Weeee woooo it's time to start ringing the AGM alarm!
❗ Announcements ❗
🗳️ 🚨 The AGM is back!
📆 Date: 21st February (Week 7) 🕖 Time: 6/7-9pm 🗺️ Location: B2.02, Science Concourse 🙇 Returning Officer: Kelsey! (outgoing vice president)
It's time for the society's most important event of the year, its Annual General Meeting (AGM). Without an AGM and elected exec members the society cannot exist, and therefore neither can the events we run!
What is an AGM, I hear you cry? It's the meeting where we discuss how the year has gone, make any necessary changes to the Society constitution and also gives you the opportunity to see Ben stress about SU regulations.
So, to help the society function, we need as many members as possible to turn up, submit motions, run for exec roles, and vote.
--- 📆 Important Dates 📆 ---
⚠️ Weds 7th Feb: deadline to buy standard membership (and verify it on our website!) for those wishing to vote/stand in election/put forward motions ⚠️ Tues 13th Feb, 12pm: deadline by which constitution-changing motions must be put forward 📢 Weds 14th Feb full AGM announcement (including constitution-changing motions) made - 🗨️ Weds Feb 21st, 7-9pm: AGM takes place! 🗳️ Sat 24 Feb, 12pm: voting opens 🔒 Tues 28 Feb, 12pm: voting closes 📢 Tues 27 Feb, 3pm: provisional results announced 🎊 Tues 5 Mar, 3pm: provisional period over, results now 100% valid! Yay!
In order to run for a role, or to vote on either elections or motions, you need to ensure that you have bought your membership by 12pm on Wednesday the 7th of February! Additionally, once you have membership, you'll need to verify your membership on our website before you can vote, following these steps:
1️⃣ Login to your account 2️⃣ Go to your profile 3️⃣ Click "Verify Membership" and follow the steps there
If you've already voted on the website before, there's no need to do it again, but anyone who wants to vote for the first time, it's really important that you do this!
Please make sure you verify your membership and turn up to stand/vote at the AGM, it's really important that we have as many people as possible, so the next exec can continue making the society a great place for everyone!
🔪 Want to join a murder mystery?
Do you want to try and solve a murder? Interested in a one-shot LARP experience? Do you like bad puns?
Well you're in luck! We'll be hosting our annual Murder Mystery LARP on Saturday the 24th of February in B2.02!
A murder mystery is a non-combat LARP focused roughly around attempting to solve a murder. Of course, some of you will be playing the murderers, and trying to get away with your crimes. While costume is not required, it is encouraged and attendees will be free to borrow any of the costume we have in the larp costume for the event!
Click here to join this years murder mystery set in a Victorian scientfiic institution!
🎲 Calling all GMs!
As the time for Big RPG approaches, so too does the search for GMs to help run it! This year we’re running Last Orders at the Yawning Portal, a collaborative Dungeons and Dragons game. If you’d like to run a table, or just to ask any further questions, please message EPG rep Ethan (vortex_creed_113) on Discord.
The game will be run on Sunday 3rd March, from 2-6pm(ish)!
💜Thinking of joining the exec?
In week 7 we're gonna be hosting our AGM!
For any newbies who haven't experienced this delightful event it's our annual meeting to vote in new exec for the next year! Sorry to say some of us graduate this year (big sad) so to let everyone know what exec roles you can run for every week they'll be some descriptions of exec roles!
Anyone who's got a membership to the society can run in the AGM!
This week introducing.....
Wargames rep: Hey all! I'm Liam, the current Wargames rep. As part of my role, I cover all things wargames related - from games of Warhammer 40k, to other systems such as Bolt Action, smaller-scale games like Kill-Team, and any other you can imagine! It is my responsibility every Monday to run our weekly Wargames session, where a space is provided for you all to bring your miniature armies and play games with them!
More than that, I have been responsible for making the hobby of Wargaming more accessible, particularly to those who do not own minis of their own, through the creation and use of society armies and introductory games.
Being the Wargames rep has been immense fun, being able to plan and run bigger or longer-term events like tournaments, campaigns, and just fun narrative scenarios - but also providing a space for others to plan their own things as well! Being a Wargames rep is both a practical role, running weekly sessions and events, and also a support role, in enabling and encouraging others to participate in the hobby we all love, and facilitating memorable experiences
Tech officer: Hi! I’m Fern, and I’m the current Tech Officer for Warwick Tabletop! You may have (or may not have because I’ve been busy with my fourth year project) seen me at any one of our events - if not I’m the person who keeps the website running. This is easier than it sounds! Everything you ever need to know is already documented in the aptly named “How to Website Really Good” (courtesy of previous Tech Officer Finnbar) so rather than requiring in-depth technical knowledge all you need is a willingness to learn and to look things up when they come up.
The nature of the role of Tech Officer also means you’re not locked to a fixed timetable of events like other reps are, which means you can still contribute if your course doesn’t leave you with a consistent schedule or likes to dump surprise coursework on you!
❔ What's happening this week? ❔
- Monday 5-10pm: In Person Wargames - CS1.01 - IMPORTANT NOTE: CS1.01 is in a KEYCARD ACCESS ONLY area, of which only DCS student and Tabletop exec will have access to. IF YOU ARRIVE AFTER 5PM PLEASE PING/MESSAGE THE WARGS CHAT WE CAN COME LET YOU IN!
- Tuesday 6-10pm: In Person Draft - B2.02 - Capenna - £5.50 - you must sign up here to take part
- Wednesday 2-10pm: In Person Board Games - B2.02
- Thursday 5-10pm: In Person CCGs - B2.02
- Sunday 12-4pm: LARP - B2.02 and LARP pub trip - 4-6pm - meet at B2.02
Remember, you can always find an up-to-date timetable of what's going on on our website's Schedule page, and you can see special events (including RPGs) and sign up to them via our Events page.
💭 What happened last week? 💭
Last week in LARP:
The web of conspiracy tightened further around Kitaland as the party investigated an Ostport smuggling ring. After successfully stowing away on a ship, they assaulted the hideout and encountered yet another assassin with devious plans.
Last week in Lumina falls:
After the party vibes turned sour thanks to Rick’s outburst in starting a fight, the group shut down the nights festivities and got ready to head home. Before they got the chance to leave Casey (having been further convinced of the supernatural after seeing her missing brother in the woods) just had to test her theory that Ashley was a mermaid and pushed her into the water. Turns out that theory was in fact false. Overnight, Cassidy had some bad dreams and Rick got some weird noises over the radio that left the group a little concerned. Mayor Sinclaire caught wind of the party and saw to it that Ashley and Ashton would make up for their misbehaviour, and that led to an angry Ashton disappearing into the night to go get a kebab. Little did the group know that it would lead to Ashton disappearing into the night for good.....
Last week in Murderous Misfits:
The party ended up in the mind of their favourite gunslinger Felix Tylnor on an exciting Inception Style heist to free him of the mind control chip in his neck. Upon success, the group got back on track with finding the remaining children of the devourer that were unaccounted for. This led them to Grova where they were invited to a wedding! Turns out the soon to be betrothed bride Alessandra was actually Laklan’s wife who he had been separated from 14 years ago. In their reunification, they shared a sweet moment on the balcony, but this turned sour as Azrael stormed the couple, killed Alessandra and took off with her child, Kai (who also happened to be a Child of the Devourer). Chase ensued, which resulted in Azrael and Samael fighting it out with the group watching on, having recovered Kai from the scuffle. The fight ended with the two angels merging to become one terrifying creature: Abaddon. Seeing the futility in this fight, the NPCs Zander, Felix and Laklan stepped forward, sacrificing themselves and urging the party to run as they gave them a little more time. And with no real choice, the group took their leave. Yes, we know, DM Ethan is a menace/lh
While in Felix brain the party somehow fought... the great unclean one? Just kidding we didn't have a dragon model so instead we had a mini crossover event on the battle field!
Extra Bonus End Bit
Adventures of Strawberry Jam!
I'm very sorry to say that Strawberry Jam graduates this year!
He's finally got his degree in slaying
Soon you'll be able to vote for a new mascot to take over the society join in on the fun!
Have a great week!
Alysha (she/they, Communications and Operations officer & Welfare officer!) @alyshaaa on Discord!
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