- Be me.
- ACTUALLY REMEMBER the newsletter this week.
- Ask execs if anything exciting or newsworthy could be included.
- Receive 'Megagame' and 'Merch' reminders and some tiny details about week events.
- Realise theres no actual news and this may be a VERY DULL newsletter.
- Cast 'Fake News', allowing me to generate 1d4-1 fake articles that are taken as gospel, and roll the imaginary mythical dice that all newsletters previously written seem to have done.
- Roll a 1, obviously.
- Cry.
Society Merch - Shudders... So much merch...
As you'll remember, if you're one of those lovely people that read my newsletter last week, or read the countless ads on the society's facebook page, you will know that hoodies are currently still on sale, available from the SU page for £21.30. Orders for hoodies will not be accepted after May 5th at midnight so make sure you get your orders in by then should you want a hoodie.
Statuettes, also mentioned last week, are now available from the SU page. They are identical to those won in the quiz at the end of term 2 (3 detachable segments, comprising a sword, in a d20, on some.... earth) but don't require the ability to speak Nigel's strange take on thieves' cant or identify Ikea furniture from D&D creatures. These are produced by The Pocket Workshop and are available for the low low price of £5.10.
You may also remember me mentioning new badges that were in the works, designed by our talented graphic designer Ares, and are produced by The Pocket Workshop. There are two variations available to all members of the society: Pronoun and Pride, for those of you in the society that want to show off your brand of LGBTUA+ or allyship, and Ex-Exec Roles, for previous members of the exec that want to show off their previous roles and lengths of such within the society. Current Exec Badges can be purchased by current exec only and offer a cooler way (both thermally and potentially stylistically, if badges are your thing) of showing of your role to the society. All these badges are available for a measly £1 each from the links in this section and designs of the badges can be seen at the end of the newsletter.
CONFIRMED Megagame Details
We finally, after the palaver over clashing exam dates, have a confirmed date for our 'Watch the Skies' megagame. The game will be taking place on Friday the 21st of June, one day later that originally planned from 9am-5pm in WT1.04/WT1.05 (Westwood). The are still a few tickets left, and by a few I mean 3 tickets left, so if you still haven't bought yours and do want to take part in what will be a very busy but very enjoyable day then take your digital £6 to the SU page.
What's happening this week?
Similarly to last weeks events, I swear I didn't just copy/paste this section (whistles...), details for events can be found below:
- Wargames - Monday 5-10pm, R0.03/4 - This is a different room than last week and will be here for most of the term.
- Magic: The Gathering Draft - Tuesday 6-10pm, B2.02
- Board Games - Wednesday 2-10pm, B2.02
- Casual Card Games - Thursday 5-10pm, B2.02
- LARP - Sunday 12-5pm, B2.02
RPGs are, as usual, being run at the discretion of the DMs and more info can be found on them on the events page.
What happened last week?
Our typical events ran last week, the most notable of which seems to be a game of Formula D between a whopping 9 players. The race appeared to be dominated by a title race between Finnbar and our presidential overlord Callum (insert totally authentic cheering here) until a surprise home stretch, 6th gear snipe saw Tom claim 1st place!
Thank you for taking the time to read what was quite a light newsletter this week. Obviously I need to burn my imaginary d4 and get a new one so I can make up something thrilling for the next time there isn't much.
Much Love,
Luke Scriven (Communications Officer)
Society Website
Society Facebook Page
Discord Shortlink: xdDZnYQ
Wargames Facebook Group
Card Games Facebook Group
Board Games Facebook Group
RPG Facebook Group
LARPs Facebook Group
Our Sponsors, Zatu Games
Gallery (Technically just colouful adverts):
Megagame final details!
Pride and Pronouns Badges!
Ex-Exec Badges!