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Posted 7 years, 2 months ago


Between terrain making all day Saturday and staying up all night playing videogames at CompSoc’s LAN event afterwards it looked like this week’s newsletter might not arrive on time, but this week’s events are far too important so I guess I’ll just have to suffer through it. “And what could be so important that our poor communications officer can’t get some well-deserved rest?” I hear you ask, well only the first weekend event of term. That’s right it’s the Tabletop Weekend and here are all the details you need!

Tabletop Weekend Week 5, 10am Saturday to 10pm Sunday, B2.02 Science Concourse
We have finally arrived at the first weekend event of term, the first tabletop weekend. So now feels like a good time to go in to a bit more detail as to what this will entail. Starting on the Saturday morning and running continuously through until Sunday night we will be hosting a mega board games session. This event will be completely drop in so feel free to turn up at any point its running or if you are feeling brave stay for the full 36 hours, it’s always amusing to see incredibly sleep deprived people try and play games on the Sunday afternoon. We’ll also be using this event to vote on our societies real president to join past greats such as The Greater Good and Brian Blessed. Anyone can suggest a candidate with current suggestions including Thomas Stanley and The “?”.

Monday 17:00 to 22:00, OC1.04 Oculus
After two weeks of being in the oculus it turns out that the room is pretty great (just not for the poor reps that have to carry all the terrain over) so if you turned up week two and found B2.01 a bit cramped then rest assured that the situation has vastly improved. It’s also been great to see the society X-wing army prove so popular, with multiple people taking to the skies in there first game on Monday. But why not show some of our other systems some love, we have plenty of players willing to teach Warhammer 40k and Warmahordes.

Tuesday 18:00 to 22:00, B2.04/05 Science Concourse
Looks like the new prize structure is a success, the only problem now is controlling your urge to open those prize packs and save them for a free draft. We will be continuing our adventure in to Ixalan this week and by now most of the main archetypes should be well established, so why not mix it up a bit by drafting a spicy deck with those cards everyone though were bad (surly it can’t go that badly). 19:00 start with an £8 buy in as always.

Wednesday 14:00 to 22:00, OC1.08 Oculus
We got a whopping 9 players for HEX HEX on Wednesday making it the third week in a row that I’ve convinced people to play it, who knows it might even be the new BSG (It’s certainly better). With a total of 44 hours’ worth of boardgames events this week I’m sure I’ll manage to rope even more people in. If you are planning on attending the Tabletop Weekend then getting as many games in this Wednesday is probably the best way to prepare for what’s instore.

Thursday 16:00 to 22:00, R1.13 Ramphal Building
If you turned up to casual card games last week you were probably devastated by the absence of our CCGs rep Roff, well I’m pleased to announce that he will be making a triumphant return this week. So, if you are looking for someone to pick on in Commander then he has a pretty big target on his head. We’ll also have games of Android Netrunner and Yu-Gi-Oh, covering whatever you may feel like playing.

Saturday 12:00 to 22:00, Meeting in the Social Sciences Café
This really has to be one of the best terms for RPGs I have ever seen, with another new campaign added taking the total running up to 8 as well as an extra one shot for anyone who doesn’t want to commit to a longer adventure. If you have a plan for running a campaign or one shot then now seems like the perfect time as judging by how fast spaces went for the games posted last week you will have no problem at all finding players. So why not flex your creative muscles and relish in the power you have over your helpless party.
We are also taking part in RAW radios Quests and Requests hosted by Peter Morris with three of our members taking part in a comedy adventure each week.

Sunday 12:00 to 18:00, OC0.01 Oculus
Well due to time constraints I must write this section before last week’s LARP has actually happened giving me the hard task of predicating what will go down. To start with I’m pretty sure the party will get wiped, followed by cataclysmic world ending events. So, if I’m right expect a whole new setting this Sunday. On a more serious note, if you went to an earlier LARP but have missed a couple of weeks, our forums include recaps of each week’s adventure.

On Saturday the long-fated wargames terrain making day finally happened. Not only were new pieces of terrain crafted but some of our lesser used pieces were given a new lease of life, I can’t wait to try them out come Monday. We even had time to create some modern art which our president can be seen admiring in the following photos.

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Thanks for reading,
John Humphreys (Communications Officer)
Society Website: http://www.warwicktabletop.co.uk/
Society Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/TAGAROPLE/
Board Games Facebook Group:https://www.facebook.com/groups/681573368568623/
Card Games Facebook Group:https://www.facebook.com/groups/195335593904501/
Wargames Facebook Group:https://www.facebook.com/groups/276814799016749/
LARPs Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2204222674/
RPG Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/136276596998520/

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