2018/19 Term 1 Week 4 Exec Meeting Minutes

24 Oct 2018

Posted by Ares ( Avatar for morrowkei morrowkei )

You can view the full powerpoint minutes for this meeting here: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1zNuaczAbwrNyZEpFTBNapoILlvh51v42XBcQWKnpNWk/edit?usp=sharing This meeting was conducted on 24/10/2018 at 1200 in OC1.06

Exec Present: Nathan (Treas.) Nigel (Pres.) Ares (Sec.) Aleksa (Draft) Callum (RPGs) Patrick (Boardgames) Finnbar (News Dude) Ash (Web Admin.) Josh (CCGs)

Exec Absent: Jakub (LARP) Jon (RPGs Ass.) Tim (Quartermaster) Ellie (CCGs Ass.)

Orders of Business: Reminders/Updates

  1. Halloweek Prep
  2. Budget
  3. Online Storage
  4. Phoach update
  5. Quiz (if time) (no time to discuss quiz this week, save for next week)

Reminders/Updates: Info/To Discuss:

  • Nigel/Patrick: Rashida?????
  • Nigel: inventory????
  • Patrick: doing the Catan expansions today, also needs to sort out Betrayal at House on the Hill in prep for Hallowe'ek
  • Finance forms (extra hoodie (John), advertisement mk2 (Jakub/Ares), any more?)
  • Tabletop weekend! Need to put a facebook event up, and I’ll get a poster done.


  • Nigel: no updates re: Rashida (unless patrick did something alone)
  • Nigel: I’ll pop up to Westwood today and note down what we’ve got up there.
  • Ares: done the form for advertisement mk 2, needs to get Nathan to sign and take it to finance
  • Finance form for extra hoodie has been given to Nigel to sort John out

1. Hallowe'ek Prep! Info/To Discuss:

  • Callum: have you spoken to RPG DM’s about halloween one shots?
  • I need to know what board games to advertise on a poster
  • Chaos draft: advertised at draft, need to put a Facebook event up
  • Put a facebook event up for halloween board games too?
  • Who’s going to bring what for the wednesday (and/or Tuesday as we can decorate then too)?
  • Draft: chaos draft, but we want to buy a box of Shadows over Innistrad to theme it, and buy additional Innistrad boosters as prizes (~£13 ea, x3)


  • Callum is messaging DM chat now and will get back to us
  • Arkham horror, eldritch horror, dead of winter, one night werewolf, deception, betrayal house hill
  • Nigel and Patrick: look through the games and report to Ares TONIGHT PLEASE ASAP
  • Chaos draft: buy shadows definitely
  • Try out innistrad boosters as prizes this time and see what happens - in any case, this sort of thing will be max 1 a term.
  • Next time, see if we can get one of those 3D printed trophies from the sponsor for draft special events potentially?
  • Ares: pumpkins!
  • Rest of exec: need to coordinate buying halloween stuff
  • Ares: will create advertising posters and liase with Finnbar about getting Facebook events up

2. Budget

  • See Mr Monopoly's Stache for a budget breakdown spreadsheet! (exec only)

3. Online Presence (Storage etc, Ash) Info/To Discuss:

  • Drive: used for bits and bobs (meeting minutes etc) and belongs to the TAGAROPLE gmail account
  • Currently, anyone who has the link can add and edit files: fine for current exec, but potentially not good for past exec? Rundown of current situation:
  • Drive: owned by gmail, currently with Dan
  • Website: Ash, admin
  • Site server: Ash, has password, might use Ash’s personal email. Move this to SU email address.
  • Set up email forwarding from the gmail to the SU email address
  • Discord: exec roles, with some admin privs, and webadmin is the server owner
  • Need to establish and maintain who has admin access (i.e. can see the facebook inbox) to the tagarople fb page. Need to put people on the page at the beginning of the handover. Put welfare off and equal opps off on too. But NOT assistant reps and quartermaster.
  • The facebook groups have owners. Don’t know who owns each group. Can we set it to be the society itself?


  • Need to get the password off Dan and change it (it will become the secretary’s job to have and maintain this in the coming years - need to add this to the constitution)
  • Need to not put sensitive stuff on the goog, and have a user guide in the drive.
  • Need to make a definitive decision on who owns the groups - If we can make it the page, do that; if not, reps.
  • As part of the handover, give the group ownership to the next rep
  • Need to rename the CCGs group to CCGs and Draft
  • We need to revisit this topic when we write a handover document, and some of this will also need to be explicitly put into the constitution

4. Phantom Coach Update (Nigel) Info/To Discuss:

  • Nigel got an email from the licensing officer of the Coventry City Council
  • They visited the Coach on the 11th October to follow this up
  • The licensing officer have written to them, with reminders as to the duties they have to uphold as a licensed alcohol selling venue
  • TLDR: “the duty manager didn’t get the complaints from us passed on to them”


  • Nigel’s going to speak to James SF later today and decide how to proceed.

Next Meeting:

  1. Welfare officer discussion - Patrick (Patrick will go to the SU about this before that meeting; want to relay the exec role responsibilities to the membership in collab with Finnbar as well (newsletter, website))
  2. Quiz! - Ares
  3. Proxying - Josh (and Ellie)