Posted 6 years, 10 months ago
After the success of the AGM, and with the successors to the current exec elected, we are straight back into all the events you know and love, as well as some extra special ones for the end of term.
Saturday 10th of March 10:00 to Sunday 11th of March 22:00, B2.02 Science Concourse
It’s Tabletop Weekend 2, the long awaited sequel to the critically acclaimed Tabletop Weekend. From the early previews critics are already praising its daring decision to expertly blend boardgames, card games, wargames, and RPGs. The explosive LARP finally is also set to excite fans of the genre, this really is going to be the best event of the year so far.
Friday the 9th of March, 18:00 to 20:00, OC1.01 Oculus Building
Ready to test your knowledge against your fellow society members? Then make sure and head to our quiz this Friday where we will put you to the test over 6 rounds covering a range of different aspects of the society and beyond with the chance to win some fabulous prizes. After this there will then be an even more important bonus round and even better prizes to reward the team with the best critical thinking. We will also be headed to the pub afterwards for an end-of-term social.
Friday the 16th of March, 18:00 to 22:00, S0.11 Social Sciences Building
After the murder mystery proved to be the victim itself after it was so cruelly murdered by the weather on Friday, we have rescheduled it to Friday week 10. If you were down to be a suspect then make sure and contact either Naomi or James and let them know whether you can make it or not.
Monday 17:00 to 22:00, B2.01 Science Concourse
Unfortunately our Wargames rep for life, James Sampson-Foster had to rescind his motion to officially become the New Rob. However, in the eyes of the wargames faithful he already holds this title. So make sure and turn up on Monday to show support to New Rob and help him in his quest against the evil Wyrm Geedubya.
Tuesday 18:00 to 22:00, B2.01 Science Concourse
I picked a card from packs gone by
When hope was high and cards worth picking
I dreamed my creatures would never die
I dreamed that pack 2 would be forgiving
When I was in pack 1 and unafraid
And picks were made and used and wasted
There was no colours to be tied to
No signal unread, no archetype untested
But the end of pack dregs come at night
With their rules so bad they mock you
As they tear your deck apart
As they turn your draft to shame
He drafted pack 1 by my right
He filled my deck with endless wonder
He took my playables in his stride
But he was gone when pack 2 came
And still I dream about pack 3
That we will end the draft together
But there are dreams that cannot be
And there are hate drafts I cannot weather
I had a dream my deck would be
So different from this garbage I'm drafting
So different now from what it seemed
Now life has killed the draft
I drafted
We’ll be drafting Rivals of Ixalan again this week with the usual £8 buy in (reduced by £2 for every pack supplied yourself) with a final registration of 18:30.
Wednesday 14:00 to 22:00, OC1.01 Oculus Building
We finally let our President (we can now official call him that!) Nigel be the forensic scientist again in Deception after some disastrous attempts and it’s fair to say he redeemed himself. Not only was the murderer caught but they were caught on the first guess. This Wednesday we will be back to normal with the full 8 hours of Boardgames to wet your appetite for the coming weekend.
Thursday 16:00 to 22:00, WA1.15 Avon Building (Westwood Campus)
THE KING IS DEAD! With the motion to split casual card games from draft we no longer have an all-powerful king of card games. It’s time to rejoice that the tyrannical reign of Roff is nearly at an end and soon everyone will be free to play Commander, Netrunner, or Yu-Gi-Oh to their hearts content.
Saturday 12:00 to 22:00, Meeting in the Social Sciences Café
Only a few more Saturdays until the end of term, so here’s hoping you campaigns are reaching an appropriable epic conclusion or at least setting up for a grand finally in term 3. If you are planning on running any games in term 3 then don’t hesitate in getting them on our events page as it’s never too early.
Sunday 12:00 to 18:00, OC1.01 Oculus Building
This week saw the party attempt to free Henri Simnel of The Master’s influence by removing a raven necklace from him. After removing the last of the influence from him they discovered that he was in fact planning to build a device to defog the southlands. So, make sure and turn up next week to find out what happens next.
After the success of this Wednesdays AGM I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the exec who worked tremendously hard over the past year to make everything we have achieved possible, and to welcome in the new exec who I’m sure will continue to carry out the great work - all the great work - while improving the society even further. So without further ado, here is your exec for the following year.
- President - Nigel James Heathcote
- Secretary - Ares Osborn
- Treasurer - Nathan Marks
- Boardgames Rep - Patrick Kiernan
- Wargames Rep - James Sampson-Foster
- Draft Rep - Aleksa Cvoro
- Casual Card Games Rep - Joshua Raffles
- RPGs Rep - Callum Marvell
- LARP Rep - Jakub Hajdus
- LARP Equipment Officer - Timothy Smith
- Communications Officer - Finnbar Keating
- Web Admin - Ash Brent-Carpenter
And most importantly our new mascot R.O.N. who ran for all of the above roles but unfortunately lost to everyone.
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Find my women,
charmdateBabs (Communications Officer)
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Society Facebook Page:
Board Games Facebook Group:
Card Games Facebook Group:
Wargames Facebook Group:
LARPs Facebook Group:
RPG Facebook Group: