Avatar for nasenbaer23 Ben ( nasenbaer23 )

Posted 6 months, 3 weeks ago

📅 Important Dates
⚠ Weds 18th Oct 12pm: deadline to buy standard membership for those wishing to vote/stand in election/put forward motions
⚠ Tue 24th Oct, 12pm: deadline by which constitution-changing motions must be put forward
📢 Fri 27th Oct, 12pm: full meeting announcement (including constitution-changing motions) made
🗨 Weds 1st Nov 5-6pm: meeting takes place!
🗳 Thurs 2nd Nov, 12pm: voting opens
🔒 Sat 4th Nov, 12pm: voting closes
📢 Sat 4th Nov, 3pm: provisional results announced
🎊 Sat 11th Nov, 3pm: provisional period over, results now 100% valid! Yay!

🗂 Orders of Business at the EGM
Rundown of voting rules and procedures
Comfort break (May be moved earlier/a smaller one introduced earlier depending on number of motions)
Exec nominations
Any other business

📛 Becoming a member and verifying your membership
If you want to run for a position, suggest a motion and/or vote, you must be a member of the society 14 days prior to the vote opening. That would be by WEDS 18th OCTOBER, 12pm.

There are 2 main steps to this:

🕐 Buy membership on our SU page
Go to our SU page, and buy membership to the Society.
Yeah that's it for Step 1.
🕑 Verify your membership on this here website
Make sure you have an account on this website.
Log in to your account and go to Edit Profile, select the "Verify Membership" option, and follow the process
Note: if you've voted in any of our online elections before, you're gucci, you do not need to verify anything again!
Please make sure to verify your membership by the same deadline.

If you have membership but don't verify it before then, please let our Tech Officer Lap, know and he will be able to fix it manually - this is an irritating process for him though, so please be nice and do it on time.
If you have any queries about online voting, please let me know by Discord
☑ Requirement for the vote to be valid
Voting will take place between Thursday and Saturday on our website. You do not need to attend the meeting itself to vote, but we highly encourage you to do so, so that you know more about who/what you’re voting for.

Quorum is “a minimum number of votes needed in order for a vote to be valid.” There are 2 quorums we can meet.

For elections and non-Constitution changing motions, quorum is as follows:

a. The first 100 Society or Club members shall be subject to a quorum of 10%.
b. Membership between 101 and 200 inclusive shall be subject to a quorum of 9%.
c. Membership between 201 and 400 inclusive shall be subject to a quorum of 8%.
g. The quorum calculations in a) – f) are cumulative and the total shall be rounded up to the nearest integer.
h. The minimum quorum for any Society election is 5.

For Constitution changing motions:

  1. The quorum for all Society and Sports Clubs constitution changes shall be the cumulative total of Quorum 1. a) – f) in ‘Club and Society Election Appendix’ multiplied by 1.5 and then rounded up to the nearest whole number.
  2. The minimum quorum for any Society or Sports Club constitution change is 8.

As of 16-10-2023, we have a membership of 125. For this number, our basic quorum is 13; our constitution-changing quorum is 20.

If we don’t reach the minimum number of votes, the subject of the vote is not valid, and we will likely have to run another! EGM (Emergency General Meeting) to perform the vote again, which is not very desirable as it is a further drain on everyone’s time. So, if you can vote, please vote!

🙌 Running for an exec role, suggesting motions, voting
If you want to run for a position, suggest a motion and/or vote, you must be a member of the society 14 days prior to the vote opening.

I strongly recommend that you read our newly (minorly) updated AGM FAQs for guidelines before nominating yourself or proposing a motion. That is the thread where you should post any questions you have about the AGM; please keep the comments on this thread solely for nominations/motions for ease of organisation.

👪 Exec roles
Exec elections are how we nominate the exec for the next year (until the next AGM rocks around). Candidates will put themselves forward, give a short speech on why they’re a good candidate, take any questions that the attendees have, and then members can vote on who they think is best for the role.

There are a number of exec positions you can run for, our current available elected exec roles being:

Tech Officer
Collectable Card Games (CCGs) Rep

📄 Motions
Motions are your chance to officially change things that the Society does in some way or another. They come in 2 flavours: motions that change our Constitution, and motions that do not.

Most motions you propose will require a change/modification to our society constitution, as this lays out how the society conducts its business. You can find the Society Constitution on our website; please make sure you read this before you propose a motion.

If a motion is proposed to make a change to the Society Constitution, we are required to give our members at least 7 days’ notice of this motion. So we ask that you propose any changes to the Society Constitution at least 8 days before the AGM

👇 To nominate yourself for an exec position, propose a motion, second a motion, or suggest an amendment to a motion, please reply to the forum thread below!

i have been consumed by the SU regs send he-sound of paper eating a person

Avatar for Westenra Mina ( Westenra )

Posted 6 months, 3 weeks ago

I would like to nominate myself for CCGs. Just to check, when do I provide the manifesto? /gen

Avatar for nasenbaer23 Ben ( nasenbaer23 )

Posted 6 months, 3 weeks ago

whenever you want as long as it's up by the EGM

i have been consumed by the SU regs send he-sound of paper eating a person

Avatar for nasenbaer23 Ben ( nasenbaer23 )

Posted 6 months, 2 weeks ago

Motion Time

what, you think Tabletop are running an EGM and I'm not submitting a motion that makes a minor, yet vital tweak to the running of our society?

Proposer: Ben (President)
Second: Dan (Draft Rep)

On The Duties of Faction Reps

The Society Notes

  • That Event Reps (here defined as Wargames, Draft, CCGs, RPGs, LARP and Boardgames Reps) are responsible for the running of events and the purchase, upkeep and storage of equipment, as defined by section 5.1 of the Constitution.
  • That, currently, there is no explicitly mandated expectation or requirement to appraise the Core Exec (namely the President, Vice President, Treasurer and Welfare Officer) as to the general state of the faction outside of on an ad-hoc basis.
  • That there is potential for exec cooperation to breakdown, or to become isolated and siloed
  • That a majority of the current exec are uncomfortable with this state of affairs and believe it should be resolved.


The Society Believes

  • That mandating that the Event Reps communicate the state of their factions to the rest of the exec might be sensible.
  • That there should be no mandated timescale on this, but at exec meetings, it should be normalised that we discuss the state of the society (as indeed we already do).
  • That it should not be limited to the Core Exec to make these requests, since to do such would be hierarchical, and contrary to the ethos of Warwick Tabletop.


The Society Resolves

To add section 5.1.h to the Constitution, which shall read:

"Event Reps shall provide, at request, updates on the state of their faction (including, but not limited to finances, equipment, attendance and similar) to the rest of the exec"

i have been consumed by the SU regs send he-sound of paper eating a person

Avatar for AceEmpress Hannah ( AceEmpress )

Posted 6 months, 1 week ago

Manifesto Time

Or "You thought you could keep me away that easily?"

Hi! I'm Fern, or Hannah, (she/they/fae/it), a fourth year (which is terrifying!) MChem student. There's a decent chance you've seen me around somewhere or other either at Welcome Week or on the exec as Vice-President last year or Co-op Officer the year before. If you haven't then I'm the society's resident pronoun-hoarder and little-bit of everything-er.

I'm a very enthusiastic Netrunner player[1] , a reasonably frequent LARPer[2], indie RPGs advocate[3], semi-regular board gamer[4], and ex-40k and MTG player[5]. This year, I'm running for Tech Officer, both to keep the website and Discord running smoothly and to be on hand for sorting any other issue that inevitably comes up from running large events to unpleasant surprises

Technical Qualifications

  • Past experience with the website back-end as Co-op.
  • Computational experience both in and separate from my degree - my Master's project is in Computational Chemistry (specifically solid-state battery design via DFT calculations, a topic which is exactly as fun as it sounds unless you're my supervisor in which case it's the most interesting thing since Science Fantasy).
  • Multiple years of being on Tabletop exec and even longer in the society more broadly - I know its intricacies and weirdnesses.
  • I have let How To Website Really Good into my heart as the standard reference text for my entire life. (I have been accused of "hyperbole" many times but the allegations hasn't yet been proven in court - in actuality I've checked it before running to ensure I'm confident sorting the most common things and I know where to find guidance for anything else that comes up.)

Goals for the year

  • Keep everything running smoothly and up to date.
  • Support other exec with whatever they need because of my multiple years on exec in other roles.
  • Implement suggested features where feasible (including markdown footnotes to make this post look nicer :p)

Why didn't I run last year?

I was the Returning Officer for the AGM so wasn't allowed, and Lap (the previous Tech Officer) hadn't yet finalised his year in industry so we didn't yet know for certain there would be a vacancy come term 1.

[1]: You should come check us out on Thursdays at CCGs! We're willing to teach, so if you want to learn a cool, proxy-friendly, fan-run cyberpunk card game you should definitely come along!
[2]: Come to LARP! Use fake swords! Watch Matthew make up guys for the players to get mad at!
[3]: Eventually I'll throw together the "so you want to run an RPG" guide I've been meaning to for the past month or so once ADHD and my free time let me.
[4]: This point’s mostly here for symmetry uuuh Quacks of Quedlinburg is cool.
[5]: To the thankfulness of my wallet and free time.

Here, queer, filled with existential fear.

Avatar for Westenra Mina ( Westenra )

Posted 6 months, 1 week ago

Manifesto Moment

Hi, I’m Mina (she/her), a fourth year chemistry student here at the University of Warwick. I’m currently your Assistant CCGs officer, but with Lap’s resignation, I would like to run for the full CCGs role. You may know me as that person who turns up at board games and works in the corner as well as the major LARP watcher.

Many of you may know me as the one running the CCGs sessions for some of term 3 and term 1 so far – and with my interest in all three major card games played at these sessions, I’d love to be able to continue helping the community grow at Warwick. With the recent budget request I’ve put in, hopefully we can continue sustaining Yugioh, Netrunner and Magic. In future plans, I’d like to make some more open leagues, to further encourage one on one gameplay as well as formats that have seen interest yet need additional support.

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