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Legacy: Life Among the Ruins
TBA, depending on player schedules Probably the FAB

The world ended. Maybe in fire, in darkness, in choking smoke or arcane error or a fate stranger still. Will the survivors build a home worthy of the name, something new arising like a phoenix? Or will we vanish into the black again, the last spark from a quenched fire?

Legacy: Life Among the Ruins is a PBTA game of survival and rebuilding in a world ravaged and altered by incomprehensible calamity. It is interested not only in the days and weeks after the end of the world, but the struggles that follow Ra…

Run by: Hannah ( AceEmpress )

Players: 1/1

Saturdays FAB6.04

EDIT: To all current players: Join the discord following this link: From now on, our weekly game should take place in FAB6.04 every Saturday. Let's figure out an exact time on the Discord. If that doesn't work for you, let me know!

If you're looking to join the story late, but not sure if there's space for you, feel free to add message me here or on discord (.p_phoenix) and ask :)

In a wartorn kingdom, a landslide has uncovered an ancient crypt. When the people of the nearby…

Run by: ohichbinpaul

Players: 6/6

A short hike
Saturdays during term one, roughly 12-4 Leamington spa

Dungeons and dragons 5th edition

In a decaying kingdom, a group of seasoned explorers (or as close as can be found) are needed for a noble quest to find a rare flower amidst the mountains.
I'm going to be hosting the campaign at my house in Leamington - don't worry I'm near a bus-stop.
The campaign will be aimed at players already familiar with the basics of dnd 5e.

Run by: cowsabunga

Players: 4/4

DnD 5e: Keys From the Golden Vault
Saturdays; Approx. 12:00-18:00 On Campus

rpgdnd 5emini-campaignheists

Dungeons and Dragons; 5th Edition

The silence grows heavier with each step you take down the dark, deserted corridors, lined with artifacts, skeletons and other exhibits, as you creep slowly closer towards your goal. Each looming shadow could be an approaching guard rounding the next corner, or worse, the activation of one of the more deadly security systems recently installed in the Museum.
Eventually, the soft green glow of the large gemstone that is your target comes into view. That's the easy part out of the way. Now you have to ge…

Run by: FallenOracle

Players: 5/5

F.I.S.Ts of Fury
Wednesday 6-10(ish) FAB 3.25


Since the Kickstarter of the game I was planning to run in T1 is yet to deliver (I'm not mad I promise), I'm running what I was planning to run in Term 2 in Term 1! My logic is flawless! Flawless, I say!!


F.I.S.T is a really cool and innovative RPG published by CLAYMORE (the all caps is important). Players take on the role of agents of F.I.S.T a company of paranormal mercenaries with extraordinary powers who operate in the shadows. Its' a fast-paced and fairly hi…

Run by: Ben ( nasenbaer23 )

Players: 5/5

Based on availability usually 1:30 on Friday or Saturday Online (discord)

DnD 5e

Recently some players dropped out of a long-term campaign I've been running that started recently:

For as long as anyone can remember the humanoid races have been restricted to a particular area of the world called Lonark. All known Cities and civilizations are centered around one giant body of water. Around Lonark lies a vast wasteland where monsters roam, but in those wastelands there is said to be forgotten knowledge and powerful tools.

It is a standard homebrew setting using all official sourcebooks an…

Run by: ALEX ( ajgg02 )

Players: 2/2

TftYP: White Plume Mountain
Saturdays 12:00-18:00/20:00 On Campus (Rooms Vary)

rpgd&ddungeon crawld&d5emini-campaign

Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition

White Plume Mountain has always been a subject of superstitious awe to the neighbouring villagers. People still travel many miles to gaze upon this natural wonder, though few will approach it closely, as it is reputed to be the haunt of various demons and devils. The occasional disappearance of those who stray too close to the Plume reinforces this belief.
Thirteen hundred years ago, the wizard Keraptis was searching for a suitable haven where he could indulge his eccentricities without fear of interferen…

Run by: FallenOracle

Players: 4/4

Twilight Imperium: The Jammening

board gametwilight imperium

Twilight Imperium (4th Edition) (+PoK?)

Heya! I'm hoping to run a Twilight Imperium game, especially aimed at newer players and players who haven't been able to play in a long time. Regular 6 players 10VP. Briefly, TI4 is a three to six player war/diplomacy game where each player controls a different alien faction with its own unique powers and abilities and attempts to rule the galaxy. We will either choose factions beforehand and randomly take positions around the board, or use Milty draft, an effective drafting method.

We will also decide on …

Run by: Alvis ( Alvis1218 )

Players: 5/5