It's come to the end of my reign with my final newsletter... but wait! My class ability as a Communications Officer gives me the ability to write an extra d8-1 newsletters! Come on dice, be my friend this one time, let's roll.
[They roll a 1.]
Oh no
Hoodies, Badges and Statuettes
With the new exec coming in, we're going to be running another hoodie order soon so that the new exec can get their shiny exec hoodies. We'll be opening the order to everyone else as well though, so if you missed your chance to get a society-branded portable hug, you'll get another chance to soon! We'll also be offering badges of various kinds (which are in the process of being designed) to show off your love of the society and so that the exec don't have to wear hoodies in the middle of May. Finally, we'll be doing an order for statuettes of our logo just like the trophies from the quiz, although unfortunately you can't buy the feeling of satisfaction of winning the quiz. Both these and the badges are from The Pocket Workshop, who seem to suddenly be branching out big time in a very exciting way! Keep an eye out for all of those orders, coming to an SU website near you.
Watch The Skies Megagame (Thursday 20th June)
Now that we've seen enough interest and have worked out what rooms are available, the date for this game of epic proportions has been set! End the academic year in style by playing world leaders, press and aliens as you try to work out what is going on in 2025. Nigel has been quoted as saying "it sounds like a murder mystery, except the person being murdered is the Earth", and if that doesn't get you playing it I don't know what will. This will be a ticketed event, so watch this space for news on how to purchase those. Finally, if you are still unsure about what a megagame even is, I recommend you watch this video which shows a version of the exact game we'll be running.
What's happening over the holiday?
Term being over doesn't mean that our events are also over! We have a smaller but still great offering of holiday events for everyone still around over the Easter break, which are as follows:
- Wargames Mondays 17:00 to 22:00, WA0.15a Westwood Avon Building
- Boardgames Wednesdays 16:00 to 22:00, WA0.15a Westwood Avon Building
- Casual Card Games Thursdays 17:00 to 22:00, WA0.15a Westwood Avon Building
I hope you like WA0.15a! Otherwise all my bookings are in vain, much sadness. Here's a helpful map of where it is:
What happened last week?
There was an Apocalypse tournament, with Team Falchion winning a decisive victory! Well, a decisive democratic victory - after an extremely dramatic turn where the Falchion team's largest unit was almost one-shot, everyone voted on a new rule that Team Falchion won if they killed the unit that one-shot Falchion's largest unit... and then promptly killed said unit, whoops. As was said by Nigel, it was the "most one-sided apocalypse I've ever seen, and I've been in 12". Photos can be found on the Wargames Facebook Group here.
In other news, I went to Magic Draft for the first time ever, and I came dead last... but still had a good time! Alex was the overall winner with his mad deck that was sort of three colours but also sort of wasn't. Regardless, in my games against him I threw every bit of damage at him that I could... and then watched as he doubled his life total and halved mine with one card. Magic is a bit crazy sometimes, huh. I'd absolutely recommend trying out Draft to beginners - I have very little Magic experience but still had fun building a (bad) deck.
Casual Card Games had a huge turnout this week with Magic, Yu-Gi-Oh and Netrunner all being played. I'd obviously not had enough of drafting for the week as the Netrunner community played a team draft, where you draft and build decks in pairs. The winning team was Tim and Cara, although it was extremely close with the differences in scores only being one point. Most importantly though, some very silly decks were built and much extremely casual fun was had. I even got to do stupid commentary for the final game and had a wonderful time. Anyway, if you'd ever like to try Netrunner, please come and say hi - we'd love to teach you!
Finally, the exec had one more meeting to end the term, and I had to run and minute it as Ares' trial by fire for me as new Secretary. You can find the minutes on our website here, which featured discussion including (but definitely not limited to, given that it was two hours again) badges, megagames and a little more handover stuff.
The Sentimental Bit
As I mentioned last week, this is my last newsletter, and because of that I'm allowed to get a little sentimental, tough luck. Over the last year I've had the chance to write thirty four newsletters about all of the wonderful things that have happened in this society, from ridiculous owners of dinosaur islands to RPGs about hallucinatory desserts to accidentally cannibalistic aliens in outer space. And I've enjoyed every minute of it. I was considering making a clip show joke containing the best bits from the last three terms, but I honestly couldn't choose what to include because I've had so much fun writing all of these.
The newsletter, however, would not be what it is today without the people that read it. I'm so grateful for the enjoyment people have got out of the newsletter and all of the ridiculous things that people have done. My job has basically been retelling all of the wonderful stories from our events, and that's really fun - I'm honoured to have been your Communications Officer this year. I hope these newsletters have been nice little interruptions to your Monday (or Tuesday whoops) and that you've enjoyed them even a fraction of how much I've enjoyed writing them. So, thank you so much for reading! I'm really excited to see where our incoming Communications Officer Luke takes the future newsletters, and I hope that I'll do a good job as your new Secretary!
[Finnbar stands up from their chair and turns off the Tabletop Society Newsletter Sending Machine, its quiet hum silenced after a brief moment. They grab their things. Suddenly, a huge crash comes from the left wall, and a bear appears in the office.]
Bear: [loudly] RWAR
Even more love than usual <3,
Finnbar Keating (Incoming Secretary)
Society Website
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Wargames Facebook Group
Card Games Facebook Group
Board Games Facebook Group
RPG Facebook Group
LARPs Facebook Group
Our Sponsors, Zatu Games
A massive turnout for CCGs... including me staring at the camera for some reason.
Many figures and lots of thinking make a good Apocalypse game.