A Night At the Opera

A Night At the Opera
12-6pm FAB1.07

Good morning agents,
We have received information that the individual known as the White Bishop will be present at the Teatro Real, Madrid, Spain tomorrow evening. It is unknown why the Bishop is appearing at tomorrow's event, a performance of Mozart's
Die Zauberfloete. Your objectives are therefore to ascertain why the White Bishop is present in a Spanish opera house and neutralise him...

Hello everyone! Welcome to my second Intro To RPGs weekend oneshot! This time I'll be running GUMSHOE, an investigative, rules light RPG system that you might know from Trails of Cthulhu or DELTA GREEN. In this game, you'll be playing a team of international superspies, sent to infiltrate an opera performance and neutralise a target. The characters are already premade- all you need is one six-sided dice, some water (to drink), a device that can access the internet and a mask. It should take us about an hour maximum to get everyone set up with their characters and for me to explain the rules and how the system works.

The tedious-but-necessary COVID Stuff
In terms of the ongoing global pandemic- please bring a mask. I'll wear mine whilst we play and I'll open the windows as much as I can. I'd appreciate it if you wore a mask during gameplay, but if you're exempt for any reason then that's totally fair. We will take a break for food/fresh air as well.

I'm looking forward to playing with you all! If you want to ask me any questions, please DM me on Discord, I'm far more likely to see it there than I am through here.

Ran by: Ben ( nasenbaer23 )

Players: 4/6

This event requires you to sign up to the parent event, Introductory RPG oneshots, Term 2 edition.