2018/19 Term 1 Week 2 Exec Meeting Minutes

7 Oct 2018

Posted by Ares ( Avatar for morrowkei morrowkei )

You can view the full powerpoint minutes for this meeting here: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1KQrmK3UTINTLlRLAP65u5cnYJplQw5DqLUoUfsz2Ykg/edit?usp=sharing

This meeting was conducted on 07/10/2018 at 1000 in B2.03 (2 hour meeting)

Exec Present: Ares (Sec.) Nigel (Pres.) Nathan (Treas.) Aleksa (Draft) Patrick (Boardgames) Finnbar (News Dude) Callum (RPGs) Jon (RPGs Ass.) Jakub (LARP) Tim (Quartermaster)

Exec Absent: Josh (CCGs) James SF (Wargames) Ash (Web Admin.) Ellie (CCGs Ass.)

Orders of Business:

  1. Welcome Week Review Continued a. CCGs b. RPGs (inc. pub social) c. LARP
  2. Hoodies - future doings
  3. Budget for the year
  4. Drinking socials (if we need an update) and general socials

Reminders and Updates!

  • PAY JOHN FOR HOODIE!!! (I actually got to talk to Dan about him paying)
  • We moved the bad board games and the Arkham box to Westwood
  • These will be brought back to life for board games weekend
  • These slides are AUTOMATICALLY in the society google drive!! You can view them before the exec meeting and after, and as exec with access to the drive you don’t need to wait for the official minutes to go up on the website to do so. Cool? Cool. Please utilise the drive. It’s useful.

1. Welcome Week Review Continued 1a. CCGs (cont.) Info/To Discuss:

  • Didn’t get CCGs on the WW calendar?


  • Need to investigate why CCGs was rejected from the WW calendar

1b. RPGs Info/To Discuss:

  • It went really well!
  • ~100 people (inc DMs)
  • Everyone got into a game except a couple of people who turned up ~half an hour late
  • 20 DMs total, 18 ran
  • 89 signed up on our website
  • 131 on the freshers/welcome week website
  • Problems: the (extra) rooms weren’t unlocked
  • The porter didn’t do what he was meant to
  • Most of the players were freshers, and a fair few completely new players
  • Should we run another one shot start of term 2?
  • People are still having difficulty finding their players or DMs


  • Next year, keep these numbers in mind for room bookings
  • Next year, check a couple of rooms in advance
  • Get a discord for the one shot DMs
  • Remember to get on the WW calendar again in the future
  • Yes, we should run a one shot term 2!! People missed out, and there’s people who haven’t gotten into campaigns
  • Need to do a workshop during term 1
  • Just before the tabletop weekend in week 5, perhaps on the friday
  • Ask for (first name, last name) on the website as an (optional) feature (perhaps on sign up)
  • Talk about resources/investment in RPG tools in budget section

1b cont. RPGs pub social Info/To Discuss:

  • Pub social: issue with phantom coach. Despite having the function room booked in advance and this being postered up in the pub, some drunk older men refused to move from the room and swore at our members etc.
  • What’s the follow up?


  • James Powell is currently sorting legal stuff out
  • Then Nigel will go to the phoach

1c. LARP Info/To Discuss:

  • Everyone put together (inc regulars) came to 30 people
  • 16 freshers
  • Team party wipes… whoops
  • Generic characters made worked really well
  • Helped everyone get out by 1pm rather than 2
  • A lot of people have expressed interest in returning
  • Unity 6 helped with simplifying stuff
  • Encountered angry man, James Ellis called campus security. Security arrived too late to apprehend the guy as the guy didn’t stick around
  • Campus security are on our side on this one - the guy is already known to them. They were very on the ball.
  • Need a more reliable storage solution (long term) Temporary solution: Jon’s RPG group is going to run in the LARP room in the oculus to look over the kit while the LARPers are out


  • We have a large shortage of armour in the society kit right now that we need to address in the budget section
  • Print more generic character sheets off and have them in prep for new people turning up
  • Update them to make sure they stay levelled

2. Hoodies Info/To Discuss: Pertinent questions:

  1. When are we going to offer hoodies to society members?
  2. Are we restricting them to paying members only?
  3. What colours are we offering them? Is purple reserved this year to distinguish exec members as there’s no other prominent customisation to distinguish us?
  4. Are we offering any other personalisation?
  5. How is payment going to work?


  • Get everyone’s stance on this topic
  • And then vote

Qu's 1, 2, and 5:

  • Open the order start of week 5
  • Don’t do the thing previously where people paid john
  • Need to do it through warwicksu website
  • People within the society have to shoulder the burden of buying hoodies for non warwick members
  • Get an approximation of numbers during week 4 by a poll, use this for the price quote from bananamoon
  • For the poll: yes definitely, maybe, no
  • Need to talk to the SU about accidentally overcharging

Qu 3 (Individual Stances): Ares and Ross (ex Comms and ex CCGs/Draft):

  • Think purple hoodies should be exec only
  • Ideally we would've had them designed differently, with EXEC written all over them, but it’s too late for that this year
  • But we need to stand out, so purple it is. It’s very useful for a regular society member to just be able to grab one of us by sight.
  • There are plenty of other colours that members can choose from, and we didn’t get the choice of having a colour other than purple.
  • Next year we can offer members the full spectrum by having EXEC written on the back and front of our hoodies as the distinguishing element.


  • Agrees with Ares/Ross in that the only way we can currently distinguish exec is from the colour.
  • Can offer purple, but not the same exact shade.


  • Members should get a say in terms of what we order, by vote, but it would be impractical to order (too many) different things.
  • The exec/member hoodie overlap will not be an issue for fresher understanding by the time we actually get around to ordering and distributing these things.
  • If we intend to change the colour of the hoodies every year, then there is no reason our members can't have purple.
  • If we intend to keep the same colours, is it a problem that freshers next year might be unable to distinguish experienced members from society exec?
  • As it appears to be our current ethos that exec exist alongside our members rather than being synonymous with them, I suspect the exec will decide to offer them any colour except purple.
  • If this happens then purple isn't our 'society colour' per se, and next year's new members would have an equally hard time working out which of the 3 members were wearing their hoodies/the 3 different hoodies on the exec were their first point of call.

James SF:

  • Should we allow members to have purple hoodies? That’s a no from me.

John (ex Comms)

  • No, shouldnt allow members to have purple

Asa (ex Treasurer)

  • We forced all the exec to get purple, so we shouldn't let the members have purple as the flipside.


  • Shouldn't let members have purple. We need an exec colour (decide this at AGM). The different shades of purple might be risky unless it’s a very obvious shade difference (like neon purple). Future exec orders will be CURRENT EXEC (of that time) ONLY!


  • Makes sense not to allow purple for the other members.


  • Maybe reserve 4 or 5 colours for future exec to have. Eg maybe yellow next year, then orange the next…. Etc


  • Members had no say in this. Not right for us to just take purple. I think we should offer members purple this year.


  • Against offering purple to members, and agrees with Nathan on riskiness offering different shades of purple.


  • Agrees with Nathan and Finnbar. Members, even if regular, may not recognise exec from other areas (that they do not regularly attend) at all-society events like tabletop weekend.


  • Ctrl+c ctrl+v of Nathan's opinion. Don’t think "EXEC" will be a big enough distinguisher, need the colour distinguisher.

*Patrick: *

  • Agrees with Jakub and Josh. Think we make ourselves known already personally. Doesn’t think the distinction is needed.


  • Should allow members to use purple: 3
  • Should NOT allow members to use purple: 7

Qu 3 - personalisation:

  • Need to be able to moderate customisation, will be able to do so through the proofs given to us by bananamoon. Remember to caution people about being silly beforehand.
  • to be explicit on not refunding the cost of bad customisations as a method of moderation.

3. Budget Info/To Discuss:

  • We can accept money for our services but it must be a DONATION
  • Nathan is getting our warwicksu email fixed from sci fi before sending out for sponsors
  • The finance is screwy right now due to the finance department and su, Nathan is working on it
  • If you need to buy anything urgent, please speak to nathan first
  • Probably sitting on about 500-600 for this year
  • We get £75 for each open day socs fair we do (currently booked on 2)
  • Membership fees: have this discussion near the end of the year, bring this up at the AGM! Want to increase the membership fee to ~£3.
  • Questionnaire on what attracted members/what made them stick around and/or pay membership for week 5 (in conjunction with tabletop weekend).


  • Armour money? 2x armour pieces, about £70 each. Used stuff is perfectly legitimate as long as we can get a receipt for it. If in doubt, ask the SU for how to do it.
  • Want to get stuff for RPGs: dungeon map tools, dice. Quite cheap if not books. 2x books @ ~£30 each brings total to ~£100?
  • Wargames: new set “Kill team box set” ~£70 ish Materials for terrain making days £10 Approx total for wargames: £80
  • 3D printing with compsoc is happening in the future (note: get £1.50 worth of credits with a membership)
  • Boardgames: need a copy of quantum. £200-250 total over the year? Subject to change.
  • MEMBER DICE: add people to the new group via the SU website when they've received their dice

4. Drinking Socials

  • Not much to add on this, except maybe discuss a collab with Mafia

Next Meeting:

  • Beginning of Week 3?
  • Need to discuss updates on our various in-progress issues
  • Want to discuss online storage when Ash is present