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Lancer One-shot : Fires of Rogul
10:00 - 16:00 1/11/23 FAB



Big Mech RPG!

That's about it! A group of 5 ragtag mercenaries make there way into a long forgotten cave system, where everything is absolutely, 100%, fine. Ill be your GM for the day and remember, mechs are the best. So is Titanfall 2.

Come along, new players welcome, we will be playing at LL 4, (License Level 4).


Ran by: Hess

Players: 4/5

LOTR draft signup
10/10/23 6.30-10.00 B2.02

Please signup here if you wish to play on the TALES of Middle Earth draft and not MH2

Ran by: Dan ( maldan )

Players: 7/24

MH2 *PHANTOM* draft //
10/10/23 6.30-10.00 B2.02

By request this week we will be running a draft of MH2, arguably the most Influential and powerful sets of all time. However, this is no ordinary draft as it will be COMPLETELY FREE! As a result you won't keep the cards you use but it will be a great way of experiencing a premium set for the first time.

For those who do not want to play MH2 a separate LOTR draft will be running at normal cost (£12).

Ran by: Dan ( maldan )

Players: 5/12

A New Term, a New Painting Competition
Tabletop Weekend 3/12/23, Exact Time TBD Tabletop Weekend, Likely B2.02

The Tabletop Painting Competition once again makes a return albeit with a new judge.
The Painting Competition is designed for people to have fun and celebrate the painting skill of our members or even (if you're like me) just provide an excuse to slowly shrink that pile of shame. Although there will be a winner, it is a friendly competition and members are encouraged to discuss and share tips to help everyone improve and enjoy the process.
Each competition runs a theme which may help provide inspiration wh…

Ran by: James ( James_Hurst )

Players: 5/100

Bring Me A Large and Shiny Rock!
12-6 SATURDAY WEEK 4 (28th OCT) FAB 3.33


Ork Borg

You are an ORK.
You live in SPACE aboard the DERELICT, a large and out-of-control JUNK ROCKET. Your furious gods and your scrawled prophecies SPEAK OF DOOM. The Derelict will SMASH INTO HEAVEN and you cannot wait for it to happen. You will FIGHT and YELL and STEAL and KILL as you try to claim a front-row seat for the APOCALYPSE.

As a group of orks, you owe a collective pile of debt (teef, scrap, booze and general favours) to the Yell-Priest Waddrok Gitmangla. He's decided to write off your debt in return …

Ran by: Ben ( nasenbaer23 )

Players: 3/6

Blood Bowl League
Wargames/Board Games

A new year is upon us and so is another season of Blood Bowl.

Blood Bowl is a miniatures game about fantasy American Football. You start with a basic fantasy team from a variety of races (elves, orcs, undead, etc...) and throughout the league will develop them into star blood bowl players.

I will set up a schedule of games for the term, you will be expected to play one game every 2-3 weeks or so, this is probably best done at wargames or board games.

Usually players would build their own teams but I have a…

Run by: Alex ( Alder )

Players: 2/7

Week 1 draft: Neon dynasty and LOTR
03/10/23 6.30-10.00 B2.02

The first week of term is finally upon us and so is regularly squeduled drafting! The week 0 draft was hugely successful and I hope to see many of the new faces I saw last Tuesday there again.

Abiding by the results of the vote, the two options will be Kamigawa: neon dynasty (by far the most popular choice) and a 2nd week of Tales of Middle Earth. For those who don't know, Neon dynasty is a cyberpunk themed set based in the Japan-styled plane of Kamigawa. The set has huge synergies with artifacts, sagas a…

Ran by: Dan ( maldan )

Players: 12/24

(INTRO TO RPGS) PX Poker Night
12-6 3.33

In a world where extranormal horrors prowl the edges of reality, a group of Air Force personnel are relocated to a mysterious airbase where not all is as it seems...

Delta Green is best described as X-Files meets Call of Cthulu by way of Tom Clancy. Players take on the roles of military and civilian operatives who battle against the terrors from beyond and struggle to keep their own minds intact

This is a game with mature themes of horror and is generally quite gritty and pulpy in tone. You may wish to bea…

Players: 1/6

Intro to RPGs: Cnidaria and Punishment
30/9 12-18 FAB, room tbc

rpgintro to rpgscrime

Jellyfish Felonies

The jellyfish. A simple creature. Floating aimlessly and philosophically in the ocean currents, it appears to have no thoughts at all. But in fact, the mind of the jellyfish is focused on only one aim: fraud
Welcome to Jellyfish Felonies, a game about being a jellyfish and commiting crimes. In a series of increasingly absurd scenes, you will utilise the full capabilities of a somewhat-sentient blob of mostly water in order to steal, embezzle, forge, con, commit arson, and heist your way towards the acquisi…

Ran by: Matthew ( Secundus )

Players: 4/5

Tabletop Radio - Jackbox
Sunday 20th August, 16:15-18:00 Discord

EDIT: The time of this has changed, the time on this event currently is correct.

This will be a livestreamed game as part of Tabletop Radio. If you want to get involved, please read the full description

Hey you! Yes, you? Do you like clowns that pop up at you and make silly noises? No? Good, because this event is not about that! It's about the Jackbox party pack, which is way better than clowns are. We'll be doing a stream of it for our upcoming Tabletop Radio livestream, and are looking for people to get …

Ran by: Scarlett ( ORCH1D )

Players: 3/10