You can view the full powerpoint minutes for this meeting here:
This meeting was conducted on 06/03/2019 at 1500-1700 in PS0.17
Exec Present:
Ares (Sec.)
Nigel (Pres.)
Patrick (Boardgames)
Finnbar (News, Inc. Sec)
Callum (RPGs, Inc. Pres)
Jakub (LARP)
Nathan (Treasurer)
Tim (Quartermaster)
James SF (Wargames)
Ash (Web Admin.)
Aleksa (Draft)
Ellie (CCGs Ass., Inc. CCGs)
Josh (CCGs)
Jon Bell (RPGs Ass., Inc. RPGs)
Jon Cheah (Inc. Wargames)
Joshua Smith (Inc. Boardgames)
Ben (Inc. Treas)
Thomas (Inc. Web Admin.)
Luke (Inc. News)
Daniel (Inc. Draft)
Non-Exec Present:
Exec Absent:
None (gasp)
Orders of Business:
1. Appointing appointed exec! (and filling in the exec sheet)
2. Tabletop Weekend Duties
3. Quiz
4. Budget reminder (Nathan)
5. Exec handover overview
Info/To Discuss:
- B2.02 cupboards?
- Lazer quest update (Nigel)
- Compsoc boardgames update (Tea+)?
- SU website description updates?
- No update
- Compsoc were enquiring about this - Nigel still needs to check with them about doing this later during term 3
- No update on that
- Nothing yet
1. Appointed Exec
Info/To Discuss:
We need to fill the following roles:
- Health and Safety Officer
- Equal Opportunities Officer
- Welfare Officer
- Graphic Design Officer
- Holiday Officer
- Any other assistant reps
a. LARPG Rep? This has the issue of as much if not more jobs than an elected exec member.
b. LARP already has enough reps
c. RPG does really need an assistant rep
d. Nigel: maybe boardgames would benefit from an assistant rep? Especially in the first few weeks of term. Patrick: fellow exec already helped with that. Adding another rep would bloat the exec.
Nominations (votes for in brackets. Highest vote wins.):
- Health and Safety: Jakub (10)
- Equal Opps: Ben (7), Luke (0), Ellie (1)
- Welfare: Thomas (5), Luke (4), Ben, Abstain (2)
- Graphic Design: Ares until end of Sep (unanimous)
- Holiday: Nigel in the interim of finding someone (unanimous)
- RPG Assistant: Anakin (4), Niamh (3), Abstain (5)
2. Tabletop Weekend Duties
Info/To Discuss:
- Starts at 12pm not 10am!
- From 12-5pm in MR2 (overlap hour: 5-6pm we still have MR2)
- From 5pm, we have B2.02 for the rest of the time
Need the following duties filled:
- Set up (11am onwards, you need to take BGs to MR2 and get Xananas staff to open the room potentially).
- Sat daytime
a. Room switch (~5pm Sat, moving BGs and people to B2.02)
- Sat overnight
- Sun morning (~10am)
- Sun daytime
- Pack up (Sun 9.30pm-10pm)
- Patrick (set up only) and Callum (set up only)
- Jakub
- Joshua S
- Patrick and Finnbar
- Patrick and Finnbar
- Thomas
3. Quiz!
Info/To Discuss:
- Reminder to Nigel, Callum, Finnbar, James SF that I want your quiz rounds preferably by the end of today!
- Quiz is THIS FRIDAY 6-8pm in OC0.01
- Quiz prizes?? Status update please
- Turn up :’)
- Prizes: Patrick will pick them up from the Amazon locker after this meeting, the trophies are being delivered on Friday
4. Budget Reminder (Nathan)
Info/To Discuss:
- Is the form going to be the same as last time? If so, Reps should start thinking about their budget for the coming year and specific examples of things they want to buy - Nigel
- Large payment unexpectedly appeared for the website
- No notice of it changing but socs council might announce this
- New exec start thinking about your next year budget!
- Talked about budget on the Super Sexy Budget Sheet, and found some rearranging that needed to be made
- Task for Nathan: update the budget, feedback next week
- Chaos cards account: change email from Daniel’s to the new reps and keep this account for society purchases
5.0. Handover
Info/To Discuss:
- If you haven’t already, good idea to have an informal 1-1 meeting with the old exec in your area to chat about stuff
- Constitution: needs reworking and then ratifying by the SU. Who will be responsible?
- Tagarople google drive! Contains almost everything, and it’s important for you new exec to use it!!
- Almost everything is written up in the handover document
a. There are some sections missing from the document, and some sections that may need moving around - up to the new exec to now do this (but remember you can consult the old exec and get their help)
b. This will be discussed next
- -
- Constitution responsibility: Pres (Callum) and Sec (Finnbar)
a. I need to send you the spelling/grammar errors I picked up so you can fix them too.
- Any old exec: upload any bits that should be in the drive.
a. I’ll work on uploading past quiz rounds and advertisement bits over Easter.
b. I need to add Anakin and Joshua S to the FB group
- Homework for new exec: read the appropriate sections of the handover doc (this isn’t just your section! Read the events and stuff too!)
5.1. Handover Logistics
Info/To Discuss:
- I’ve created a checklist of accounts/passwords/bits like that, that all need shifting hands from now, and preferably it should all be done by the end of term 3 so new exec can perform their duties.
a. A generic version needs adding to the beginning of the handover doc once we’ve gone through all that
- Might be good to add a summary flowchart at the beginning of the handover doc too that gives timescales for various bits to be completed.
- Nigel: Might be a good time to talk about adding new exec photos to website and special exceptions therefrom
- New exec and old exec: work through the checklist, try and get everything on it done by the end of this term.
- I’ll try and do this at some point once the handover is mostly complete.
- New exec photos: responsibility of the new web admin to make sure these are done (asap!)
5.2. Duty Adjustment Suggestions
Info/To Discuss:
There are issues with the distribution of exec duties. Secretary does too much, for example. The exec have put suggestions on what duties to switch, and also what needs to be added, which I will now summarise for your discussion:
- Hoodies: should be moved from Sec > Treas
a. All big money transaction duties like this should be under the Treasurer.
- Dice: duty needs to be added to Treas
- Quiz: running it every time shouldn’t be the sole responsibility of the Sec. Instead, the Sec should find an volunteer runner each time (it can be themself if they want!). This way, they can also participate in the quiz sometimes.
- Elections section needs to be added!
- Nigel: I’m of the opinion that the exec meeting polls/ set-up ought to be streamlined, which will save the General Secretary some effort. I proposed setting a regular meeting time for every term, but apparently people’s schedules change too often for that so idk
- Whatever the new exec deems appropriate to do should then be updated in the handover document by the relevant parties.
- Discuss responsibility of quiz prizes next week?
- Ares and Finnb will work on the elections section in the coming few weeks
- Exec meeting set up is a future discussion
5.3. Other Odds & Ends
Info/To Discuss:
- Switching the Exec Chat to Discord - I’ve already set up the server and most of you have joined.
a. Should this change be made official after this meeting or later?
- Switching our timetabling over to a Google Calendar?
a. Old Sec/New Sec will need to work this out
b. Web Admin will need to work out how to effectively integrate such a system into the website (by next year?)
- Draft/CCGs FB group
a. Need to formally integrate them together (rename the group)
b. Put draft schedule on this group?
- Hoodie order (Term 3??)
a. Need to do an exec (and member) hoodie order during Term 3 (so exec have hoodies by next year, and so any members who missed out can bump up the order numbers)
b. Need to also have a discussion about when to do hoodie orders from here on out (next meeting?)
- I will repost the invite link in the FB chat, we will do the switchover following this meeting
- It will be done
- Stick the draft schedule on the website and the FB group
a. Newsletters good too
b. Draft/CCGs Rep(s): Need to rename the fb group
- By the start of term 3
a. Set it up end of term 2
b. General consensus that they should be done once a year, at the end of term 2/start of term 3, so that the new exec and general orders can be lumped together
6.1. Gigante Computers
Info/To Discuss:
- Got an email from Gigante computers with a Wargames promo they're doing, with a special promo for our members (extra 5% product, in store and preordered)
- They’re thinking we could come up with a way to verify society members to them
- GDPR means we can’t give them a list of society members (also has an issue with up-to-dateness)
- Hoodies: probably not. Not limited to current members, not all members have them.
- Dice????
- Or mock up society ID cards?
- They could give us a discount code
Or members could buy through the society, and they sell to us
Games workshop contacted them if they'd like to distribute since Young's hobbies shut down
- Scot from Young's hobbies told them about the society and the upcoming apocalypse event
- We’ll talk to them about use of a discount code
- Need to specify a well defined date of finishing
- Advertise it everywhere!
- Jon is now responsible for this!
6.2. Escape Games
Info/To Discuss:
- James has told escape games that he’s retiring. Need someone to take over this responsibility? Could be anybody. Our current arrangement is not well defined.
- They’re a community-organised thing, different staff members will give you different discounts. Need to get this clarified.
- Definitely do at least flat 10% off GW stuff. More stuff is subject to negotiation. Large order (£150-200) can be up to 20%.
- Get in contact with James Coot.
- Need to pick an exec member to be responsible for this
- James SF will make the introductions formally with our new point of contact exec.
- Don’t buy magic product from them.
- Note: Ben as new treasurer would like all old exec to tell him what deals we have with outside organisations.
7. Camera Reprisal (if time)
Info/To Discuss:
- No time to discuss this, and it was not researched further since last meeting.
- Discuss this next meeting.
8. Summary To-Do List
To Do:
- Sort out games den deal.
- Someone go hand in the exec sheet!
- Send your quiz rounds to me
- Constitution rework
- Handover doc changes
a. Add Elections
b. Create summary flowchart
c. Add checklist to start
d. Duty changes
e. James SF: add bit abt Escape games
- Gigante computers?
- Exec photos
- Work through checklist!
- Send a rep to games den and ask what’s happening with the WER, what is happening with the promos we were promised, what we can expect going forward and then decide whether we want to actually go forward with them next year.
- Callum
- Thanks
- Callum and Finnbar
- -
- Jon will sort this
- Web admin
- Everyone
Next Meeting
Info/To Discuss (Focussing)
- Week 10 - Finnbar can trial run this one??
- Hoodie order discussion (Ben as Treasurer - but maybe already discussed everything)
- Camera (LARP reps - Jakub and Tim)
- Mega game (Finnbar and Callum)
- Budget reprisal (Nathan)
- How to SU good (Callum)
- How to use the banner (Patrick)
- Feedback on LGS negotiation (Ellie)
- Feedback on Gigante games (Jon)
- Quiz prize responsibility discussion (Finnbar leads this discussion + Ben as Treasurer)
- Quick reminder on commercial relations (Ben but it’s only a quick reminder so no need for focussing, just shove it in the reminders/updates)
- Discussion on how to arrange future exec meetings (Finnbar)
- Escape games update?? (James SF)
So long, Tabletop, and thanks for all the work! This will probably be the last meeting I minute, as Finnbar (your new super duper sec) will likely take the reins from here.
- Ares