Back again with even more updates? Impossible!!!
❗ Announcements ❗
📢 We're having an EGM!
📆 Date: Wednesday 1st November (Week 5)
🕖 Time: 5-6pm
🗺️ Location: B2.02, Science Concourse
🙇 Returning Officer: @.kelseyk (vice president)
Without an EGM and elected exec members the society cannot exist, and therefore neither can the events we run!
We’re electing Tech Officer and CCGs Rep!
📆 Important Dates 📆 ---
⚠️ Weds 18th October, 12pm: deadline to buy standard membership (and verify it on our website!) for those wishing to vote/stand in election/put forward motions
⚠️ Tue 24th Oct , 12pm: deadline by which constitution-changing motions must be put forward 📢 Fri 27 Oct,: full AGM announcement (including constitution-changing motions) made
🗨️ Weds 1st Nov, 5-6pm: AGM takes place!
🗳️ Thurs 2nd Nov , 12pm: voting opens
🔒 Saturday 4th Nov, 12pm: voting closes
🎉 Moderators
We have some lovely new moderators!
If you have any concerns or queries about the content on our discord you can contact a moderator or our welfare officer (@alyshaaa on discord)!
🎃Upcoming events!
As you all know it's getting towards a very spooky time of year!
We will soon be announcing plans for Hallo'week! A week (ish) of spooky games!
On top of that we have a horror themed LARP collab with Gothic & Horror society in the near future as well as a chill board games collab with The Pack!!
As soon as we actually finish planning these more details are avaliable!!!
❔ What's happening this week? ❔
- Monday 5-10pm: In Person Wargames - CS1.01 - IMPORTANT NOTE: CS1.01 is in a KEYCARD ACCESS ONLY area, of which only DCS student and Tabletop exec will have access to. IF YOU ARRIVE AFTER 5PM PLEASE PING/MESSAGE THE WARGS CHAT WE CAN COME LET YOU IN!
- Tuesday 6-10pm: In Person Draft - B2.02 - Commander Masters - £25 - you must sign up here to take part
- Wednesday 3-10pm: In Person Board Games - B2.02
- Thursday 5-10pm: In Person CCGs - B2.02
- Sunday 12-5pm: LARP - B2.02
Remember, you can always find an up-to-date timetable of what's going on on our website's Schedule page, and you can see special events (including RPGs) and sign up to them via our Events page.
💭 What happened last week? 💭
Last week in LARP:
As ever, a new year brings a new suite of characters! This week, a party consisting of two cultists, a Lupan spy, and a Nameless philosopher made their way through myriad dangers and religious debates as they attempted to deliver a letter to the cardinal of Skoi in the city of Annd. After some somewhat unnecessary escalating of violence, they managed to escape alive—albeit unpaid—only by the cardinal's clemency.
Last week in Wargames:
Marienburgs display their lack of honour in some Mordheim outskirts
Last week in F.I.S.T:
After Agent MILQUETOAST met an untimely end by Atlantean lightning magic/M134 rotary minigun, Ethan introduced his new character to F.I.S.T at the end of yesterday’s session Joining SIERRA, MILKY, EMBER and H.A.W.K.E, on their mission to render property values negative defend the world, Agent BOZO is a credit to F.I.S.T!
Here's some one liners on how the group felt:
- screamed and dove under the desk where she didn’t emerge for a solid 5 minutes
- sat in quiet bemusement
- honestly took it well all things considered
- alternating between swearing at Ethan and muttering “no” under her breath
The party now consists of A superspy, a mage with a rocket launcher, a nihilistic ninja, a murderbot and a clown who regenerates HP every time the players laugh!
That's not all! They also committed approximately 21 crimes in the space of a few hours in modern day New York ranging from traffic violations to domestic terrorism!
Last week in Murderous Misfits:
‘Newer Ethan broke Head of RPGs Ethan. And all the players to be honest. Everyone had a great time.’ - Quote Holly!
There were also plenty of cubes of sadness and,,, cubes of children?
Extra Bonus End Bit
Adventures of Strawberry Jam!
In a shocking twist this week Strawberry Jam went slightly further afield!
He went to go hang out with Ozzy the bull who's apparently been relocated to Birmingham new street after the Commonwealth games!
(I hope everyone likes my artwork)
Ta ta!
Alysha (she/they, Communications and Operations officer!) @alyshaaa on Discord!
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