You can view the meeting minutes on Google Slides here.
This meeting was conducted on 21/09/2022 at 1-2pm over Discord
These minutes were published on 18/12/2022.
Exec Present:
Non-Exec Present:
Exec Absent:
Action Point Recap
Bonus stream should hopefully happen this week/soon (editors note - it didn't). Welcome week is coming up - make sure you're ready for it. Please do post any official communications or announcements in exec for proofreading first, both to ensure we don't have to retract things and so all exec can be on the same page about stuff.
We wanted to ensure a decent exec presence at all events so asked if any exec felt qualified to teach at an event they should try to be there, as well as asking regulars and sorting shifts for BGs, and sorting out a rough attendance list for each event as follows: Wargs - Adam, Liam, 4 non-exec (plus maybe hackervoice-ing Reylynn), get them to stress looking after the armies Scarlett can be around for anything (except LARP) as a backup, but not everything. Draft - Tobias, Lap, Adam Boardgames:
Intros - exec be there early (for 11:30ish prompt) - Varsitygoers meet in the FAB, get event runners to mention Larp - Fern, Matthew, Nathan, Ben can hold room - we have b2.03 not b2.02, so will check if b2.02's free for running stuff
Socs fair was on the Wednesday of welcome week, so we needed to sort an overlap of attendees, as well as cross-referencing last year's list of things for the stall so we can ensure we have a range of attention-grabbing things.
Given the changes to the university's policy, it was agreed that we could no longer mandate masks given the uni no longer provided them. However, we chose to continue to respect the risk of covid by strongly requesting them, and encouraging exec especially to lead by example on this front.
This was simply a list of handover tasks we needed to finish - changing the codes on the cupboard locks, passwords, and google drive permissions.
We outlined what events different factions planned to run in term 1: Larp's murder mystery, the date to be confirmed once the LARP exec had their timetables. Board Games and Tabletop Weekends, as usual, on the weekends of the third and ninth weeks of term respectively. A netrunner Circuit opener and Startup tournament in CCGs. A 40k Narrative campaign to start after welcome week and go until Tabletop Weekend.
As of this meeting, the ED&I report was mostly finished, and just needed a few formatting tweaks. (This report is now available at It's worth noting the report is based off paid members as SU reports their demographics, so may not be 100% representative. There were a few other, non report, ED&I objectives:
Week 1/2