Posted 3 years, 2 months ago
Oh no.
📅 Date: Wednesday 21st July
⌚ Time: 7-9pm
🗺 Location: Microsoft Teams - join the Team - join the meeting
🙇♀️ Returning Officer: Anna (outgoing Web Admin)
An EGM is much like an Annual General Meeting (AGM), but held in times of great need. Okay, that might be a bit dramatic. Basically, we call an EGM whenever we need to bring the whole society together to discuss (and perhaps vote on) important matters that cannot wait until our next AGM. This could happen if we need to change the constitution, or if we need to elect a new exec member, for example.
For more details about AGMs (and by extension is mostly applicable to EGMs), please consult the old FAQ I wrote several years ago and that has never been updated since (but is still pretty good, if I do say so myself).
We have called this EGM to address 2 main matters (and anything else that may or may not be put forward by you wonderful folks...):
Please note that we will not be holding elections at this EGM! Phew.
It was motioned at our recent Term 2 AGM that we should probably do something about the way our Discord is moderated, and write a moderation document (please read the full motion for details). We have now (almost) written this document, and we wish to consult the society as a whole on this matter. We would like to first facilitate a discussion on its contents and address any issues/comments/complaints/constructive criticism that may arise. This document does not necessitate any constitution-changing, so does not need quorum to be voted on, so regardless of turnout we will do a vote (which will be hosted here on our website for 4 days after the EGM ends, closing Sunday night) on the document to gauge whether you, as members, are happy with it.
We will be releasing the document closer to the EGM in this thread as part of a motion, and will announce when we do so via our Discord and our Facebook page.
It was recently raised by our CCGs exec, Jamie, that CCGs might be more appropriate as "Collectible Card Games," rather than "Casual Card Games." If this name change were to take place, it would be constitution-changing, and would therefore need a vote at an EGM that has quorum. A full motion on this matter will be posted in the thread below. We would like to facilitate a discussion on the topic, then a vote (which will again be hosted here on our website for 4 days after the EGM ends, closing Sunday night) as to whether to rename CCGs from "Casual" to "Collectible."
If a member wishes to propose any other matter to be brought up at the EGM, they may do so in the thread below. Motions should be of the following format:
On Hats
The Society Notes:
1. That very few members routinely wear hats to games meetingsThe Society Believes:
1. That hats are easily and cheaply obtained from many retailers
2. That hats add a jaunty air to proceedings, and encourage good cheer.The Society Resolves:
1. To require each of our members to wear at least one hat during the board games session.
⚠ Please read the section below ("Really Important Things to Note") before writing your motion(s), to see whether or not you are eligible to do so, and what formalities must be adhered to. ⚠
Thank you for reading this far! I hope to see you at the EGM in a few weeks 😊 If you have any questions, please either post them in this thread, contact the returning officer or an exec on our Discord server (or PM me on Discord @dovahbutt#7544
), or contact our SU email address.
~ Ares, VP 2021-22
TLDR: we are running an EGM to discuss Discord moderation guidelines and renaming CCGs on Wednesday 21st July, 7pm. Be there or be a a regular quadrilateral.
Posted 3 years, 2 months ago
(Written by Jamie in consultation with the rest of the exec)
The Society Notes:
The Society Believes:
The Society Resolves:
Posted 3 years, 1 month ago
The Society Notes:
The Society Believes:
The Society Resolves:
The guidelines can be found here. Please have a look through them if you are interested!
EDIT: Please note that there is an additional document linked about various discriminatory behaviours. This was previously a dead link, but it has been fixed now that the linked document is complete. Thank you again for your patience!
If you have any questions, please ask them in this thread. Furthermore, if there are non-trivial changes that you would like made, please also discuss them here. By doing this, we can avoid having to make smaller fixes during the EGM (but of course you can still bring these up during the EGM, just it is much easier to make fixes when there is time) and allow people to vote on larger changes through extra motions if need be.
i'm free