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Posted 7 years, 2 months ago


We’re fast approaching the end of term, but more importantly there is only a couple of weeks left until our amazing end of term events. Our second Tabletop Weekend will take place in week 9 and will be geared towards more areas of the society, so bring along those wargame armies and commander decks! But not only that, as we will be having our termly quiz week 9 on the Friday before the Tabletop Weekend, all of which will be followed but 40K apocalypse on the Saturday of week 10.

Friday 12th of December, 18:00, OC0.01 Oculus
As mentioned above, it’s nearly time for our end of term quiz. For those of you who joined us this year then you may be unaware of this termly tradition which involves gathering everyone from the society and put their knowledge to the test on all subjects related to what we do. The quiz will consist of 6 rounds and will take place on the Friday before the Tabletop Weekend (the only day that we don’t already have an event on, so no excuse for not turning up). This be followed by a pub social afterwards.

Monday 17:00 to 22:00, OC1.04 Oculus
Again wargames provided plenty of exciting fast-paced games (that is unless you were playing against our president Nigel who somehow took 90 minutes to take 2 turns!). With new and old members trying out new systems more than ever this really is the best time to come along and take advantage of one of our many society armies.

Tuesday 18:00 to 22:00, R0.14 Ramphal Building
It’s time for some more words of wisdom on how to draft the best deck possible and getting your hands on all those prize packs. So this week’s tip is; always pick the best card regardless of colour and just hope that you get lucky with your mana base. Not only will you have the best cards available but your opponent will be extra salty when you draw perfectly and have one of each basic land by turn 5. As always we aim to start at 19:00 with an £8 buy in reduced by £2 per pack you supply yourself.

Wednesday 14:00 to 22:00, B2.02 Science Concourse
Sad times, the streak is over as no HEX HEX on Wednesday marks the first time since term started that it hasn’t been played. I can think of only one way to make this right and that’s by having a nonstop HEX HEX marathon for the full 8 hours of boardgames this week, sounds fun right. But it wasn’t all bad as Roff and Aries generously provided a massive chocolate cake, here’s hoping they continue to supply boardgames with more baked goods.

Thursday 16:00 to 22:00, WA0.15 Avon Building Westwood
There are few thinks worth making the long trek to Westwood campus for on these cold winter nights but casual card games is definitely one of them. With all the usual games of Magic, Android Netrunner, and Yu-Gi-Oh it really is the best way to spend a miserable Thursday nights.

Saturday 12:00 to 22:00, Meeting in the Social Sciences Café
As we head towards the end of most of the campaigns should be reaching an epic conclusion (although I’m sure a few DM’s still have a few twists up there sleeves to keep you on your toes) so you probably already know what to do and where to go. As always make sure to keep an eye on the event page as you never know when a new campaign will pop up. And speaking of new campaigns popping up, a new one has just been added this week. Out of the Abyss is looking for 2 more players and will be using D&D 5e, so if you are interested check out the following link; http://www.warwicktabletop.co.uk/events/17/

Sunday 12:00 to 18:00, H1.03 Humanities Building
Hopefully James is remembering to give everyone enough intense combat encounters to stay warm today, it’s starting to get a bit chilly. As always everyone is welcome and no prior experience is required, just turn up to H1.03 at 12 this Sunday and we will get you sorted with a character and send you on an adventure.

We’re in the quiet period of term (and by quiet I mean 6 jam packed events per week) so there is much to report here except that all of our weekly events continue to be as popular as ever and that preparations are well underway for the special end of term events.

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Thanks for reading,
John Humphreys (Communications Officer)
Society Website: http://www.warwicktabletop.co.uk/
Society Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/TAGAROPLE/
Board Games Facebook Group:https://www.facebook.com/groups/681573368568623/
Card Games Facebook Group:https://www.facebook.com/groups/195335593904501/
Wargames Facebook Group:https://www.facebook.com/groups/276814799016749/
LARPs Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2204222674/
RPG Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/136276596998520/

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