Into the Mist

Into the Mist
16:00 to 22:00 Sundays FAB 6.01


DnD 5e

This will be a high fantasy campaign taking place in my homebrew setting of Coren. As a band of adventurers, mercenaries or whatever else, you all have found yourself in the city – state of Awldin. Known for its old university and vast quarries of marble, it lies in a circle in the middle of the Gauswood, a deadly forest with trees that pierce the clouds. Now, you all gather together in the office of a historian at the university after seeing an advertisement for adventurers. Who knows where this mission may take you?

Combat will be a bit challenging, and character death is definitely a possibility. That said, anyone is welcome, including new players. My name is alanz123#3491 on the discord. Feel free to ask me any questions! Also please message me after signing up to the event here.

Run by: alantree

Players: 6/6