You can view the meeting minutes on Google Slides here.
This meeting was conducted on 12/06/2021 at 12-1pm (+half an hour of run over) over Discord.
These minutes were published on 12/06/2021 (almost, I was 13 minutes late).
😊 Organisers Present
- Ares
- Alex
- Finnbar
- Hannah
- Jamie
- Jon
- Oli (kinda)
- Anakin
- James
🥰 Non-Organisers Present
- Lawful Tim
- AJ
- Artock
- Lap
- Sol
😔 Organisers Absent
- Benji (with apologies)
- Oli (with apologies, dropping in to update about Game Design Chat then leave for another commitment)
📋 Orders of Business
Action Point Recap
- Segment Catch-up
- Donating
- Tech
- Advertising
Action Points
Next Meeting
🏃♀️ Action Point Recap
The action point review is given as an image below (right click -> view image to see in full), as there is quite a lot to it (you can also see them on the linked powerpoint):
💭 Reminders/Updates
Expanding on action points from last meeting:
- Webpage has been created.
- Finnbar and Ares are actively updating this with content and art as/when it needs it.
- Organisers server is active, make sure to invite anyone there who is playing in segments (ask Ares for invite code).
- Charity: Mermaids is our chosen charity (decided by public vote), and our fundraiser is part of their #MyPrideFamily campaign.
- Ares wrote a long spiel about the fundraising, which you can see on the TT Radio webpage.
- We have set up a Tiltify fundraising page that is connected directly to Mermaids and our stream.
Other reminders/updates:
- We are 2 weeks away!!! Panik
🕐 1.1 Game Design Chat
Segment Organiser: Oli
- We might want to clarify that this is an RPG game design segment by changing the name? 🏃♂️ “Games don’t make themselves” → “RPGs don’t write themselves”?
All the details for the structure and content can be found in the Google Doc (only accessible to exec) (not yet set in stone).
- The first part is an RPGs reps roundtable for which I can use the game design chat on the tabletop radio server (to organise). It will involve myself, Sol, and Lap interacting with the chat and talking about our personal experiences with RPG design (w/ screenshots, hopefully).
- The second part aims to involve people from the society and their experiences with game design (vague rn).
- I need to basically ping @RPGs and see if I can get people who want to talk about game design in all its various forms on for the second part.
- I wanted therefore to check with the rest of the exec four things:
- How can I help set up cameras for up to three people and a few slides/screenshots to display on stream? -> 🏃♂️ Learn OBS
- Where and when should I be utilising the almighty power of the @RPGs ping to ask for participants for the second part? -> 🏃♂️ Ping RPGs this afternoon asking for participation
- How many participants should I be limiting the second part to? (this will determine the style) -> Max 6 people participating (panel style) - this section will be an hour (the first section being half hour), the participants will each introduce themselves at the beginning (who they are, their experiences with various systems etc), and then the chair (Oli) will field questions to them and they can take it in turns to answer.
- When should the deadline for expressing interest in participating, and when do the stream organisers need the slides/screenshots for? -> Deadline for getting participants: a week from now so that we have week 9 free for tech tests.
🕑 1.2 RPGs (x2)
Segment Organisers: Hannah, Jamie, Finnbar
- Update on Adventuring with Pride: Alex is no longer available on the day, so we will run the other two RPGs instead. He is very much up for running it as a stretch goal, however, and as such 🏃♂️ we can make that the £600 stretch goal.
- Thirsty Sword Lesbians:
- Reading through Thirsty Sword Lesbians, doing setting prep, some things need player involvement sorted for (should be easily doable timewise though)
- Streaming will probably be via roll20? I’d guess? Which would mean setting it up for TSL (there’s an official module for it so that should be easy), and working out what info on there needs to be visible to viewers easily (probably not a lot, since most mechanical stuff doesn’t need to be visible, beyond maybe tracking strings.) - I expect paranoia has similar concerns - 🏃♂️ will need to experiment in roll20 a bit in advance probably (contact Sol about Roll20 Pro, contact Finnbar about OBS)
- Paranoia:
- I have played this before so have some good knowledge, still reading through to make sure I’m 100%.
- I have ideas on how I want to run this, just need to yeet at a google doc.
- Can stream this via Roll20, it doesn’t have an official module but the things I “need” to set up are fine, there are a couple of things that would be nice but I can do without.
- Would be good to have direct DM-player communication that can be streamed, but at base this can be done within Roll20.
- Both RPGs: max players of 4. 🏃♂️ sort out website sign ups in time to advertise this newsletter. 🏃♂️ Play around with setting up OBS and Roll20 ahead of test streams in Week 9.
🕒 1.3 Tabletopoly
Segment Organiser: Alex
- Player sign ups: 5/5 players!! 🎉 🏃♂️ Need to get Artock in organisers server.
- Board design (spoilers, don’t look if you’re playing unless you’re Alex):
- 🏃♂️ Still needs work on renaming the board elements and rewriting the chance/community chest cards.
- For Tabletop Sim, all that needs changing is the board and cards, everything else already exists in a module -> 🏃♂️ Ares will redesign the monopoly board (make sure all the redesign and importing has been sorted before the test stream)
- Donation extra-deck needs making (also contained within above slides link).
- Poll the society for ideas? That needs to happen SOON -> 🏃♂️ Alex will sort out a google form to poll soc members this weekend so that it can be advertised in the newsletter.
- 16 (or more??? 25?) donation extra-deck cards.
- Donation deck card will be pulled whenever someone donates over £1, at double 1s, and double 6s.
🕓 1.4 Board Game Segments (x2)
Segment Organisers: Jon, Alex
🕔 1.5 TED Talks
Segment Organiser: Ares (chair), with talks by Finnbar, Hannah, Jamie, James, Anakin.
- Format:
- 5 min intro
- 12 min talk content
- 5 mins padding for a 30s intro before the talk, and questions afterwards
- 🏃♂️ Introductions for each speaker (which they write themselves) need writing into the Google Doc
- Progress on talks (titles good):
- Finnbar: Game Design via Alignment Chart Memes
- Hannah: Everything You Were Never Meant to Know About Centaurs (currently just a title but I’ve spent probably upwards of 7 hours discussing this with people so I’ve got Ideas, notably cooler than ideas™ because they’re quadripedal)
- Jamie: A Literary Analysis of the Wooden Leg Franchise (we have ideas™)
- James: The ethics and legal code behind resurrection tldr: can we resurrect LARP? Should we?
- Anakin: Currently just a gathering of ideas including but not limited to: something RPG related i.e. “It’s Impossible to Play an Original Character but Should we Care and Is This True?”, something Star Wars related like “Star Wars is dumb and Here’s why” or “My Biased Attempt at Proving why the Prequels are Objectively Better than the Originals”, or something else which I can think about now that exams are done.
- 🏃♂️ Make sure y'all write your talks
🕕 1.6 Wargames
Segment Organiser: Jon
- Commentators: Lewis and Jon
- Players: James Ellis and Reylynn 🏃♂️ get them into the organisers server.
- Tabletop Sim setup: is set up.
- Overlay exists, discord audio shenanigans tested
- Need to figure out some not-too-complicated lists.
🕖 1.7 Netrunner
Segment Organiser: Jamie
- Commentators: Tim, Finnbar
- Players: Jamie, Hannah
- (The above can be swapped around, these are just my thoughts)
- Stream set-up:
- 🏃♂️ Investigation pending. At base we can just stream Jinteki, but overlay stuff would be nice.
- Have a way to stream commentator voices, but not player voices, and still have commentators hear the players.
- Overall, we have Minimum Viable Product, just need to add some sauce.
- Think about the format - how many games can we get in?
- Start with basic decks - explain the concepts, nice introduction to the game.
- Then play with some more out-there decks - persuade people that they want to play Netrunner.
🕗 1.8 Jackbox
Segment Organiser: Jamie
- Players: got interest via react poll on the server, but 🏃♂️ need to put website sign-ups up.
- 🏃♂️ The other thing we need to think about is what games we want to play but this is quick and easy.
🕘 1.9 5D Chess
Segment Organiser: Benji, Oli
- Commentators: Oli, ??
- Players: Amelie is amenable, Benji, Finnbar wants to play for some reason despite the busy past day they’ve had
- Like all good ending segments, it’s a bit all up in the air
- Currently I have a couple thoughts:
- Myself and one other person play chess while I try and teach Oli what’s going on/me and Oli face off
- Oli plays chess against someone while I explain and Twitch chat gets stuck in our ear
- Me and Oli watch two others play and commentate on it -> OIi approved idea ✅ (except honestly I’m good with whatever)
- I do want to try a “Benji takes suggestions from Twitch” segment mostly because it would be funny to see how Twitch chat copes with the required notation, but games go on for variable length
🕙 1.10 Bob Ross
Segment Organiser: Ares
- Chosen 4 paintings (2 for warm-up, 2 for during the stream, see the
channel for which paintings they are) and Ellie has downloaded the episodes for me so I can play them locally while streaming.
- Have done this before and set-up effort is minimal, 🏃♂️ just need to make sure to do stream tests and test brushes with a warm-up painting (week 9).
🕚 1.11 Interludes
Segment Organiser: Anakin
- Interlude runners have been noted as well as their preference in time. 🏃♂️ Goal is to have a timetable (of sorts) produced within the week.
- Stretch goals have been planned to overwrite interludes (which naturally gives me mild panic because the time usually spent making sure the next stream is ready will have its own madness going on). I have some ideas on what kind of plan is needed to best to handle this on the day.
- £150 Food (Finnbar and Ares) → late Saturday
- £300 Game Design (Finnbar and Sol) → middle of Sunday
- £450 Makeup (Jamie) → late Sunday
- Interlude incentives are mostly good. Any addition wheel spin ideas are welcome.
- 🏃♂️ Need to organise and design layouts/scenes for interlude streams
- 3 Person, 2 Person, wheel, focused person, maybe a fancy transition
- 🏃♂️ Ares will pilfer the physical wheel when at the office on Monday
🕑 2. Donating
- Document
- Incentives:
- £Any - newsletter shout out (not on Tiltify)
- £3 - wheel spin
- £5 - Toot-ally awesome kazoo tune
- £7: an “expertly” designed “RPG” “item” by Hannah.
- £8/£9: karaoke by an exec. Higher price lets you choose the song.
- £15 or 20: commission from Anakin or another person on the commission wheel (which does not contain Ares).
- £100: [ONLY ONE OF THESE IS AVAILABLE.] Full-body commission by dovahbutt 🏃♂️ need to make advertisement image for this
- Stretch goals:
- £150 - Finnbar and co suffer due to food
- £300 - Sol and Finnbar design the OFFICIAL TABLETOP RADIO BOARD GAME
- £450 - Makeup Stream
- £600 (BIG) - A Bonus RPG
- £800 (BIGGER) - Tabletop Anime Intro
- £1000 (HUUGE) - Monsters on a Cruise Ship: The Reality TV Show
- Wheel spins:
- Origami
- Pokemon from memory
- Dramatic reading
- Jenga
- Any more??? Send Anakin your ideas
- Merch: pride logo pins from last year. Anything else??? Not sure… Stickers????? Decided on nothing else, too much hassle so close to the event.
🕒 3. Tech
- Does everyone have an acceptable mic and acceptable webcam? -> 🏃♂️ Make sure you get one if needed by week 9 test streams.
- 🏃♂️ Everyone organising needs to download OBS and familiarise themselves with it (test their equipment and set-up).
- What’s the sitch on stream overlay? -> 🏃♂️ Talk about the stream overlay a bit more in server and sort some stuff out (using Tiltify for widgets etc).
- We will do proper stream tests during week 9 - please make sure you turn up to whichever one your segment organiser organises. 🏃♂️ Organisers, make sure to set some up for your segment(s).
- Are we streaming each session individually and going offline briefly between sessions, or are we broadcasting to a central point and then rebroadcasting that to twitch? -> 🏃♂️ Finnbar needs to talk to Anna about the overall streaming setup.
🕓 4. Advertising
- How have we advertised so far?
- Newsletters - RPG vote and first half of money incentives (7), charity choice and schedule and generic ad (6), dates (4)
- Discord - charity vote, RPG vote, website event cross-posts (tabletopoly, wavelength, codenames)
- 🏃♂️ What do we need to do to advertise further?
- Finish up announcing monetary goals in next newsletter and announce RPG vote results
- Full announcement on Discord
- Event on Facebook (share to all groups)
- Announcement in WISA
- Twitter post (@Mermaids)
- Further announcements of games people can get involved in (website sign ups) so we have enough players by the time we do stream testing in week 9.
- James will enquire about QuizSoc’s radio show quiz, see whether we can advertise there (collect people willing to play for us)
- Campus Pride website??
🏃♀️ Action Points
- Game Design Chat:
- Oli: learn OBS before stream tests, ping RPGs this afternoon asking for participation in panel
- Finnbar and Ares: change name of panel to “RPGs don’t write themselves” on webpage, timetable graphic, tiltify schedule by newsletter on Monday
- RPG Segments:
- Finnbar and Ares: set £600 stretch goal to Adventuring with Pride on webpage, graphic, tiltify by newsletter on Monday
- Jamie and Hannah: set up webpage sign ups for both RPGs and advertise for players (by the time the newsletter goes out on Monday)
- Jamie and Hannah: both RPGs need to sort themselves out in OBS (talk to Finnbar) and Roll20 (talk to Sol about Pro acct) by test streams during Week 9.
- Tabletopoly:
- Ares: get Artock into organisers server (ASAP)
- Alex and Ares: renaming of all chance/community chest/board names needs to happen and then assets need to be created and sorted in Tabletop Sim (ASAP, all needs to be sorted in time for test streams during Week 9)
- Alex: sort out a google form to poll soc members for donation deck cards and advertise it (by the newsletter on Monday)
- Board Games
- Jon and Alex: keep advertising for players (need everyone confirmed by week 9 test streams)
- TED Talks
- Talkers: get your intros done by the event, and get your talk done (or at the very least the kind of asset set up, like a powerpoint, that you want thought about) by the test streams on week 9 (so that we can test said assets)
- Wargames
- Jon: get James Ellis and Reylynn into the organisers server ASAP
- Netrunner
- Jamie: think about stream overlays and set-up things in time for test streams during week 9, and think about format of the event in time for players to sort out decks
- Jackbox:
- Jamie: advertise for Jackbox players by putting sign ups on website in time for newsletter on Monday. Get all players into server and think about what games we want to play by test streams on week 9 (so that they can be tested out).
- 5D Chess
- Benji and Oli: just make sure everything is ready to test by test streams on week 9.
- Bob Ross
- Ares: make sure to test stream a painting in week 9.
- Interludes
- Anakin: sort out an interlude timetable (ASAP).
- Ares: pilfer the physical wheel from B2.02 on Monday
- Donating
- Ares: make advertisement graphic for commission and sort out storenvy description on pins (by newsletter)
- Ares and Finnbar: add the new incentives and stretch goals to the website, tiltify etc (by newsletter)
- Tech
- Everyone: make sure you have an acceptable mic and acceptable webcam (latter if going to be on video) by test streams week 9.
- Organisers: download and familiarise yourselves with OBS by test streams week 9. Make sure to schedule your group a test stream time during week 9.
- Ares, Anakin, Finnbar: talk about stream overlay a bit more and sort out what we’re doing by test streams week 9.
- Finnbar: talk to Anna about overall setup by test streams week 9.
- Advertising
- Hannah: get everything in the newsletter!
- Ares: take charge of the big advertising push this Monday
- James: enquire about QuizSoc’s radio show quiz ASAP
➡ Next Meeting (kind of)
When: tech tests during Week 9!!