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Posted 7 years, 3 months ago

As we enter week four you are probably beginning to form a bit of a routine, thinking you have seen everything we have to offer. Well think again! As you haven’t seen anything until you attend one of our famed weekend events. And speaking of which, here are some details to get you excited.

Boardgames Weekend Week 5, 10am Saturday to 10pm Sunday, B2.02 Science Concourse
Extravaganza Weekend Week 9, 10am Saturday to 10pm Sunday, B2.02/01 Science Concourse

Saturday 10:00 to 18:00, WCE.09a Westwood
The one problem of having wargames be so popular this year is that we are running out of terrain required to create exciting battlefields. But not to worry as this Saturday we are dedicating the whole day to the other side of the hobby, giving our new members a chance to pick up some skills from our award winning wargames rep and maybe showing us some tricks in return. This is also the perfect opportunity to craft some unique and interesting pieces making a change from the usual imperial sector buildings that make up most games. Materials will be provided on the day but feel free to bring along anything you think might be useful.

Monday 17:00 to 22:00, OC1.04 Oculus
Not only are we still obtaining record numbers at wargames but we are also seeing more people embrace every system than ever before. There were numerous new member and veterans alike taking part in their first ever games of Warmachine, X-wing, and Warhammer 40k. And this was made all the easier thanks to our large collection of society armies allowing anyone to try out a game without any commitment.

Tuesday 18:00 to 22:00, B2.04/05 Science Concourse
It looks like our new draft format was a success, with the introduction of dedicated prize support giving a real incentive for doing well while also allowing people to keep what they open. And don’t forget about the other change, you can now reduce the draft cost by £2 for every booster pack you supply yourself. Some of you may have noticed this works out really well since if you win you can keep your prize packs for a free draft the following week. All you have to do now is to chain those wins and never pay again, easy right! As usual 19:00 start with the new price of £8 per player.

Wednesday 14:00 to 22:00, B2.02Science Concourse
Two rooms weren’t even enough to contain boardgames this week as it spilled out on to the oculus common area for some games of Catan and BSG (the curse has returned). And speaking of BSG there is now an event on the website looking for players for a game of Deep Space Nine the boardgame (a conversion of BSG created by one of our members). So if you enjoy BSG but think it would be improved with added Ferengi (honestly what wouldn’t!) then be sure to check it out.

Thursday 16:00 to 22:00, WA0.15 Avon Building Westwood
Overheard someone talk about Magic or witnessed some games of Android Netrunner at boardgames and thought it looked interesting? Then casual card games is the place to learn and find out what all the fuss is about. We have a large community of skilled players ready to teach whatever game you are interested in before loaning you a deck to put your new found skills to the test.

Saturday 12:00 to 22:00, H0.05/H1.03/H5.22 Humanities Building/ Meeting in the Social Sciences Café
RPGs are in full swing now with 7 campaign in progress, so hopefully if you were looking for one you have found a space. But don’t worry if you haven’t as more are appearing even as we advance into the middle of term with a Vampire the Masquerade game popping up last week, but you have to be quick as spaces are still going in an instant. If you are interested in running a campaign of your own or even just want to try out running a game with a one shot then now is as good a time as any, so get them up on the website. If you give me a weeks’ notice I can even advertise it in the newsletter for you.

Sunday 12:00 to 18:00, OC0.01 Oculus
I’ve got to hand it to our hardy LARPers for braving storm Brian as it takes some real guts to do battle in that weather, maybe the chainmail would actually be a blessing as a means to anchor yourself to the ground. But don’t worry if you didn’t make it as I’m sure that weather will be less extreme next week for you to jump straight back in. As always if you’re even slightly curious then don’t hesitate to come on down as we will provide all the equipment and training necessary.

Friday saw us host a special boardgames night in collaboration with our sponsors tpp. I’m sure everyone who attended had a great time, although that’s not really hard when there is a whole extra night of boardgames and free pizza. But what made this stand out from our regular Wednesday slot was the opportunity to network and get your foot in the door with our sponsors, who sent along the friendliest people that seemed to love boardgames nearly as much as we do.

TPP are a healthcare company striving to achieve the concept of "One patient, one record" not just in the UK, but all around the globe.
They are currently recruiting Software Developers, Analysts, Account Managers, Technical Operations and Communications Managers. They also have a Summer Internship in Software Development, for students who will be going into their final year of study.
Visit www.tpp-uk.com/careers for more information.

Thanks for reading,
John Humphreys (Communications Officer)
Society Website: http://www.warwicktabletop.co.uk/
Society Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/TAGAROPLE/
Board Games Facebook Group:https://www.facebook.com/groups/681573368568623/
Card Games Facebook Group:https://www.facebook.com/groups/195335593904501/
Wargames Facebook Group:https://www.facebook.com/groups/276814799016749/
LARPs Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2204222674/
RPG Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/136276596998520/

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