Society Execs

You can see all of the current exec below. To see exec from previous years, please consult our Exec History page.

  • President - Matthew Phillips ( Avatar for Secundus Secundus, secundussy )

    Photo for Secundus

    Greetings, mortals! I am Matthew (he/him), a third year maths student and your President for 2024/25.

    You can find me throughout the society: at LARP almost every week, often at boardgames and CCGs, and occasionally running in or playing RPGs. I'm also quite into miniature painting, and promise I will at some point bring my very small skeletons to Wargames. Outside of tabletop, I enjoy Doctor Who and 80s pulp fantasy.

    As President, I will be overseeing the society, helping out the other exec wherever I can, and dealing with the machinations of the SU. If you have any questions or concerns about how the society is being run, feel free to message me on discord.

    Hope to see you around!

    • Represents the society and oversees all of its activities
      • Thus should be involved in every part of the society in some way
      • Assists in running events where needed
    • Ensures every exec is fulfilling their duty
    • Makes executive decisions on matters that are time-sensitive, that don’t require exec discussion, or that are a point of conflict amongst the exec
    • Is the principle contact point between the Society and the SU/University
      • Principle respondent to SU communication
      • Responsible for any collaborations with the SU/University, such as Postgraduate Board Games
      • Represents the society at the termly Societies Council.
    • Is the principle contact point between the Society and other Societies
      • Is responsible for any collaborations that may be made (though may delegate this to other exec where appropriate)
      • Is responsible for inter-society events, such as Laser Quest vs Compsoc
  • Vice President - James Hurst ( Avatar for James_Hurst James_Hurst, drukin57 )

    Photo for James_Hurst

    Hey, I'm James (he/him), a second year Mathematics and Statistics student who will be Vice President for 2024/2025.

    You can find me at Wargames or LARP every week and more occasionally at Boardgames/RPGs. As VP I'll be doing my best to keep track of all the dates and keeping the rest of the exec in check! In the rare event I'm not busy working for my degree or organising things for the society I love to code and play video games.

    If you want to chat about the society or any of my interests, feel free to message me! I'm usually fairly quick to respond on discord.

    • Books rooms at the start of the year, and ad-hoc as needed throughout the year
    • Organises, runs, and minutes exec meetings
    • Takes responsibility for various admin duties within the Society, including but not limited to:
      • Maintaining the society google account in cooperation with the Web Admin, including the drive and calendar
      • Applying for the Societies Fair table and organising Welcome Week
      • Assisting the co-op, web admin, and faction exec in keeping our various social media outlets up to date (Facebook page and groups, website, and Discord)
    • Alongside the President, should represent the society at the termly Societies Council
    • Is responsible for organising and running the termly Quiz
    • Is responsible for organising the AGM in Term 2, and any EGMs that might happen.
  • Treasurer - Hugo Everitt ( Avatar for Flibbabumbo Flibbabumbo, Jukure )

    Photo for Flibbabumbo

    Hey there! I'm Hugo (he/him), a first year Economics student and I will be your Treasurer for 24/25.

    If there is chaos to be had I will be there, whether it's by my hand or cast upon myself, I welcome the carnage! I mainly lurk around Board Games and RPGs, but who knows what's in store for me this year!

    I will be the one doling out funds to each part of the society, as well as responsible for getting all our incredible merch into your hands I've already spent so much on pins and hoodies.

    • Is responsible for the society bank account
      • Oversees the budget by allocating spending amounts to each faction of the society and making sure they don’t overspend
      • Approves or declines purchases from the other exec members
      • Approves online monetary reimbursement forms when purchases have been made
    • Is responsible for organising the application for the start-of-year society grant from the SU
    • Is responsible for sponsorships:
      • Looks for new sponsorships
      • Makes sure our ongoing sponsorships are upheld
    • Is responsible for any merchandise sold by the society:
      • This includes, but is not limited to: society hoodies, society dice, and pin badges
      • Responsible for liaising with the SU to set up order forms
    • Is responsible for overseeing the ticketing and budgeting for any big event the society might run
    • Is responsible for any fundraising the society might choose to do; this includes fundraising for charity or for the society itself.
  • Communications and Operations Officer - Holly ( Avatar for Kellowdee Kellowdee, Kellowdee )

    Photo for Kellowdee

    Hi, I'm Holly (she/her), I'm a first year English and Theatre student, and am your Comms and Ops officer for 2024/25!

    Within the society, you'll mostly find me locked in some kind of RPG, unleashing my theatre kid (as if my degree doesn't let me do that enough) with some very dramatic RP. You may also find me lingering in the corner of Wargames, not understanding a thing but cheerleading anyway (I promise I will learn eventually). Outside of the society, I'm a massive theatre kid (not sure if I made that one clear/s), and you'll probably find me singing, dancing or acting some place.

    When not doing any of the above, you'll find me on all of the socials as I shall be spending this year cursing blessing your social media feeds with all things tabletop alongside our dragon mascot friend. I can't wait to cause some chaos with all of you! <3333

    • Writes and promotes the weekly newsletter
      • Publishes it to the website, cross-posts it to the Facebook page, and announces it on Discord
    • Makes separate promotions/announcements of any news - e.g. new timetables, special events - to the relevant places (Facebook page/groups, Discord announcements channel)
    • Acts as support role for any big events that need an extra hand to organise - e.g. the Megagame, the big RPG, the Escape Room, the AGM
    • Maintains the main Facebook page, and helps maintain the individual Facebook groups alongside the relevant reps
    • Keeps an eye on the society’s communication channels - the email, Discord, and the Facebook page inbox
      • Delegates the answering of messages to those who are most knowledgeable (and makes sure they answer them) - i.e. Wargames-related questions should be answered by the Wargames rep.
  • Tech Officer - Izzy Mills ( Avatar for tubscart tubscart, tubscart )

    Photo for tubscart

    Hey there! I'm Izzy (she/they), a first year Neuroscience student and your Tech Officer for 24/25.

    I mainly invade RPG groups (absolutely creating serious characters), and occassionally get destroyed in Warhammer. I also probably spend too much time thinking about F1.

    I'm here to keep our website and discord up to date and not on fire, if anything looks like it's gone wrong please pop me a message!

    • Works with various exec and members to ensure the website is updated with appropriate content.
      • Ensure Events are correctly updated and archived appropriately
      • Ensure the timetable (and associated google calendars) are kept up to date
      • Ensure that static pages, such as the Exec History, are kept accurate
      • Manage the moderation of the forum (in the rare cases that it is used), including spam removal and pinning
    • Leads the management and moderation of the Discord server, including the appointment of moderators
    • In cooperation with the Vice President, maintains the society google account, including the drive and calendar.
    • Is responsible for the rest of the tech that the society uses, whether that is directly improving it or delegating any necessary improvements. This currently includes:
      • Our website
      • Our Discord bot
      • Our Twitch channel
    • Maintain oversight of society GDPR compliance
  • Wargames Rep - James Hurst ( Avatar for James_Hurst James_Hurst, drukin57 )

    Photo for James_Hurst

    Hi it's James back again also as Wargames Rep for 24/25! Two roles means I get to write two bios!

    I also enjoy painting miniatures, unfortunately I am rather slow at doing so and have over 30k points of 40k (hmm that's a number discrepancy I might need to increase that) so have a large portion left to complete. Perhaps one day I'll manage to avoid buying more models long enough to paint everything I currently have.

    As Wargames Rep I'll ensure that Wargames runs every week. While my personal interest is in Warhammer 40k all types of wargames are welcome and encouraged!

    • Runs the weekly wargames session on Monday evening
      • This includes welcoming and teaching new players, as well as ensuring established players are getting games.
    • Is responsible for the wargames equipment and budget. This includes:
      • Purchasing new equipment when needed (this includes minis, armies, terrain, playmats)
      • Keeping an inventory of wargames equipment that the society owns
      • Moving equipment to and from storage
    • Runs extra wargames-themed events, including
      • Tournaments, during sessions or as standalone events
      • Terrain making and/or painting sessions
    • Makes the weekly “who’s bringing what” announcement in the Society Discord
    • Facilitates ideas and works towards improving any wargaming related activities the society does.
  • Draft Rep - German Lavygin ( Avatar for GermanLavygin GermanLavygin, germantherussian )

    Photo for GermanLavygin

    Hi! I'm German (He/Him). I am a first year Chemistry student and your new Magic Draft Rep for 2024/2025.

    I am at every draft and almost every CCGs playing magic draft commander or the custom fomat made for magic called germodern. I would like to learn to play some more CCGs and continue developing the cusom format mentioned which can give a nicer intoduction for people looking to get into competitive magic than a lot of the existing formats as it is more forgiving than a lot of them.

    I will be running draft events every week and try to find more unique and money efficient sets to draft, so everybody can enjoy the format.

    • Runs the weekly Draft session on Tuesday evening. This includes:
      • Creating events on the website where appropriate (i.e. for special drafts or online events)
      • Welcoming and teaching players unfamiliar with the draft format, and signposting those new to Magic to the Thursday CCGs session
      • Organising pods, setting up the tournament, and recording results.
    • Is responsible for the Draft equipment and budget. This includes:
      • Managing the money box, and purchasing booster boxes.
      • Maintaining the lands box
      • Purchasing new equipment when needed (this includes sleeves for players to purchase, lands, playmats)
      • Keeping an inventory of draft-related equipment that the society owns (together with the CCGs rep)
      • Moving equipment to and from storage
    • Runs special draft events, with flashback sets or cubes, in addition to or at regular Draft sessions.
    • Runs the joint Draft/CCGs Facebook group alongside the CCGs rep
      • Makes the weekly Draft reminder announcement (on Discord too)
    • Maintains our relationship with the Games Den, and works towards having our results recorded officially if possible.
    • Facilitates ideas and works towards improving any Draft related activities the society does.
  • Boardgames Rep - V ( Avatar for Scruffwuffulous Scruffwuffulous, Scruffwuffulous )

    Photo for Scruffwuffulous

    Hello, I'm Scruff (they/them), a 3rd year Maths student, and your Board Games Rep for 2024/5.

    With any luck I should be around on Wednesdays to run some sessions, yay!
    Otherwise, you can probably find me in our Thursday CCGs sessions, or stressing in the library over yet more assignments. (you can also reach me at my Discord at pretty much any time)

    My purpose in this society is to run our Wednesday sessions (as well as other various admin tasks) and to manage board game loans, so if you want to borrow a game or two (or more), ping me a message or find me in person and we can sort that out.

    If you need anything else Board Game related (or otherwise), let me know.

    P.S. I've promised to play Ark Nova at some point and I definitely will.

    • Runs the weekly board games session on Wednesday afternoon.
      • This includes welcoming and teaching new players, as well as ensuring established players are getting games.
    • Is responsible for the board games equipment and budget. This includes:
      • Purchasing new equipment when needed (this includes board games, replacement parts and protective parts, such as sleeves for popular games, as well as storage solutions)
      • Keeping an inventory of board games equipment that the society owns
      • Moving equipment to and from storage
      • Keeping a record of items that have been lent out
    • Runs extra board games-themed events, including:
      • The board games and tabletop weekends
    • Facilitates ideas and works towards improving any board gaming related activities the society does.
  • Collectible Card Games Rep - Lyllian Chanerley ( Avatar for Lucaesia Lucaesia, Lucaesia )

    Photo for Lucaesia

    Hello! I'm Lily (She/Her) and I'm a third year Mathematics student and I'm your CCGs Rep for 2024/2025.

    I play a mix of CCGs, board games and RPGs, meaning I'll be around most Wednesdays and every Thursday.

    My role in the society is to run the CCG evenings every Thursday. I'll mainly be playing Netrunner or Yu-Gi-Oh! but all CCGs are welcome!

    • Runs the weekly CCGs session on Thursday evening
      • This includes welcoming and teaching new players, as well as ensuring established players are getting games.
      • This also includes facilitating a diverse selection of CCGs, not just Magic: the Gathering. The CCGs rep should preferably know how to play/learn more than one CCG.
    • Is responsible for the CCGs equipment and budget. This includes:
      • Purchasing new equipment when needed
      • Keeping an inventory of CCGs equipment that the society owns (together with the Draft rep)
      • Moving equipment to and from storage
    • Runs extra/alternative CCGs-themed events, including:
      • Tournaments, like the Modern league or Boxing league
      • Alternative format events, such as Planechase for MtG and Snake Draft for Netrunner
    • Runs the joint Draft/CCGs Facebook group alongside the Draft Rep.
      • Makes the weekly CCGs reminder announcement (on Discord too)
    • Facilitates ideas and works towards improving any CCGs related activities the society does.
  • Assistant CCGs Rep - Ewan ( Avatar for D1g1talAng3l D1g1talAng3l, digitalang3l )

    Photo for D1g1talAng3l

    Hello, I'm Ewan (they/she), a 1st year chemistry student and your assistant CCGs rep of 2024/2025.

    I'm a big fan of CCGs and board games so you'll find me lurking at draft, CCGs and board games whenever I have time.

    The main CCG I play is magic (which I play with the occasional bit of skill) and I'm going to learn Netrunner as well as a bit of Yu-Gi-Oh! so my role in the society is to keep magic running smoothly every Thursday!

    • Helps run the weekly CCGs session on Thursday evening
    • Runs extra/alternative CCGs-themed events
    • Runs the joint Draft/CCGs Facebook group alongside the Draft Rep.
    • Facilitates ideas and works towards improving any CCGs related activities the society does.
    • Assist the rest of the exec in general duties
  • RPGs Rep - Anna Gavin ( Avatar for Anna_lou Anna_lou, anna_l0u )

    Photo for Anna_lou

    Hi, I’m Anna (she/her), a first year Biochemistry student and your RPG’s Rep for 2024/5!!

    You can find me pretty much everywhere- boardgames, wargames and of course babysitting the larp room with friends. I’ve always been in love with RPG’s, with D&D as my first love and Kids on Bikes as my current favourite (thankyou Holly). Outside of the society I love to swim and box/do any kind of martial arts, but most importantly I make an immense amount of fanart for the growing number of campaigns and one-shots I’m part of…

    I’ve been so happy to find out what an encouraging and welcoming environment we have here in the society and would love to make sure everyone gets the same experience I have had. I’ll be mainly around on the Discord to book all of your rooms and chat/discuss anything RPG’s related, so feel free to reach out! :D

    • Facilitates the running of RPGs
      • Ensures that GMs and players are aware of the Events page on the website for organising games
      • Promotes events and games that are being run, via Discord, the newsletter, and Facebook
      • Books ad-hoc rooms when necessary for people to have RPG sessions in
      • Keeps an eye on what’s being run and helps new players find games where possible
      • Runs their own one-shots or campaigns to help people play RPGs
      • Encourages diversity of RPGs, not just D&D
    • Is responsible for the RPGs equipment and budget. This includes:
      • Purchasing new equipment when needed (rulebooks, dice etc)
      • Keeping an inventory of RPGs equipment that the society owns
      • Keeping a record of items lent out
    • Runs special RPGs-themed events, including:
      • The Introductory RPG One-Shot events at the beginning of Term 1 and 2
      • Special themed one-shot days, such as at Halloween, Christmas or Easter
      • The Big RPG
    • Runs the RPGs Facebook group
    • Facilitates ideas and works towards improving any RPGs related activities the society does.
  • Assistant RPGs Rep - Fran Sellen ( Avatar for Fran_Sell Fran_Sell, f_alice )

    Photo for Fran_Sell

    Hi , I’m Fran (she/her), I’m a first year Theatre and Performance student and your current RPGs assistant for 2024/25!

    My love for RPGs started just before coming to uni but the society opened me up to many different systems of RPGs other than DnD such as Kids on Bikes and City of Mist and allowed my love for rpgs to grow! You’ll find me playing or maybe even dming in different rpg games . You’ll also find me helping rpg rep Anna out with most social events like intros to RPGs , Big rpg and perhaps more. Outside of this I’m a theatre kid if my degree didn’t make that clear you’ll find me helping out with shows, dancing and singing. Also starting to do character art for the games I’m in so much fun ! Can’t wait to introduce new people to the society and share my love for it!

    • Helps the RPGs rep facilitate the running of RPGs
      • Ensures that GMs and players are aware of the Events page on the website for organising games
      • Promotes events and games that are being run, via Discord, the newsletter, and Facebook
      • Books ad-hoc rooms when necessary for people to have RPG sessions in
      • Keeps an eye on what’s being run and helps new players find games where possible
      • Runs their own one-shots or campaigns to help people play RPGs
      • Encourages diversity of RPGs, not just D&D
    • Helps the RPGs Rep in the responsiblity of the RPGs equipment and budget. This includes:
      • Purchasing new equipment when needed (rulebooks, dice etc)
      • Keeping an inventory of RPGs equipment that the society owns
      • Keeping a record of items lent out
    • Helps the RPGs Rep run special RPGs-themed events, including:
      • The Introductory RPG One-Shot events at the beginning of Term 1 and 2
      • Special themed one-shot days, such as at Halloween, Christmas or Easter
      • The Big RPG
    • Helps the RPGs rep run the RPGs Facebook group
    • Helps the RPGs rep facilitate ideas and works towards improving any RPGs related activities the society does.
    • Assist the rest of the exec in general duties
  • LARP Rep - Sam Humphrey ( Avatar for smol_mcstabby smol_mcstabby, smol_mcstabby )

    Photo for smol_mcstabby

    Hi! I'm Sam (he/him), a first year Psychology with Education Studies student and your new LARP Rep for 2024/25

    I can be found LARPing (so come to LARP) or board gaming (read: losing at Pandemic), and I'm hoping to show up to Wargames more often next term with my t'au kill team or any other minis that I acquire and paint. Outside of soc stuff I am rotting in my room, overthinking my characters, doing band stuff or mourning the loss of the cat lounge coventry.

    As LARP rep I shall run sessions every Sunday during term as well as keep everyone Healthy and Safe (because H&S is also my responsibility in this role), so come along with your best (and worst) character ideas. Have I mentioned you should come to LARP?

    • Runs the weekly LARP session on Sunday.
      • Welcoming and teaching new players how to LARP
      • Planning out the weekly adventures
      • Handling player downtime between sessions
      • Making sure players are safe during LARP
    • Is responsible for updating and balancing the Society’s UNITY system
    • Together with the Quartermaster, is responsible for the LARP equipment and budget this includes:
      • Purchasing new equipment when needed (clothes, weapons, armour etc)
      • Keeping an inventory of LARP equipment that the society owns
      • Moving equipment to and from storage
    • Runs extra/alternative LARP events such as:
      • Murder Mysteries
      • The end-of-year Kenilworth Castle LARP
      • A trip to Empire
    • Facilitates ideas and works towards improving any LARP related activities the society does.
    • Is responsible for filling out the society risk assessment
  • Assistant LARP Rep - Joshua Croucher ( Avatar for Joshua_Croucher Joshua_Croucher, notazombie23 )

    Photo for Joshua_Croucher

    Greetings, howdy and hi, I'm Joshua (he/him), a first year Biomed student and the Assistant LARP Rep for 2024/25!

    As the assistant rep my primary job is to help where I can in playing tetris with the equipment cupboard and to assist with running LARP sessions, especially in the event of another Mouldpocalypse. Alongside these I act as another (official) port of call for any questions regarding how LARP works (we're all happy to help so don't panic) xD

    Aside from this role I'm simply a guy who enjoys good games with good friends and occasionally cosplays semi-niche characters that are difficult to describe to my relatives while at the same time being very close to my heart and soul.

    P.S. I have been informed that I am legally required to say come to larp. Also on a personal note: Stay Determined!

    • Helps run weekly LARP sessions on Sunday.
      • Providing additional support to the Rep and Quartermaster and by hosting pre-prepared sessions when required
    • Helps to maintain, pack and unpack equipment
    • Helps in special events where required, including welcome week activities
    • Assist in general exec duties
  • Quartermaster - Jasper ( Avatar for Alex-Jackson Alex-Jackson, certified.cryptid )

    Photo for Alex-Jackson

    Hi Jasper, and I'm Quartermaster. I help the larp rep run the weekly sessions (cometolarp), look after the various larp gear such as the costumes and weapons (cometolarp), and try to fit everything in the larp cupboard at the end of sessions (cometolarp). I'm also responsible for helping the larp rep run extra larp events, such as the murder mystery (cometolarp).

    p.s. robots :thumsup:

    • Helps the LARP rep run the weekly LARP session
    • Together with the LARP rep, is responsible for the LARP equipment and budget
    • Helps the LARP rep run extra/alternative LARP events
  • Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Officer - Sam Humphrey ( Avatar for smol_mcstabby smol_mcstabby, smol_mcstabby )

    Photo for smol_mcstabby

    Hello, it's Sam, back again to say I'm also your Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Officer for the coming 3 terms.

    As ED&I I will do my best to fulfil my responsibilities and make sure the society is accessible and welcoming to everyone :)

    • Work with the Welfare Officer to ensure section 7 [of the constitution] is adequately fulfilled.
    • Strive to attend any ED&I related training that the SU/University offers and feedback any information learned to the exec as a whole.
    • Strive to obtain the society’s demographic breakdown from the SU if available, and note where we are under representative of certain groups.
    • Lead initiatives to try and rectify this (e.g. via collaborations with other Societies).
  • Welfare Officer - Holly ( Avatar for Kellowdee Kellowdee, Kellowdee )

    Photo for Kellowdee

    It's me Holly, and I am back again, this time as my little introduction as your Welfare Officer for the upcoming year!

    Whether you need a helping hand or a listening ear, it's my job to be around for any concerns or issues that crop up over the course of the year. I'm here for any worries you may have big or small, and will do everything I can to help. If you ever need anything, do not be afraid to ping me a message on discord! <3

    • Is the first point of contact between exec and members regarding issues relating to welfare (e.g. mental health)
    • Signposts anyone with welfare-related issues to the appropriate support
      • Works with the rest of the exec, the equal opps officer and the SU to make sure welfare issues are resolved where appropriate
    • Attends the SU welfare training and any other appropriate workshops/training