Guards! Guards!

Guards! Guards!
Tuesdays, 6-10pm S0.52


Resistance Toolkit

Guards! Guards!
We’ve all heard the tales: groups of adventurers roll into town, trash the tavern, get into fights, and steal anything not nailed down; and no one dares do anything about it because they’re the people keeping us all safe from the bandits/monsters/rats in the basement. Well, no longer!

As the latest batch of recruits into the recently re-founded City Guard, the keys to the city (and some other keys nobody recognises) are now yours, but don’t expect an easy life. Your new responsibilities will cover everything from lost familiars, to drunken tavern brawls, to arresting corrupt mages and fending off dragon attacks. Grab your truncheon, your cloak, and your manacles; and keep your wits about you: the streets aren’t safe. Yet…

This campaign will run using custom rules based on the Resistance toolkit. Expect a "monster of the week" style narrative, with the occasional longer arc or plot line as we get deeper into the campaign. Much of the tone (and setting) of the campaign is undecided, and I will of course be running a session 0 where we hash that sort of stuff out as well as do standard Session 0 stuff. This is a little experiment in “flipping the script” on the traditional fantasy adventuring story, so I can’t promise it will actually work; but I expect the attempt will be fun! All players welcome, no matter your experience level. :)

I'm looking for about 4 players, so if you're interested drop me a DM here or on discord and we can chat!

Run by: Sophie ( Sopphic )

Players: 1/1