These minutes are now finished babeeeee. I know you're all very excited about these so plant your self securely in your seat and get ready for these titillating notes from the week 6 meeting.
These are the Google Slides in case you haven't already read them.
This meeting was conducted on 18/02/2021 at 14:00-15:00 via tabletop discord in the exec meeting voice channel.
Published 21/02/2021
Anakin (Vice President) Finnbar (President) Sebastian (CCGs Rep) Alex (BGs Rep) Henry (Draft Rep) Jared (Assistant CCGs Rep) Nathan (Quartermaster) Ares (Co-Op Officer) Thomas (Wed Admin) Sol (RPGs Rep) James (LARP Rep) Benjamin (Treasurer) Oli (Assistant RPGs Rep) Jon C (Wargames Rep)
No one!
Af Artemis Ike Jamie Jon B
A brief discussion was held on the new society endorsements, as it had been brought up already amongst some of the exec and an official stance on them was required. As the endorsements had been freshly introduced this year without any support from the rest of the SU or the general membership, as well as the fact that most of us felt it made elections more of a popularity vote than it already was, a large majority of the exec argued we shouldn't make use of this new law.
A few other questions were asked, whose answers can be found in the slides. A vote was then held for or against society endorsements. There were 12 against and 2 abstain, which reaffirmed the thoughts which been said privately.
The next quiz is Friday week 9. If you want to participate in this nerdy goodness, y'all better be there. We've got our usual 6 rounds and a bonus ran by: - James - Thomas - Sol - Benji - Jamie - Anakin - Alex (bonus)
Oh I'm afraid the voting system will be quite operational by the time the AGM arrives. Yes! It's complete. Many thanks to Thomas and Finnbar for getting that done. Now I just need to organise those slides... Ah, Here they are! What do you mean these are last year's slide?! Oh... Oh, you're right. Damn. Well that's a future Anakin problem.
One last thing. If you've nominated yourself then be sure to send your role priorities to Thomas so they can calibrate the super weapon voting.
Next time on tabletop meeting! - Big RPGs - Handover (maybe) - Election stuff.