™Œ Running for an exec role, suggesting motions, voting

If you want to run for a position, suggest a motion and/or vote, you must be a member of the society 14 days prior to the vote opening. That would be by Thu 17 Feb, 12pm.

I strongly recommend that you read our newly updated AGM FAQs for guidelines before nominating yourself or proposing a motion. That is the thread where you should post any questions you have about the AGM; please keep the comments on this thread solely for nominations/motions for organisation's sake.

šŸ‘Ŗ Exec roles

Exec elections are how we nominate the exec for the next year (until the next AGM rocks around). Candidates will put themselves forward, give a short speech on why theyā€™re a good candidate, take any questions that the attendees have, and then members can vote on who they think is best for the role.

There are a number of exec positions you can run for, our current elected exec roles being:

  • President
  • Vice President
  • Treasurer
  • Communications and Operations Officer
  • Web Admin
  • Wargames Rep
  • Magic: the Gathering Draft Rep
  • Board Games Rep
  • Collectable Card Games (CCGs) Rep
  • Role-Playing Games (RPGs) Rep
  • Live-Action Role-Playing (LARP) Rep
  • Quartermaster

Please note that this list may change during an AGM due to motions passed.

There are several different ways you can find out more about an exec role:

  1. Talk to the current exec that performs the role! Contact them through Discord, or find them at an event;
  2. Check out our Exec page, where you can click the ā€œResponsibilitiesā€ underneath each bio to see what the role is responsible for doing;
  3. Read the relevant section(s) in our Handover Document, which is a guide written by current exec for future exec to read to learn more about what theyā€™ve got to do, how to do it, and general advice going forward;
  4. Read the newsletter in the lead-up to the AGM! Each week during Term 2, accounts will be given by the current exec on their roles and why you should nominate yourself for that exec role;
  5. Read our Constitution for the very official stance on what each exec is responsible for (warning: may cause brain melt).

šŸ“„ Motions

Motions are your chance to officially change things that the Society does in some way or another. They come in 2 flavours: motions that change our Constitution, and motions that do not.

Most motions you propose will require a change/modification to our society constitution, as this lays out how the society conducts its business. You can find the Society Constitution on our website; please make sure you read this before you propose a motion.

If a motion is proposed to make a change to the Society Constitution, we are required to give our members at least 7 daysā€™ notice of this motion. So we ask that you propose any changes to the Society Constitution at least 8 days before the AGM, i.e. by Wed 23 Feb, 12pm.

Examples of previous motions can be found in our forum threads for past AGMs/EGMs, which include motions such as:

  • On the renaming of Casual Card Games to Collectible Card Games
  • On Discord Moderation
  • On the appointed Equal Opportunities and Welfare exec positions
  • On Rule 5 of The Code of Conduct

Hereā€™s an example motion from the FAQs:

On Hats
The Society Notes:
1. That very few members routinely wear hats to games meetings

The Society Believes:
1. That hats are easily and cheaply obtained from many retailers
2. That hats add a jaunty air to proceedings, and encourage good cheer.

The Society Resolves:
1. To require each of our members to wear at least one hat during the boardgames.

If you like a motion but wish something about it to be changed, you can also suggest an amendment to said motion. The proposer of said motion will be responsible for accepting or declining this amendment.

šŸ§Š Mascot election business is to be conducted in an accompanying thread - please pop over there for all the info on that!

šŸ‘‡ To nominate yourself for an exec position, propose a motion, second a motion, or suggest an amendment to a motion, please reply to the forum thread below!

Avatar for finnbar Finnbar ( finnbar )

Posted 3Ā years ago

Hello! I have a motion to propose, but I have a few things to cover before that.

First of all, I am stepping down from exec this year. You're welcome to talk to me if you're thinking about running (especially for Web Admin, given that's where my most recent experience is) but are unsure or have questions! This ends my fourth year in exec (Co-op 2018-19, Vice President 2019-20, President 2020-21 and Web Admin 2021-22), so I have a fair idea about the running of the society and its exec and can likely answer any more general exec-related questions.

I'm sure you'll hear a lot of "run for exec it's great" testimonies over the coming weeks, but I will add to them here anyway - being able to help run such a wonderful society has absolutely been the highlight of my time at Warwick. I've been involved in everything from megagames to escape rooms to Tabletop Radio, and while it has predictably been busy at times, it has still been a joy. If you're thinking about running, genuinely consider it and try it out - you'll have the support of the society behind you while getting to contribute to the fun it provides.

Secondly, I will be responsible for running the online vote this year, as current Web Admin and the person that tested Anna's voting code. So, if you have any issues with the online vote - whether it be verifying your membership, the voting process or something else, please let me know! The best way to contact me is via Discord (finnbar#1659) but I will also try my best to keep my eye on any messages received here.

Finally, here is the final Fast and Finnbar poster. I hope you enjoy it. Run for exec.

Fast & Finnbar 5
(If you're confused you can take a look at the previous Fast & Finnbar here.)

With that, let's get on to the motion I promised. This motion redefines the focus of the Web Admin role from writing more website code to a more general technical role - keeping the website's content updated but not necessarily writing new features for it, alongside generally working with the society's technology.

On The Web Admin Exec Position

(Note: there is a version of this motion which renders slightly more clearly on Google Docs.)

The Society Notes

  1. The Constitution currently lists the duties of the Web Admin as follows:

    4.5.3 Web Admin
    .. 4.5.3.a The Web Admin shall maintain the Society website, including the removal of spam posts and accounts.
    .. 4.5.3.b The Web Admin shall add additional functions to the Society website as necessary.
    .. 4.5.3.c The Web Admin shall work with the RPGs Rep to ensure the Events page is accurate.
    .. 4.5.3.d The Web Admin shall lead the management and moderation of the Society Discord server.

  2. The technology used by the Society has greatly expanded since this section of the Constitution was written - as well as the website, the Society has its own Discord bot and has started streaming on Twitch. To quote Anna, last yearā€™s Web Admin [1]:

    The Web Admin is a surprisingly varied and complex role. Youā€™ll find yourself doing everything from the obvious (such as fixing website bugs) to the surprising (such as spinning up an emergency minecraft server to save a broadcast). Being Web Admin also provides the perfect opportunity to get involved with all of the events run by the society, providing assistance from a technical perspective to escape rooms and megagames alike.

  3. In every year since the Web Adminā€™s inception, only one candidate has ever stood for election for the post.
  4. The day-to-day running of the website requires zero code, and yearly the website requires only a little code to maintain. [2]
  5. Society software is not solely developed by the Web Admin, with old Web Admins and other graduates helping write new code for both the website and the newly-developed Discord bot Tablebot.
  6. Other societies call their equivalent role Tech Officer.

The Society Believes

  1. That the duties listed in Notes (1) no longer fully reflect the work of the Web Admin, and that these duties no longer reflect the sole title of Web Admin.
  2. That expecting a potential Web Admin to develop the website on top of the other responsibilities they have or have previously done - working on our Discord bot, being our Discordā€™s server owner and being responsible for other tech the society ends up using (such as Twitch in the case of Tabletop Radio) will lead us to having even fewer (so, given the past, zero) candidates for Web Admin. To have a chance of getting candidates for Web Admin in future, we need to reduce the skill set mandatory to the role and focus on general technological skills.
  3. That the website is stable and has a good number of features, and while it could alway be improved, it does not need an exec member dedicated to its improvement. Tablebot is in a similar position. Also, there are a variety of individuals who would be interested in continuing to develop Society software.

The Society Resolves

  1. To rename the Web Admin exec role to Tech Officer, and update any parts of society documentation (e.g. the Constitution and handover document) that refer to the Web Admin as a result.
  2. To change Section 4.5.3 as follows:
    • 4.5.3 Tech Officer
      • 4.5.3.a The Tech Officer shall be responsible for the running of the website, including (but not limited to) updating the timetable, maintaining the Events Page with the RPGs Rep, and adding new content.
      • 4.5.3.b The Tech Officer shall lead the management and moderation of the Society Discord server.
      • 4.5.3.c The Tech Officer shall be responsible for other tech that the society uses where necessary - such as the development of our website if new features or fixes are needed - whether this is directly working on it themselves or through delegation to other qualified parties.
  3. To update the listed responsibilities of the Tech Officer (including on the Exec page and handover document) as follows. Additions are highlighted via italics, and removals are struck through - the simple way to read this is that "Maintains and improves..." is replaced with "Is responsible for..." and a few clarifying bits are added to two of the later points.
    • Maintains and improves the society website
      • Facilitates suggestions from exec and members as to how the website needs modifying
      • Facilitates bug-reporting and squashes any bugs that pop up
    • Works with various exec and members to ensure the website is updated with appropriate content.
      • Ensure Events are correctly updated and archived appropriately
      • Ensure the timetable (and associated google calendars) are kept up to date
      • Ensure that static pages, such as the Exec History, are kept accurate
      • Manage the moderation of the forum (in the rare cases that it is used), including spam removal and pinning
    • Leads the management and moderation of the Discord server, including the appointment of moderators
    • In cooperation with the Vice President, maintains the society google account, including the drive and calendar.
    • Is responsible for the rest of the tech that the society uses, whether that is directly improving it or delegating any necessary improvements. This currently includes:
      • Our website
      • Our Discord bot
      • Our Twitch channel
    • Maintain oversight of society GDPR compliance

[1] Term 2 Week 4 2020-21 Newsletter, A Osborn, February 2021, accessed via https://www.warwicktabletop.co.uk/newsletters/90/ on 4th January 2022
[2] How to Website Really Good, F Keating, January 2022, accessed via https://warwicktabletop.co.uk/website-good/ on 13th January 2022

Phew that was long

i'm free

Avatar for nasenbaer23 Ben ( nasenbaer23 )

Posted 3Ā years ago

Right then, let's do this. Hi everyone, I'm Ben (he/they) (updated pronouns yay!) and I'm running for RPGs Rep this year.

Experience and skills:

Starting with society and RPGs-specific skills, I know a lot about different RPG systems, with my particular strengths lying in non-D&D games such as City of Mist, Dark Heresy and most recently, Night's Black Agents. Don't worry though, I'm also well versed in 5e D&D, having played and run multiple one-shots and campaigns. If you want an RPG suggestion, something explained or me to ramble vaguely about what I like/dislike about a certain system, Iā€™m always happy to do so.

Within the Society, even though Iā€™ve only been here a term and a bit, Iā€™ve involved myself in the running and organisation of events such as the collaboration with Autism at Warwick and the two Intro To RPGs weekends. Iā€™ve also learnt a lot in this short time-frame about the roles of the RPG rep and their assistants, mainly by asking questions and reading the relevant sections of the Big Handover Book (and the rest of it as well), so I think I have a solid grasp of what the role entails. As well as this, Iā€™ve got no fear of asking for help, so I can definitely learn and improve "on the job."

As well as these more specific skills, I have good leadership and communication skills. At school, I worked as a student-staff liaison for three years, both leading and working as part of a team. I have a track record of getting stuff done in said roles, most notably the implementation of a neurodiversity celebration campaign and a mechanism that is similar to Report and Support in my school. Finally, Iā€™m competent with PowerPoint/Slides and Excel/Sheets.


If elected to this role, I would:

Fulfil the responsibilities, obligations and duties of RPGs Rep to the best of my ability, as set out in the Constitution and other official documentation. Grappling with the room booking system, organising, and supporting DMs/GM/whatever the system calls them, planning and organising events (Big RPGs Weekend, Halloweek and Intros, as well as anything else that comes up) and generally continuing the incredible work that Oli, Lap and other RPGs-exec of the past have done.

Continue the RPGs factionā€™s focus on all RPGs, not just Dungeons and Dragons. I would do this by publishing a bi-weekly writeup and explanation of a non-D&D RPG, starting with the ones that the Society owns. This would introduce people to new RPGs and hopefully lead to people trying (and enjoying!) new games.
However, D&D is the most popular RPG in the world for for a reason, and I would also investigate ways to continue supporting D&D within the society, including new resources and materials. My biggest idea for this (which I had today 28/02/2022) is an LFG Event

Look for more opportunities to collaborate with other societies. The overwhelmingly positive feedback the Autism at Warwick event got means Iā€™m keen to keep developing that relationship between the two societies as well as exploring more possibilities.

Support and work with the other exec. Iā€™m more than happy to do whatever needs doing, whether that be booking rooms, drafting emails doing complicated inventory things or any other miscellaneous tasks that just need people to come and be told what to do.

Be a friendly face around the society and in the Discord. Iā€™d like to think that Iā€™m kind, friendly and at a push, funny. Always happy to talk about all things RPGs, as well as other interests or just chat about uni life, good and bad.

And finally- continue the recent trend of RPG-related exec going by three-letter names (Oli, Sol, Lap, Jonā€¦Ben?) Strange coincidence, but one that made me laugh a lot.

Thank you for reading this far into a post that was written waaay too early in the morning, and for your consideration. Canā€™t wait to see you all at the AGM! šŸ˜Š

i have been consumed by the SU regs send he-sound of paper eating a person

Avatar for ArtemisForest Lils ( ArtemisForest )

Posted 2Ā years, 12Ā months ago

Hiya, you maybe know me as Lils (or Artemis if you know me from discord) (and honestly that name may change whoā€™s to say) (also my pronouns are they/he) (donā€™t worry, if I get co-op I wonā€™t use this many brackets in the newsletter probably) and Iā€™m a second year Liberal Arts student running for Co-Op Officer.

This society has basically single-handedly[1] got me through my uni experience so far and I am incredibly grateful for all the work that past and present exec have put in and for all the awesome people Iā€™ve met via events and the discord.

I hope that by running for exec I can have the chance to give back to everyone as well as to be part of what makes soc such a welcoming and fun environment for members new and old.

In terms of qualifications, as a Liberal Arts student I have the power to do any art (as long as you are liberal with the definition of the words ā€˜doā€™ and ā€˜anyā€™ and ā€˜artā€™) which is useful because I consider both games and the newsletter to be 100% art.

Genuinely though, I do really enjoy writing and would love to get the chance to interact with even more society members and factions and share all your goings on with the rest of the soc.

With regards to my involvement with the society Iā€™ve participated in a bunch of RPGs (I absolutely love RPGs, with a particular love for gmless and/or indie ones) and I also spend a perhaps unadvisedly large amount of my time at boardgames and tabletop weekends. Iā€™ve also been involved in tabletop radio and run an indicecribably good quiz round.[2]

On top of that Iā€™ve been slowly infiltrating the exec via attending exec meetings throughout the time Iā€™ve been at uni so I have a fairly solid idea of how the society is run and the level of responsibility and organisational skills required for this role.

Fern has done an incredible job with the role this year and I hope that my contributions would be able to match up to the brilliance of faer insights, magic items, and the newsletter quest.

[1] Does anyone know how many hands the soc actually has??
[2] Citation needed. This is also a warning and/or promise that I make a lot of puns.

Avatar for Liam_0 Liam ( Liam_0 )

Posted 2Ā years, 12Ā months ago

Greetings all!

It is I, the great Liam O'shea.
(Disclaimer: use of the word 'great' is objective subjective)

Wait... who on earth is Liam?

For those of you who do not know me, my name is Liam (he/him), and I am a first year History student. I mainly frequent Wargames, and I am known by the current Wargames Rep as the guy with the legendary item: 'Bag of Infinite Space'. In addition to wargames, I also frequently attend boardgames, as well as being part of a variety of RPGs through the society. Attending a variety of the society's events has allowed me to learn new games and systems that I would otherwise have never heard of, and has inspired me to go into debt become more involved in different things such as Star Wars: X-Wing, Star War: Legion, as well as the Alien RPG system (introduced to me by the marvellous Oli during Intro to RPGs). I have also been able to gain an insight into the roles of the faction reps, and what it takes to carry out the responsibility of the role.

The Tabletop Society was on my radar even before I arrived on campus for the first time, encompassing all of my interests and hobbies into one space where I could meet like-minded people. I have had the privilege of meeting many awesome people through the society, including my housemates for second year, and I hope to ensure that future members can experience this friendly and inclusive environment that I have become a part of.

Liam, get to the point.

This AGM, I will be running for the position of Wargames Rep, hoping to carry on the legacy of the current Wargames Rep, Jon.

So, why do I think I have what it takes to be the next Wargames Rep?

Other than being familiar with a variety of different wargames, and with the hope to learn many more, I have also attended nearly every wargames event that has occurred since the start of the academic year! You will most often be able to find me every Monday in B2.01 playing or watching some form of wargame.

In addition, I have talked with the current Wargames Rep to better understand the responsibilities of the role, as well as familiarising myself with the society's constitution, as well as the extensive handover manual. This has allowed me to gain a solid understanding into what responsibilities I would be expected to complete during my time as the Wargames Rep.

I have also had extensive experience when it comes to organising events outside of university life. I am a DM of not one, but two DnD groups, which involves a lot of planning and prep, as well as being a part of the Army Cadets in secondary school, which has given me skills in leadership that I believe will aid me in conducting the role of Wargames Rep.

A manifesto perhaps?

There are a few things I would like to do during my time as the Wargames Rep, which include (but are not limited to):

Creating an inclusive and friendly space. As the Wargames Rep, I would want to continue the work of the previous and current Wargames Rep to create a fun and friendly environment for people to come and play wargames, especially as a place to unwind after a long day/week of lectures and seminars.

Continue to promote a wide variety of wargames. While Warhammer 40k and X-Wing are certainly spectacular games, as the Wargames Rep I would also be constantly looking out for new or existing wargames to try, in addition to promoting the popular games played most often in the society.

Run more painting competitions. Being a part of Reylynn's painting competition this term has inspired me to take up painting my models once more. I hope to inspire new and existing members to do the same by running more of these style of events in the future, working alongside Reylynn to ensure each event is unique and engaging.

Run more hobby events. While the pandemic has prevented a lot of events from happening, I would aim to gradually start holding more hobby-based events again (Covid permitting) based around terrain making, mini-painting, or a simple get-together to do hobby related activities.

Be readily available to help new and existing members with any queries they have. As the Wargames Rep, I would be readily available on Discord as well as in-person on Mondays to help out with anything. Whether it be chatting about the latest rules errata, discussing tips on model making, or handling any issues that may arise, I will be more than happy to help out as soon as possible.

Be willing to do the weekly "It's that time again" post until it makes me lose my mind. Need I say anymore?

As a final comment, it should be noted that I also have an adorable cat at home in London, and as an incentive a bonus, I would strive to provide a plethora of photos of said cat to help give that weekly serotonin boost. Here is a sample photo for you to gaze upon:

Glorious Sink Cat

Thank you reading my lengthy post, and hope to see many of you at the AGM!

Avatar for crowphie sophie ( crowphie )

Posted 2Ā years, 11Ā months ago

Hi! I'm Sophie (she/her), and I'm running for CCGs Rep this year.

I'm a second year Maths and Stats student, although in hindsight I'd really be better off doing a computer science degree, and to get to the point, I really love card games. I've played Magic for a long time, although coming to the society I've probably played less than I have done for quite a long time previously, mostly because I've been playing lots of Netrunner! It's certainly a more niche game, but a ton of fun and a big part of me integrating properly with the society - learning Netrunner online during welcome week of my first year was the thing that solidified this little club as something to definitely continue being a part of. I also really enjoy slightly more niche games that don't really get played within the society's CCG Thursdays, such as Flesh and Blood, Ashes Reborn, and Genesis.

I genuinely believe card games have something to offer for a lot of people. They're an oppurtunity to sit down and banter with friends across the table whilst playing friendly games; an oppurtunity for those with slightly stronger competetive streaks to flex their deck-building muscles as they put together cool new decks to impress and, hopefully, beat their friends with; an oppurtunity to learn a wide variety of new games and meet a great community of players who can see most weeks, if not each, and develop some really strong friendships and bonds. I think a lot of people get scared off of CCGs because they don't have a great reputation: they're known as expensive and complicated, with communities that love to whine and generally be unpleasant.

Whilst those perceptions aren't necessarily unearned in the wider world, the community we've got here is incredible. It's so friendly, welcoming, and inclusive, and excellent at teaching new players the ropes and making them feel welcome. There's definitely things we can do: our strong proxy-friendly policy lowers the barrier of entry to the cost of printing cards, but that can still be too much for some people! No doubt, there's things we can do to make CCGs an even friendlier place for all manner of players, but at its core the community here in Warwick Tabletop is so good and I just want to bring that to more people. There's a lot of people who haven't tried CCGs coming into university, and it's our job to show them that there's something for them here. Because again, I genuinely believe card games have something to offer almost everyone.

I love card games. Not just playing them, though that is obviously the best part, but learning and teaching them as well. I want to a friendly, known face around the society for newcomers (whether freshers in the university, or older students who've just joined for the first time), happy to sit down and teach people whatever they're interested in, whether that's Magic or Netrunner or something slightly more exotic (I might need to leave the YuGiOh to someone else!). If someone comes in with a system they already know and are looking for people to share a game with, I'm more than happy to learn how to play a new game and take them up on the offer. I originally got into Ashes because a friend of a friend was looking for people to play with. Conversely, a lot of my continued Magic playing over the years hasn't been at an LGS because there wasn't anything within reasonable distance of where I lived, instead teaching friends how to play and getting them hooked.

But what would I actually do?
As CCGs Rep, by and large I'd be looking to keep things running relatively closely to how they've been for the past year. The return to in-person play has been much smoother than I might have expected, and it's great to be playing face-to-face again. I want to keep the weekly running of CCGs close to how it's been for the last year because frankly, it's been working. I would, however, want to run some more structured events. Our "Hack The Pumpkin" Netrunner tournament in Halloween was an absolute blast, and the new Modern league seems to have been really well recieved. I'd like to see more of these things throughout the year - certainly not constantly, but slightly more structured play for those who are interested. I'm not sure how active the eSports society's card game section is, but collaberative events with them also seem like a good thing to look into. If they've got people who have played card games online but haven't in person, either ever or just not recently, it's important they know that we're here and we'd love to have them.

You can find me on Discord at crowphie#9599 in the society's server. I'm active there and if you have any questions, please ask away - I'm more than happy to talk to people, whether they just want to chat, or if they have specific questions about me or the things I've written here. And please, if any of this has piqued your interest, please come along to CCGs and try it out - it's a lot of fun!

Avatar for AceEmpress Hannah ( AceEmpress )

Posted 2Ā years, 11Ā months ago

On Facebook and Groups

(Written by Fern, with thanks to Lewis, Finnbar, and Ares for proofreading and advising)
Motioned seconded by Lils.

The Society Notes:

  1. That in recent years the Society Discord has mostly supplanted the Facebook page as our primary social media platform, including for the event reps announcing of weekly events.

  2. That the Facebook groups see very little engagement and maintenance - most of them are very rarely posted on even by their relevant exec, and what posts are there see no replies.

The Society Believes:

  1. That the main Facebook page for the society still serves an important role as a central information hub for people not on our Discord, especially alumni and other non-students, and for communication with other societies.

  2. However, the burden on the exec of maintaining their respective Facebook groups outweighs the benefits of maintaining them given their engagement - even Wargames, the group with the most active rep and a weekly event that can require advance planning given members often bring their own models, sees no responses on Facebook groups but several on the Discord.

  3. The roles of the Facebook groups in organising events are now filled by the relevant Discord channels.

  4. The social media platforms or online presence of the society may change in future, and there is no need for the constitution, as a broad overview of society activities, to restrict future exec by specifying a platform.

The Society Resolves:

  1. To delete the Facebook groups.

  2. To replace all references to Facebook groups in the constitution (4.4.4e, 4.5.1.e, 4.5.2.c, in the descriptions of the Vice-president, events reps and Co-op roles respectively) with generic references to the societyā€™s online platforms.

Here, queer, filled with existential fear.

Avatar for Secundus Matthew ( Secundus )

Posted 2Ā years, 11Ā months ago

Iā€™m Matthew Phillips(he/him) (aka Pirate Matthew), and Iā€™m running to be your next


Those of you who come to LARP will already know about my passion for roleplaying in general and LARP in specific, but if you donā€™t: I am passionate about roleplaying in general and LARP in specific. On a more serious note, although I am active throughout many areas of the society, LARP is incredibly important to me and I hope to be able to keep it alive and operational to the best of my ability.

Keeping LARP Alive: My Manifesto
If elected, I will work to try and ensure that:

  • LARP continues to be a great experience for those who already come. I will endeavour to ensure that sessions and downtimes run as smoothly and are as engaging to play as possible, both through planning and organising adventures as well as ensuring the rules are well fitted for the number of players present.

  • LARP is inviting and well-attended. It is my belief that we should not view the falling attendance of LARP as inevitable, and I would work to try and advertise what we do both inside and outside of the society, as well as ensuring new LARPers feel welcomed and encouraged.
    LARP extends beyond just the weekly adventure. This will entail things such as running the murder mysteries as well as looking to collaborate with other societies on LARP-related activities. Even if we were to reach a point where the weekly adventure couldnā€™t be run, I would still hope to ensure that LARP is an important part of what we do as a society.

  • Everything ā€œbehind the scenesā€ is taken care of. In addition to performing all the duties of LARP rep, I will also do the job of the quartermaster should there not be one, and will of course be open to help out wherever else I am needed in the society.

  • The anti-LARP conspiracy is dealt with. I have been informed that there is no secret anti-LARP conspiracy, and that this is an absurd thing to put in a manifesto.

Thankyou for reading, and remember: come to LARP.

Thus, an ape may use any wrestling maneuver in combat if desired

Avatar for Tumbi Tobias ( Tumbi )

Posted 2Ā years, 11Ā months ago

My name is Tobias de Gromoboy and I'm running for the position of Magic: the Gathering Draft Rep.

What will I be doing as Draft Rep?

My goal is to run the magic draft/sealed events and to do everything in my power to drag as many unwilling friends along so that we always have a full pod. I have studied and played in limited formats for almost every set that has been released in the last 4 years and I have no intention of stopping!

Why me?

I just really love Magic. The draft environment is one that rewards skill and practice, putting every player on the same field, and it is through this inclusivity that I believe it to be one of the best formats. Additionally, if allowed I would be interested in hosting regular modern events and potentially some proxy Legacy events too if I can drum up enough demand. I have participated in many GP/Magic Fests and with a decent understanding of the rules, a good knowledge of a wide variety of sets and formats, and access to some very capable players to assist with any rules queries, I can get some really smooth and entertaining drafts going. I'll try to gauge the levels of interest regarding various sets and set these up accordingly while greatly valuing any feedback and suggestions for further events. Rep or not, I look forward to seeing you all over some lovely shiny cardboard gaming and wish you all great luck in your pulls.

Thanks for listening


Avatar for TheRealLap Lap ( TheRealLap )

Posted 2Ā years, 11Ā months ago

Hello, I am Lap (He/Him) and I will be running for RPGs Rep and CCGs Rep this year.

Who are you?

I am a 2nd Year Maths and Stats Student and the Assistant RPGs Rep for 2021-22. You would have most often seen me running/playing in a campaign, rambling in #rpgs and #rpgs-gm on Discord and hopping around during CCGs on Thursdays .
I am an avid fan of RPGs as they are not only a fun and enjoyable social activity but often allow one to explore themes and ideas in a friendly environment.
As slight competitive player, CCGs fulfill both my desire to fight my friends with unique flair and socialising with others with a common interest, hence you will often see me playing commander or other multiplayer formats.
I was first dragged into this Society by a friend[1], and as time progressed, it has integrated itself to become a core part of my university experience. It is also through that I made friends with people that I would never be able to otherwise and pushed through the very turbulent Year 1, and for that, I am truly grateful and wish to maintain this environment for those to come.

What is your experience?

As the assistant RPGs Rep from 2021 to 2022, I have learnt and fulfilled the duties of RPG Rep on numerous occasions like purchasing new pieces of equipment, promoting events, booking rooms and many more. Under the supervision of Oli (the current RPGs rep), I was given the opportunity to learn the inner workings of the exec team and have frequent liaisons with the other execs.
Whilst my RPG portfolio is currently limited, I have a lot of experience with D&D 5e, in recent times I have experimented with ideas and systems beyond my comfort zone [2] such as Blades in the Dark and have plans to go through other less well-known systems, namely DUNE, City of Mist and Paranoia.
I have also fulfilled my duty as an Exec in helping support the Running of the Society on several occasions, such as during society fairs and tabletop radio 2021.
I first started playing MTG back in 2018 and regularly played commander since then, I learnt YuGiOh in Year 1 and have recent dabbled myself in Netrunner.[3] During the past year, I have helped set up a CCGs night, indoctrinate introduced new players to commander and particpated in several different events.

Why are you running?

To continue maintaining this environment that I adore; to encourage others to partake in an activity that I found enjoyable and to make it more accessible to newcomers. The follow list is what I will do to achieve these goals.

As the RPG rep:

  • I will strive to organise a Big RPG in term 1, for it was the event that made me truly appreciate those who keep this society going and experience the joy of playing a part of a much bigger whole whilst accomplishing a wider goal. [3]

  • I will continue my efforts in improving the RPG loan and room allocating system. Including: organising the inventory, easing the room loaning process (Either by coordinating with the web admin to adapt the lending system or having a shared list of rooms for people to edit), adding descriptions to the items in our inventory and many more.

  • I will continue to pay astute attention to new RPGs to be added to our catalogue and events being run by the societyā€™s GMs and will aim to bring attention to them in addition to the website notifications usually in the form of summaries.

  • I will continue to fulfil my duties as an exec and those I inherit from being Assistant Rep. I will perform the additional responsibility ably and will endeavour to work with people both in and out of society to spread the joy of RPGs to others.

As the CCGs rep:

  • I will strive to install a proxy printing policy for CCGs, where the society regularly prints (if not, at least subsidies the printing cost) proxies for its members in support of casual play. This policy would ease new commers and Netrunner playing, and help introduce variety to games all while lessening the burden on its members. The exact detail will need to be liason with the Treasurer but it is definitely feasible within the faction's budget.

  • I will strive to form a closer bond and arrange more collaberation with Warwick Card Games(where a majority of our YuGiOh players are concentrated at), and hopeful introduce more new comers to the Dark Hole[4] that is YuGiOh. Collabration activity such as: History League games and many more.

  • I will perform the duties of CCGs Rep ably such as, paying astute attention to manage player expectations, run weeky session, supporting tournaments and other formats, teaching new players.

[1] Thank you Marc.
[2] Shoutout also to my players in Crimson Court (a high-level evil one-shot) for being amazing players
[3] Damn you Echilakk!
[4] Card id: 4342

Everyone should have at least one plushy!

Avatar for AceEmpress Hannah ( AceEmpress )

Posted 2Ā years, 11Ā months ago

Greeting to all you esteemed tabletoppers and members of Wargames who aren't yet convinced they shouldn't coup me alike! I'm Fern, or Hannah Collins (she/they/fae), a second year Chemistry student who you may recognise from editing announcements, wearing the world's coolest labcoat to society events, or being the resident newsletter gremlin. This AGM I'm running for President and Vice-President!

Why am I running?

I've been an active member in Tabletop almost since before I joined the uni - my first encounter with the society was as very nervous barely out trans person at an open day in a long hoodie and noticing Finnbar was wearing a pronoun badge on the society's stall - and now, two extra pronouns and a name later, I'm here. I want to continue giving back to the society that has defined and carried my university experience even through the weird and stressful pandemic years, and through which I've made so many good friends and stories. The society is a space where I can unapologetically be myself, and I want to do as much as I can to ensure others feel the same and to ensure it remains a welcoming and inclusive community.

My Goals

As President

  • Possibly (COVID, interest, and other exec's willingness permitting) run a megagame!
  • Continue running collaborations with other societies, taking lessons learnt from the ones I've been involved in or adjacent to, and try to deal with the recent attendance issues. (My current approach/plan is where possible, organise and advertise early to ensure people don't already have commitments on the day, combined with anything else covered in the next exec meeting.)
  • Work to increase attendance (and especially look into barriers to attendance) at some of our less attended events, such as LARP.
  • Working with relevant reps to give assistance to areas of the society that need it.

As Vice-President

  • Continuing to maintain (and possibly improve) the organisational work Ares has already done - doodle polls, providing a list of goals pre and post exec meetings, and creating the collabs channel in the exec server.
  • Investigate options for smaller-scale check ins/organisational systems between exec meetings. (Even if that's as simple as a reminder post a day or a few days before each meeting to check in.) This means that in instances where thereā€™s nothing or very little to report (e.g. waiting for orders/external collab bits), less exec meeting time is used, and to try and avoid those mid-meeting moments of ā€œoh shit that thing that I was meant to doā€. Given how often our exec meetings overrun, any time saved adds up. This also allows for flagging up potential issues before the meeting so we can more effectively focus on resolving them.
  • Working with the President to implement their more complex plans, especially for larger events
  • Being a spare pair of hands where needed.

My Qualifications

  • Being co-op this past year has given me a lot of insight into and experience the inner workings of the society, both in terms of how the exec functions and a broader appreciation of the different branches of it.
  • As a frequent CCGs and Board Games attendee, infrequent drafter and as someone who plays just enough wargames to not be at risk of a coup (Eventually I might not have Monday labs and then I might be able to make it to an in person wargames), my involvement with most of the society's branches helps me advocate for and understand its needs and introduce what we do to new people.
  • Iā€™ve subbed in for multiple parts of CCGs and board games events, as well as having helped out at tabletop weekends - my experience extends beyond simply being a player to also having a degree of organisation with how both our weekly and larger events are run and prepared for.

My history of memes achievements

  • Dabbed so hard my glasses fell off once.
  • The Gender Cube being the mascot was technically entirely my fault.
  • The Newsletter Quest - one of my favourite bits of writing that was born out of impulsively following through a suggestion someone made at a Tabletop Weekend.
  • I have a cool labcoat!

I hope to see you all at the AGM! (Also, if you're looking at this and thinking about running for a role, you totally should!)

Here, queer, filled with existential fear.

Avatar for Mars Mars

Posted 2Ā years, 11Ā months ago

Hi, I am Darcy(he/him), known as Mars in the society discord server. Iā€™ll be running for the position of RPGs Rep this year.

Marsā€™s Guide to Darcy

To those who have yet to meet me, I am a first year PPL (Politics, Philosophy and Law) student who plays way too many video games, plays Tau in 40k and occasionally plays airsoft.

Another key trait is that I am a friendly neighborhood Dungeon Master, Game Master and soon-to-be Keeper. I have run many different D&D campaigns over the past couple of years and Iā€™m a big fan of the one-shot system Ten Candles. These two games are where my expertise lies, however, I also have Call of Cthulhu and Mutants & Masterminds in the works and I am enthusiastic to learn any other system as and when it is needed or appeals to me such as the new Marvel Multiverse RPG.

D&D 5e is the most commonly played TTRPG and through my years of DMing campaigns such as Tomb of Annihilation and Curse of Strahd, I can provide a plethora of advice, assistance and resources to anyone who may need it. With over 1300 hours on Roll20, I can similarly provide help with anyone who needs it on the platform. I also have spent countless hours using the Homebrewery website to create homebrew documents and thus can provide those who are interested in generating their own content with help using that site.

I have experience as a Corporal in the Army section of the Cadet Force at my college where I received specific training in the management of groups and experience in communication within a large entity (such as the society) which would help me with the organization of both campaigns and RPG events such as the Intro to RPGs weeks which have been very successful in the past as well as help me in communicating with the other executives to keep the society thriving.

A final trait is my experience as both a bartender and caterer. This will help me in remaining focused and dedicated to my role even amongst the larger and more demanding events such as The Big RPG Day alongside being able to handle any issues you may face with a friendly attitude. I also have a lot of experience using excel/sheets and powerpoint/slides as well as Facebook, the room booking system (for my weekly d&d group), discord and some experience using the warwick tabletop website- all of which will come in handy for those admin parts of the role.

The Manifesto Manual

If elected to this role, I pledge to:

  • Promote RPGs throughout the society and university whilst fulfilling the duties of the RPGs representative.
    My passion for rpgs means that I want to encourage as many people as possible to try something new - whether itā€™s your first game of a ttrpg or youā€™re a veteran looking for a new campaign or system.
    I will ensure that the RPGs section of the society is in perfect condition to facilitate whatever rpg needs you may have. Ensuring reliable and clear communication with the other execs and whole society alongside the vigilant maintenance of admin-tasks will allow me to continue promoting the society and rpgs to both those inside the society and out of it.

  • Provide aid to all who run rpgs
    At times I have been running three active campaigns at once whilst continuing to run one-shots. I know just how chaotic and challenging being a Dungeon Master can be and thus will use my position as RPGs rep to elevate the abilities of others. This will be achieved through more frequent discussions in the GMā€™s channel in discord on weekly topics as well as facilitating a bi-weekly in-person ā€œcouncil of GMsā€ to allow for a healthy discussion of issues that are being faced, talk through concepts or ideas for your adventures and providing support to newcomers and veterans alike.

  • Push for involvement in all RPGs
    This pledge specifically is targeted at the duty to run my own rpgs to help others to play. Whether you want to try a new system, are unsure about rpgs or need to find a group to play with, I will do my best to open opportunities to enable your involvement in rpgs. Whether this means designing and potentially running a system for players whose schedules mean that attendance fluctuates or creating more events/one-shots to encourage the testing of new systems, I want to make sure that the role of RPGs representative properly represents rpgs.

  • Be Present
    The discord server and Facebook page are fantastic portals which allow swift and easy communication between the executives and the rest of the society. I know how fantastic it has been being able to quickly have any issues or questions Iā€™ve had be resolved by an enthusiastic and dedicated team of executives. I will continue this trend by ensuring that I am active on the societyā€™s social media platforms and will be available to consult on any rpg-related matter you may have.

Avatar for Lewis.P Lewis ( Lewis.P )

Posted 2Ā years, 11Ā months ago

Hi folks, I'm Lewis (He/Him) and I'm running for President of Tabletop Games and Roleplaying Society for 2022/23, as well as Vice President and Wargames Rep!

Who am I? I'm the current Assistant Wargames rep finally seeking to achieve the fabled Wargames Coup as well as a second and penultimate year Law student. I'm very active in the Society, attending both Wargames and CCGs weekly, in addition to running two weekly RPG campaigns!

I have a real passion for the society and all things tabletop; I'm a consistent competitor in the Wargames X-Wing tournament, an avid Netrunner player, a fan of board games from Abalone to Zenith, and I would be remiss to not list my 6 years of RPG experience (as well as the immense gratitude I owe my players for putting up with my nonsense on a weekly basis)!

As well as the society's weekly sessions, I have experience both running and playing the larger events the we offer, from my excellent (citation urgently needed) commentary in the Tabletop Radio X-Wing stream, to my participation in the collective fever dream that was Tabletopoly, to being a co-designer of the one-page RPG ā€œRedshirts and Rhyme Schemesā€ live on stream. I am also writing (or perhaps will have written, depending on when youā€™re reading this) a round for the Tabletop Quiz, and have run my ā€œIntroduction to Blades in the Darkā€ series of one-shots 3 times this year (3 for 3 on the players poisoning the guardsā€™ soup unprompted, which is a hell of a coincidence).

From an administrative standpoint, I am familiar with the inner workings of the society, having been on the exec for a year, and have taken on many roles during that time, including writing our new inter-society board game lending contract (and they said my degree wouldnā€™t help me until after graduation!), organising and planning Wargames tournaments with Jon and doing the dreaded morning shift at Tabletop Weekend (4am starts, the things I do for this society :P).

As far as more generally applicable skills go, my greatest strength is my reliability; I can be trusted to address any challenge or opportunity with diligence and care, giving it the time it deserves. I am approachable and friendly, and am always available to listen to the concerns of others, no matter how big or small. Finally, I am organised and dedicated, and would follow the current administrative trend of the society; things like exec meeting minutes are well handled at the moment, and I would strive to keep those as well-documented and as organised as they are now.

But thatā€™s enough about who I am, what would I do if elected?

If elected President or Vice President, my main focus would be on keeping the society as inclusive, accessible and welcoming to all as possible, and attempting to introduce even more people to the fantastic community this society has. I would do this by increasing awareness of all of the things the society offers to the wider university population by increasing the amount of advertising we do for our introductory events; Iā€™ve heard time and again about people who only joined because the society was recommended to them by friends from one of these events and are now loving it. The current exec have done a great job at making the society as inclusive and friendly as possible, and I want to expand upon that!

Another core part of why I am running is that I believe you all should be able to have a greater hand in guiding the society, and, if elected President or Vice President, I would institute and personally manage a small but more regular feedback system for our weekly events, to ensure everyone is having the best experience possible and that we, as a society, are living up to our membersā€™ wants and needs. I believe the best way for the society to grow and develop is with its members firmly at the forefront, and regular feedback that the Exec team can take on board is a very effective way of doing this.

Additionally, as long as I am on the exec team, I want to emphasise closer integration of the separate aspects of the society. In my tenure as Assistant Wargames rep, Iā€™ve seen many people, board games and CCGs regulars, show up to Wargames and get really interested in what the faction offers, and Iā€™m convinced that this is something that can be repeated in other aspects of the society in order to introduce existing members to other experiences the society offers. This would also have the added benefit of increasing attendance at our less attended events, such as LARP. I would do this by making this parallels between the various Society factions more obvious and promoted by the society, so as to encourage members to try out all of the aspects the society has to offer.

If elected Wargames Rep, I would run termly tournaments at the Tabletop Weekend, (to allow for longer games to have viable tournaments) and broaden the range of tournaments we already offer. I would also continue the current trend of painting days, and run these more often if demand stays high. Finally, I would broaden the number of accessible wargames the society offers, by adding games such as Skirmish and Battletech to our repertoire, which are both much lighter than games like 40K or Legion, and can be played completely with proxies. This makes them very affordable and not overly time-consuming, negating what are often the two biggest barriers to our hobby, and should bring many new players to the faction.

Thanks for reading my manifesto, feel free to get in touch, (Lewis.P#7804 on Discord) and I hope to see you at the AGM!

Avatar for ORCH1D Scarlett ( ORCH1D )

Posted 2Ā years, 11Ā months ago

She is the Queen of the CCGs,
Noble scion of Tabletop,
Now, time has come, she will run for more,
Scarlett J. Clark is her name!

Right, now the self indulgent silliness is out the way, hi! I'm Scarlett (she/her), I've been the CCGs rep and Welfare Officer of this here society for the past year, and I am officially announcing my intent to run for President, Vice President and Web Admin.

I have been in this society 2 years now, and, hoo boy, has a lot changed in that time. Having gone through being the scaredest of scared first years, finding my voice through a pandemic that both sucked but also allowed me to connect with people in a way I never have before, finding the power to redefine my entire existence, struggling to understand what "normal" was again, finding out what love means to me, and all the defeats and victories I've had against my own demons, this society has seen me through it all. If it wasn't for our amazing exec, especially certain senior members of that exec, none of it would have been possible. And now, it's time for me to take that experience, take all the lessons I've learned from the mistakes I've made, and bring it forth to share with others.

So, all this soppy stuff is all very well and good, but why vote for me? What am I actually going to do?

In terms of qualifications, of course, there's the fact that I've been CCGs rep and Welfare officer for the past year, as well as a moderator for the society. This has given me plenty of experience in handling issues within the society as well as doing things like organising events, helping out with some of the heavy lifting within the society*, and ensuring that both I and other exec members aren't overwhelmed and help is given when needed. I've also been involved in WISA, proofreading announcements and giving my opinion when needed as well as writing my own announcements on topics that I know well. In addition, while my main experience is within CCGs, I am also an avid wargamer (mainly 40k and X-Wing), enjoy showing up to Boardgames when I have the time, and have been known to both GM and play in the odd** RPG, as well as showing up to that 1 murder mystery that one time. So, I've got good basis in each of the factions. In terms of Web Admin, I'm a DM student who has been known to do some coding (I already made contributions to tablebot, and I made this thing which I still think is really cool.)

So what would I do? I'll break this down by role:


  • Be present within the society. Whether this is showing up to events, being active in the Discord or just always turning up to Exec meetings, I can vow that I will be around in some capacity to help event reps with stuff, be a welcoming face to new comers, or just hang out and talk shop.
  • Run collabs with other societies. We've always been a society that's keen to collaborate with others, and I'll be more than glad to carry that forward into my Presidency. I'd also always be looking to improve the way we provide collaborations so that the members of both our societies can get the most out of it.
  • Take pressure off of our event reps where I can. Particularly for CCGs rep and Wargames rep, it can be hard to manage running events and being the person to talk to about many different games. While I definitely don't wish to expand our exec, I think it's important to expand our web with more people who are active in the society so that all that pressure isn't so focused in one place.
  • Run more cool stuff. Megagame! Tabletop Radio! Escape Room! Other things? These are things I'll be looking to facilitate along with other members of the exec, as well as getting ideas from both our exec and our members to expand this selection.

Vice President

  • Be present within the society. See above!
  • Maintain the organisation of the society. Whether it's running exec meetings, being the owner of the Exec server, or just throwing up a Doodle poll for an event, I'll endeavour to keep things organised within the exec and the society as a whole.
  • Continue to work with WISA. We've had an excellent year with a slew of announcements made by various people of all types, and I'd be incredibly honoured to keep being a part of that and contributing where I can.
  • Working with other reps and the Welfare Officer to keep stress low. I know, very well now, how stressful being an exec member can be. It's hard to ask for help sometimes, and sometimes you only realise you need help when it's offered, and so I'll always have an eye on myself and others to ensure, as best as I can, that people don't get to boiling point.

Web Admin

  • Be present within the society. Multi-kill!
  • Continue moderating the Discord. Finnbar has done an excellent job as the head moderator of our Discord server over the past year, and, as someone who worked on the moderation guidelines and has done a fair amount of moderation myself, I'd be more than happy to continue that legacy.
  • Work with our developers to improve the functionality of Tablebot and the website. With the publicising of the society GitHub and the creation of the #computers-were-a-mistake channel, it has become easier than ever to collaborate on our digital tools, as well as to create more. While I may not always have the time to develop these tools myself, I will offer my insight to newer devs where I can, and keep testing and checking and maintaining code so that those tools continue to be useful.
  • Swiss Pairing functionality in house. So many of our tournament events use Swiss pairing, and I'd like to provide tools that make it much easier for event reps to do those Swiss pairings. I'm not sure what form this'll take yet, whether as a module for Tablebot or a way to generate Google sheets, but it is just an example of the little things I want to do to make our event reps life easier.

I recognise this is a lot, but I hope that, above all else, I have shown that I am passionate and willing to take on any of these roles. I just want to give so much back to the society that has given so much to me over the past year. So, if you have any queries or concerns, feel free to contact me @ORCH1D#3686 on Discord. And, most importantly, vote Scarlett!

*Both metaphorically and literally; the CCGs box is heavy ok?
**In both senses of the word (yes, I stole this from Finnbar, but, as they say, good GMs borrow, great GMs steal (I'm pretty sure this is stolen from Matt Coleville but this joke is already too meta))

Avatar for ObtuseRubberGoose Adam ( ObtuseRubberGoose )

Posted 2Ā years, 11Ā months ago

Hello everyone, Iā€™m Adam Gayner (he/him). Iā€™m a first year Computer Science student, and I am running for Wargames Rep this year. I am normally found at Wargames on a Monday playing 40k, flying TIE Fighters into asteroids in X-Wing or succeeding more one-dice blocks than is appropriate in Blood Bowl, although I have also dabbled in drafting (bulk rares) on Tuesdays, and would like to do so more often in the future.

What experience do you have?

In Sixth Form, I was the head of both Wargames Society and Esports Society, both of which have taught me valuable leadership and organisational skills. Leading Wargames involved running intro events for various games, organising the team for Games Workshopā€™s yearly School League and ensuring that everyone who attended felt welcome and included in the group. My positions as Head of Esports Soc. and Event Organiser for the DSH Esports Qualifiers tournament have given me the opportunity to run (and do admin for ā˜¹) events with upwards of 100 participants - all of whom were, according to themselves, "the best Meta Knight player youā€™ve ever seen" *.

In terms of actual Wargaming experience, I am an avid fan of Warhammer 40k/Age of Sigmar/Underworlds, X-Wing, Blood Bowl, A Song of Ice and Fire Miniatures Game, Gaslands and DUST Tactics (Rest In Peace).
I am also extremely interested in learning Star Wars: Legion and Star Wars: Armada to further support the Empire (re)take control of the galaxy (plus the minis are cool).

The Manifesto

If elected as Wargames Rep, I would:

  • Perform the duties of the position to the best of my ability, keeping the Monday wargames session accessible and inclusive to everyone, and of course making sure that everyone is having fun!
  • Be more than happy to answer questions and give introductions to any game I have experience with, or direct questions about other games to those who are better equipped to answer them. This is especially important for new society members or existing members new to wargames, and introduction games would always be a priority for anyone who wants one. Getting new players into the games which we love is what helps wargaming keep thriving, so anyone who wants to try out a game for the first time should feel welcomed into the group to do so.
  • Continue to make the online space a place to easily organise a game and correspond with others. This would include making the weekly announcement to see what everyone is bringing, and tying up loose ends for those who canā€™t find a game to prevent anyone travelling to campus to go without a match.
  • Run more weekend events ā€“ tournaments, painting sessions/competitions, terrain building/painting/repairing.
    • Tournaments on weekends (such as the most recent X-Wing tournament) are great, and I believe other games, such as 40k, are also suitable to this format, and would be very rewarding to participate in. I would ensure that any game with enough support for a tournament-style event would take place, and that the victor would be glorified appropriately e.g. The title ā€œChampion of Xā€ to be won/defended at regular events.
    • Those who know me will know that I am very passionate about miniature painting, and this is a passion I would like to share. After seeing how enjoyable everyone found the painting competition organised by Reylynn, I believe more painting competitions would be a great way to motivate more painting going forward.
    • For many of the most popular wargames played (namely 40k), terrain is of the utmost importance ā€“ and a fair amount of it is needed. As such, I would ensure that the societyā€™s collection of terrain is well-maintained (fixed and painted) and updated as appropriate. In order to keep the cost of new terrain low, I think we could channel the arts and craft essence of the hobby into a Terrain-Making Day, and create some exceptional mining gas pipes/ alien-goo refineries/ watchtowers/ graffitied walls out of nothing but everyday objects, plasticard, and some texture paint. **
  • Learn the game of your choice! I really enjoy learning and playing new wargames, so if you are super excited to play something but canā€™t find an opponent, I will gladly make it my mission to study the sacred texts of said game, and play you at it.

Wargames has really helped me to get settled into university in my first year, especially during a time when in-person interaction has been so severely limited. Getting to meet and spend time with people face-to-face on Monday evenings whilst doing the hobby which I love has made the adjustment much easier, and I would like to help other new members have that same experience.

Lastly I feel somewhat obliged to provide pictures of my twin cats - they are very social so would thoroughly approve of the attention.

I hope to see you all at the AGM!

*They werenā€™t.

**This might sound terrible but I can assure you from experience the results are really good!

Ave Dominus Nox.

Avatar for Shaadowmaaster Ike ( Shaadowmaaster )

Posted 2Ā years, 11Ā months ago

Greeting to all you! I'm Ike (they/he), a second year Discrete Maths student who you may recognise from being the treasurer in the past year, playing at various events - if mostly CCGs, and on the discord. This AGM I'm running for... Treasurer again!

My Goals

Keep a fair and transparent decision making process in place: As in past years, I will continue to collaborate with faction leaders to allocate faction funds as needed by the various factions

Maintain the smooth running of society finances: Respond to money requests in a timely manner and assist any new exec in putting together appropriate money requests

Relevant experience

Being the treasurer for the past year! I also think the experience I now have will be very important with Ares and Finnbar leaving the exec - particularly for major aspects like the SU money request and buying merch.

I hope to see you all at the AGM

Avatar for chippydovakiin Edward ( chippydovakiin )

Posted 2Ā years, 11Ā months ago


Hey howdy folks, Iā€™m Edward (He/Him) a third year student on a pure Maths degree. I also dabble in the occasional unrelated physics module, quite a bit of niche digital art, and archery. Iā€™d like to start by saying that my involvement with this society thus far has constituted my best experiences at Warwick Uni, at a time in my life where Iā€™m not sure what I wouldā€™ve done without it (at this point, Iā€™m not afraid to say that Cambridge was my only ever life goal, and failing in the final stage of the process was crushing, and that was far from the only difficulty I had faced at the time). Needless to say, this society means enormous amounts to many people, and has allowed me to make lots of friends I never wouldā€™ve otherwise. From MTG drafts in first year to an all online D&D campaign in second year and the mix of things Iā€™ve done this year, Iā€™ve had lots of fun and great memories with the society.

Anywho, youā€™re probably wondering what Iā€™m here to run for, and itā€™s three freakinā€™ roles- in order of preference: RPGs Rep, Treasurer, and CCGs Rep. Hereā€™s some words on each, so strap in and grab a snack, because this part is already longer than it should be for an intro-

RPGs rep

Much like the society itself, RPGs means a lot to people, but can do so in many different ways, and Iā€™d like to take you back to the primordial era of mid/late 2020 to express what it means to me. Iā€™d finally decided to join a D&D campaign, and just when I was enjoying the campaign and had a pretty good idea of how the game worked, something very unexpected happened- my frame of reference was absolutely destroyed. Like when you watch a cartoon you used to, and pick up on something totally different, or learn that Skyrim and Dark Souls have unique cutscenes you never saw for if you did things in an unlikely order- itā€™s a moment that captures a childlike sense of wonder, like ā€œWoah, thereā€™s an entire pound coin under my pillow where my tooth was! Iā€™m RICH!ā€ This moment was when our D&D party was out in the woods, travelling between towns and had to spend the night outdoors. In a random encounter on the road, we ran into a spooky ghost that aged multiple party members into old people out of fear. This blew my mind, was an amazing moment to play out, inspired my digital art, and my whole playstyle at that- such a feeling of wonder is what makes RPGs special for me.

As for what I will do as RPGs rep, first and foremost, I will uphold the responsibilities of the position to the best of my ability, ensuring that players old and new can learn about and play RPGs in a friendly, welcoming environment.

Other than that, Iā€™ll personally see to it that we not only have the resources to run RPGs, but one barrier people may face when wanting to get into RPGs is the lack of ideas for a world or character- should I be elected RPGs rep, I would encourage people to reach out to me should they need help brainstorming a world, character or finer detail- even just to offer a second perspective on their ideas, or suggest a zesty twist to keep the players on their toes. I want to help as many people as possible experience that fascinating sense of wonder that an RPG can offer, and would offer that I help provide ideas should they be needed.


Whilst I donā€™t have the kind of anecdote for my running for this role, I feel that a chance to give back to this society is something I value greatly, and you know what else has value? Money.

Jokes aside, I will endeavour to facilitate the running of each faction of the society monetarily, and ensure that the transparency former Treasurers have demonstrated is upheld.

CCGs Rep

As for my experience with card games, Iā€™ve been playing MTG since Return to Ravnica, and have played both drafts and commander with both the society and my local card shop back home. On top of this, Iā€™ve gotten into playing Netrunner at CCGs this term, which has been lots of fun and vastly different to the pacing of magic- Iā€™m eager to learn more card games in future and facilitating the playing of such in an approachable, engaging and accepting atmosphere.

In Closing

So thereā€™s some info about me and what ways in which I hope to bring to the table- if need be, in reference to recent events, this can be bringing the table itself! Iā€™d appreciate your vote, of course, but just vote for whoever you think would be best in each role- no pressure! (But, if I may pressure you to do something, itā€™s to stay hydrated!)

The closest I have to a cat picture is this ordinary Pikachu I drew for a Deviantart badge by "following a tutorial"- I would say his defining characteristics are how ordinary and Pikachu like he is:
a meowth disguised as a pikachu

Avatar for Alvis1218 Alvis ( Alvis1218 )

Posted 2Ā years, 11Ā months ago

Hey all! Iā€™m Alvis (they/them), a second year Physics student, and Iā€™m running for the Board Games Rep position this year.

Who am I?

You might have met me at board games sessions some Wednesdays, where Iā€™ve been having a blast learning so many new games and getting to know people there! Iā€™ve always loved board games but before coming to these sessions didnā€™t get much chance to play ones that were new to me, so with different games nearly every time itā€™s been a real treat. I also play D&D often and am a fan of RPGs in general (tabletop and otherwise), and canā€™t wait to try even more systems when I get the chance!

Why am I running?

In the weird limbo time when school was shut and I was waiting to see if Iā€™d make it into Warwick, I found the society and joined in on some of the online sessions that were running at the time. As someone whoā€™d only just properly figured out my gender, when I first saw the number of people with pronouns listed and the obvious support otherwise, it was very comforting and a big help in making me confident enough to arrive to uni out and proud!

While I didnā€™t get to do much relating to the society in my first year, I did get to know the current BGS Rep Alex and come second year Iā€™ve been around pretty often, sometimes helping set up/pack away. This has let me learn what the duties of a BGS Rep are and, to an extent, how to do them already. Iā€™d love to be able to help with the society, and this seems the best way to do it!


During year 13 I ran and organised a weekly discussion ā€œPurvis Societyā€ for all manner of topics and issues, for which I advertised each session and collated various reading material relating to that weekā€™s subject, as well as leading most sessions.

Iā€™ve learned the basics of what I would need to do from the current BGS Rep and have helped out where Iā€™ve been able, primarily at the weekly sessions.


If I am elected to become the Board Games Rep, I vow to:

Be present whenever at all possible, including at the weekly Board Games sessions, for Exec meetings, other events such as welcome week, and any time I may be contacted with a society-related matter. As long as itā€™s not the night shift on Board Games Weekends. (Who put that there? We all know my sleep scheduleā€™s usually non-existent and Iā€™ll want to be there anyway.)

Perform the other duties of the role as best I can, including board game lending, advertising the weekly sessions, deciding on and procuring new games for the society, and anything else that may be required.

Teach any game I have experience with, and to that end learn any game I know in advance people may wish to play for the first time.

Finally, thanks to the above posts, I now feel compelled to provide pictures of my cats too, from back in Abu Dhabi, enjoy! šŸ˜Š

Pickle and Toastie
Wookie, Toastie, Fizzy, and Pickle

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