You can view the full powerpoint minutes for this meeting here:
This meeting was conducted on 06/12/2018 at 1600 in B2.04/5
Exec Present:
Ares (Sec.)
Nigel (Pres.)
Patrick (Boardgames)
Finnbar (News Dude)
Callum (RPGs)
Jon (RPGs Ass.)
Ellie (CCGs Ass.)
Josh (CCGs)
Jakub (LARP)
Exec Absent:
Nathan (Treasurer)
Tim (LARP Ass.)
Ash (Web Admin.)
Orders of Business:
- Game Design Update
- CCGs Tournament Debrief
- Exec Handover Document
3.5. AGM
- RPGs grievances
- Website update suggestions
- 3D printing ideas?
Info/To Discuss:
- Any more info on B2.02 cupboards?
- If you can’t do your allotted exec duties, YOU MUST FIND SOMEONE TO COVER FOR YOU IN ADVANCE!
- Bit late but remember about advertising the society hoodie!
- Buying other bits
a. Sleeves for board games
b. Play mats for society general use
- Secret Sith - need to make sure this is printed/laminated for board games
- Asa has said he has no idea who our old physics PhD who negotiated the cupboard deal is. Now directed towards Old Rob; Nigel will contact Old Rob.
- -
- Will remind you start of term 2 to advertise these
- Will discuss this next exec meeting
- Patrick will do this start of term 2 because he’s away over Christmas (reminder next exec meeting).
1. Game Design Update (Finnbar)
Info/To Discuss:
- Turns out Game Design like the idea as well
- Suggested weekend of week 7, term 2
- Not sure whether to start Friday evening (Game Design usually do this) or Saturday morning
- End Sunday midday, leaving plenty of time for playtesting that afternoon (advertised as a separate thing you can just join for)
- Discussed possibility of two talks - one aimed at game design lot (about board games) and one aimed at board games lot (about game design) - the former is partially written, latter Game Design will try to sort
- Should buy cheap and useful components for making games between the two societies (stuff like wooden cubes, meeples, paper, index cards). My notes say “basically buy Wilkos”...
- Or use compsocs 3D printing maybe? ;)
- Boardgameextras do low prices for board game components online
- Book a room now, cancel it later if necessary
- Normal tt weekend booking (sat, sun)
- B2.04/5 is good, amongst our other rooms we use for board games
- If we dont need overnight, we can get an oculus room
- Talk to GD Dan about overnight and final dates/times (Finnbar)
- Come back to this topic at the start of term 2
2. CCGs Tournament Debrief (Ellie)
Info/To Discuss:
- Pleasantly surprised at the turnout we got
- Yu gi oh!: 7 cov, 1 war
- Modern: 5 cov, 3 war
- For next time, we should have society hoodies?
- There will possibly be a next time???
- Ellie can follow up (with Finnbar) whether there’ll be another one
3. Exec Handover Document
Info/To Discuss:
- I have made a template for the document, including suggestions as to what to include, in the google drive
- This isn’t a final polished document - it’s more a place to just write down everything and paste various bits in, to make sure everything that’s needed gets included in the final document
- I would like everyone to give their respective areas serious consideration over the holidays, and write stuff in the doc!
- Next term I will start properly compiling a neat, final document, and more updates on that will come closer to the time.
- I will repost the drive link on the facebook group and repin it if necessary
- Offload all old drive stuff into the new drive
- Will discuss what we want to change about our role/events in the Facebook group - Nigel will create a post about this. (For example, changing TT weekend to week 3 and week 9).
- Can then add this as advice to the new exec in the handover document
3.5 AGM
Info/To Discuss:
- Last year: AGM was during week 8, wednesday (hijacking board games)
- This year: do it the same time; it will be during board games in LIB1
- Need to advertise starting at the beginning of term 2
- Need to start thinking about your successors!!!
- If you’re going to run “if necessary,” don’t publicise this until the day if no one else is running
4. RPGs Grievances
Info/To Discuss:
Chain of succession:
First, your DM > Callum (as RPGs rep) > Welfare Officer > James (Equal Opps) > Nigel as President, or any other exec in the society
Need to make this kind of process explicit
Put it on the website - create a website page (static) about issues like this (basically an FAQ)
5. Website Update Suggestions
Info/To Discuss:
- Anonymous complaints form (URGENT!!)
- Exec minutes somewhere other than the forum?
- The preview for forum posts doesn’t quite match what it looks like when published but this is a minor issue
- Once I set up a google calendar for the society, embedding this into the schedule page might be a good idea?
- Other minor fixes (red notification bell when there are notifications, ask for real name optionally on sign up).
- Give Callum (RPGs rep in general) more permissions on the forum
- Moving threads from one forum to another removes all the formatting
- Create the FAQ page for things like proxy rulings and RPGs grievances
- Put exec meeting minutes under the “exec” tab on the website; needs discussion with Ares about how they’d like the minutes to look.
- Discuss these suggestions with Ash to be implemented when there's time (Finnbar)
6. 3D Printing Ideas?
Info/To Discuss:
- Could we get our sponsor to print a 3D version of our logo as quiz prizes….??
- Wargames terrain has been suggested in the past on several occasions, but we now have too much terrain after the recent donation
- Old banner - the plastic bit on the top
- Point members in the direction of the pocket workshop to get minis
Next Meeting
Info/To Discuss (Focussing):
- Week 1 next term! (or a prelim meeting in week 0 if enough people are around)
- Update on all the bits done over Christmas (Ares)
- Reminder about all the bits that need doing (Ares)
- RPG one shot day (Callum)
- Any update on Game Design collab (Finnbar)