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Tuesday 4th June (Week 7), 6-10pm

Sign up for your guaranteed place in our Dominaria flashback draft here!

Buy in: £8 (includes Dominaria pack prizes)

Ran by: Ares ( morrowkei )

Players: 10/10

Adventures in Middle Earth: "Of Leaves & Stewed Hobbit" #2
Next Week

d&d 5elotraime

D&D 5e; AIME

In a hole in the ground there lived a Hobbit. Four Hobbits, in fact, with a fifth coming to join them.
The Hobbit in question was one Dodinas Brandybuck, formerly of Buckland in the Shire,
but now a resident of Wilderland. Above the newly-dug hole there was a newly-built inn.
And inn that needs supplies, the caravan delivering such supplies has failed to arrive on time.
It is up to you to find it and ensure the safety of its deliverer Dinodas Brandybuck.

• When: This quests fits best at any time durin…

Ran by: Sol ( minijester1 )

Players: 1/1

Week 22 One Shot: A Hideous Plot
Saturday 2nd, midday to 5:30 pm

D&D 5e

Elemental cults in and around the city of Mulmaster have been causing numerous problems these last few months, seemingly having sprung up from nowhere. One of there leaders, the medusa Queen Atia Scorvo, has been tracked to the ruins of ancient stone circle recently uncovered beneath the Glacier of the White Worm. You are asked to punish the Queen for her crimes, and bring to light the secrets of these cults.

This game is open to both new and experienced players, with characters at level 9. Printed copies …

Ran by: Timothy ( Lawful_Tim )

Players: 6/6

Week 19 One Shot: Breath of the Yellow Rose
Saturday 9th, midday to 5:30 pm

D&D 5e

A new fad is sweeping through the young nobles of Mulmaster, championed by the charismatic Thylius. But rumors of deaths among those trying to leave the teachings and an addictive new drug entering the market have the guard worried. You are asked to investigate, starting at the last night of Lady Saj's ten day party.

This game is open to both new and experienced players, with characters at level 3. Printed copies of pregenerated characters will be provided (see below), though players are welcome to make th…

Ran by: Timothy ( Lawful_Tim )

Players: 6/6

D&D 5e - Homebrew Campaign: Skaron Campaign
4pm - 8pm (Roughly) Every Friday (With exception)

Looking for an addition player, this is different to the last post

Its been 8000 years after the death of the evil god Skar who enslaved all of humanity. If not for the aid of several other gods this whole planet would be a prison. The elves, dwarves and other races came as watchers to ensure the safety of the planet for the rest of time. While many may have forgotten past events and worship other gods, some still remember and remain true. Over the course of history domains have risen and fallen, but most …

Ran by: Anakin ( Anakin )

Players: 1/1

Week 18 Saturday One Shot: Mayhem in the Earthspire Mines
Saturday 2nd, midday to 5:30 pm

D&D 5e

The mines beneath the Earthspire Mountains have been overrun by unknown assailants, headed by a figure with seemingly incredible power. In the face of this, larger forces are reluctant to enter the mines. It is up to you to infiltrate the enemy, awaken the mines guardians, and assassinate the leader.

This game is open to both new and experienced players, with characters at level 6. Printed copies of pregenerated characters will be provided (see below), though players are welcome to make there own before th…

Ran by: Timothy ( Lawful_Tim )

Players: 6/6

RPG Intros: Ultimate - Level 16 One Shot
12th Jan, 12:00 - 18:00


D&D 5E

After over a month in the Dungeons of the Mad Mage of Halaster Blackcloak, it has finally come down to this. You and four other heroes are the remains of a once 20-strong adventuring party, and you are 20 floors below the surface, deep within the dungeon. Your only hope now is that one of many random portals scattered throughout the dungeon will take you to the surface, and glory, without losing too many limbs - and, of course, with your missions completed.

This one shot (which may spill over if players w…

Ran by: Benjamin ( Benji )

Players: 4/4

Ultimate Masters Draft: Week 2
18:30 - 22:00 15th January in B2.02

It's here (again), the Ultimate Masters set.
Ultimate Masters brings back some of the most powerful cards from throughout Magic history. Ultimate Masters is designed to provide an exciting and unique Limited experience with cards that have never been drafted together.!
Entry fee is £30 which gets you three packs of UMA, and prizes will be the Box Topper for 1st place.
Space is limited as we can only accommodate 8 players per box so sign up soon to secure your place.
This might be the last time we'll be abl…

Players: 8/8

One Shot in a Greek mythology setting: The Library of Pheme
Tuesday November 27, 5-10pm in S1.69

D&D 5e

This will be mostly like a normal D&D one shot but you can be a god's descendant and it plays in a world where Greek mythology is true.

The library of Pheme is located in the deepest, darkest parts of the forest. Only few have seen it, and even fewer have been inside and came back to tell their story. You have been tasked to retrieve an ancient scroll that is rumoured to be in this library. Wealth and honor await you in the case of your successful return, but will you be able to find the scroll and co…

Ran by: Cara

Players: 4/4

Week 4 One Shot: Drums in the Marsh
Saturday 27th, midday to 5pm

D&D 5e

For the past several nights, drums have been heard on the wind, coming from the Twilight Marsh. Each morning, more people and cattle missing from the nearby farms, leaving only muddy, clawed footprints heading towards the marsh. Can you help the find the lost and bring justice to the abductors?

This game is open to both new and experienced players, with characters at level 4. Printed copies of pregenerated characters will be provided (see below), though players are welcome to make there own (see further be…

Ran by: Timothy ( Lawful_Tim )

Players: 6/6