2018/19 Term 1 Week 9 Exec Meeting Minutes

29 Nov 2018

Posted by Ares ( Avatar for morrowkei morrowkei )

You can view the full powerpoint minutes for this meeting here: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1sD9-HWf357UZWBnL6Eg1nY3-U-TA17anYI3A_9vMoAc/edit?usp=sharing This meeting was conducted on 29/11/2018 at 1300 in H3.55

Exec Present: Ares (Sec.) Nigel (Pres.) James SF (Wargames) Callum (RPGs) Finnbar (News Dude) Jakub (LARP) Ellie (CCGs Ass.)

Exec Absent: Josh (CCGs) Ash (Web Admin.) Aleksa (Draft) Tim (LARP Ass.) Jon (RPGs Ass.) Nathan (Mr Monopoly)

Orders of Business: Reminders/Updates

  1. Zatu contract
  2. Hoodies
  3. Game Design Collab
  4. Quiz reminder

Reminders/Updates: Info/To Discuss:

  1. Tabletop weekend duties: a. Saturday morning set up (09:30 onwards) b. Saturday overnight c. Sunday morning (10:00) d. Sunday evening pack up (22:00)
  2. Any more info on the B2.02 cupboards?
  3. UMA - Aleksa is ordering it with funds from the magic box
  4. Nigel, Patrick, and James SF are currently discussing a private/confidential matter
  5. Next Wednesday, classics is having a party from 5pm, want us to provide board games. However, this clashes with our regular board games.
  6. RLT collab - potentially early term 2 if they decide to go with us
  7. Holiday room bookings a. Ask James what weeks we want for wargs b. Book all the weeks aside from Christmas week for board games c. Ask josh about bookings for CCGs


  1. Exec officially responsible: a. Jakub b. Patrick c. Nigel d. Finnbar
  2. Asa is currently looking into the original agreement
  3. -
  4. -
  5. Can try and help by providing games we're not using, but our regular board games event is of course the priority
  6. -
  7. Ares will sort this out and post the bookings online on our social media outlets and in collab with Ash for the website

1. Zatu Contract Info/To Discuss:

  • Many questions have been asked to Zatu, answers in a post in the Facebook group.
  • Contract now has to be renewed with each exec
  • We email in the games we buy, get an invoice and then can directly bank transfer from our account
  • Contract now under the role of President, with Finnbar listed as organisation contact
  • Still need to discuss who is fulfilling which parts of contract
  • Any final questions?
  • Might want to confirm that the discount is only for games bought for the society (not personal purchases), and whether Magic products also come under this offer.


  • Ares and Finnbar are going on a fun trip to the SU to ask questions after this meeting
  • Probably get the contract signed by the end of the week if nothing goes awry

2. Hoodies (Ares) Info/To Discuss:

  • Got a final price for the hoodies - £19.50 + VAT (20%, to bring it to £23.40) if between 20 and 49 are ordered. This includes:
    • embroidered names (individual personalisation) on the left breast, and this can be up to 3 lines with max 20 characters per line
    • embroidered text on the right breast that reads: "University of Warwick Tabletop Games and Roleplaying Society"
    • 1 colour print on the back
    • Additionally, this price does not change if we order hoodies of various different colours and sizes
  • Am I okay to put this up on the SU website to open orders? Should I round the price up to £25 just in case?


  • Put the price as £23.40 on the SU form
  • Double check with Banana/Dan whether shipping costs
  • Advertise the hoodie order at tabletop weekend
  • Can open the order to non members too - do this to save us the fuss

3. Game Design Collab Info/To Discuss:

  • Dan Ilett contacted the society (well, Finnbar) about a possible collab between Game Design and us.
  • They’ve been making a lot of board games recently at their game jams, would be cool to offer that to our members.
  • Playtesting is an option if people don’t want to make games.
  • Usually their events last over a weekend - could have the Saturday and Sunday morning for making games and Sunday afternoon as a playtesting session.


  • Nice! Do some advertising for this
  • Write a keynote speech for a game jam potentially (Finnbar?)

4. Quiz Reminder! Info/To Discuss:

  • Varsity booked! (from when?)
  • Final reminder to get quiz rounds to me (Ares) (only waiting on Nathan now)
  • Reminder to advertise this and tabletop weekend (though it’s a bit late now)
  • Please come!


  • Varsity is booked from 2030 for 15 people

Next Meeting To Discuss (Focussing)

  • Will be the final meeting of the term
  • I will discuss the exec handover document, as we need to start compiling this over Christmas so that it’s ready for our AGM (Ares)
  • On the topic of RPGs, need to put into writing who to go to if there’s a grievance during a session (i.e Patrick as welfare officer). Maybe need a chain of responsibility (line of precedence) (Callum)
  • Mission report on the CCGs tournament (Ellie)
  • Maybe discuss website updates/rejigs that need to happen (Ash)
  • 3D printing ideas?