[Hallowe'ek] DREAM HEIST

[Hallowe'ek] DREAM HEIST
Saturday 31st October, 7:30pm - (roughly) midnight Discord and some dice rolling platform

It's said that everyone has their own personal books, a script to play out life from. You are all Readers, arcane thieves who are able to manipulate these books, take events from anywhere within them and play them out, no matter how it fits into the now. You work in the world of dreams and nightmares, but after a botched heist there the authorities are after you, and you need to find a way out...

DREAM HEIST is a new surreal RPG system written entirely for this one shot. It's pretty different from most RPG systems in that you won't really need a character sheet, but instead a character book - any fiction book you happen to have at your disposal. You'll be using semi-random passages from said book in order to change the dream you inhibit in your most dangerous heist yet - can you find your way out before your host wakes up and traps you in the dream forever?

There are two things you should do before you sign up:

  1. Look at the timeslot of this event, because it is very non-standard. (The reason behind this is because I said I'd run a late night surreal one-shot, so here we are. Maybe I'll rerun it at a slightly friendlier time in future.)
  2. Read the rules, because they are very non-standard and also not that long. They can be found in this document.
Ran by: Finnbar ( finnbar )

Players: 6/6