Travel on the Misha Maruu

Travel on the Misha Maruu
Tuesdays 6-10, starting Term 3 FAB3.30

rpgtravellersci fi

Classic Traveller

The Misha Maruu is a freighter ship converted into a mid-quality cruise liner. It takes a route from Rhylanor to Regina, first stop Equus, and it'll jump you there alive. Mostly. Hopefully.

Your character has been hired by Tyrell Risk Management for a mission on Equus to kidnap a crime boss, and has chosen to take this ship for a nice (enough), affordable travel experience to put on company dime.

Traveller is a 2d6 sci-fi system set in the far-flung future where faster-than-light travel exists and always takes about 1 week. It's fairly simple, but I will have a call with every player beforehand to make characters & establish backstories, and a bit of a session 0.

Run by: Sam ( smol_mcstabby )

Players: 5/5