Hey, it's the weekend and I've finally got a few minutes spare after Welcome Week! Let's get these minutes out!
[An angry crowd appears with minorly menacing signs and lit pitchforks.]
... what do you mean I'm a week late
You can view the full PowerPoint meeting minutes on Google Slides
This meeting was conducted on 22/09/19 at 1700-1800 in B2.02.
Published 5/10/19 (sorry)
Exec Present
Finnbar (Secretary)
Callum (President)
Thomas (Web Admin)
Ares (Draft, Graphic Design)
Benjamin (Treasurer)
Jakub (LARP)
Josh (Boardgames)
Exec Absent (I forgive them though, it's before Welcome Week)
Jon Cheah (Wargames)
Anakin (Assistant RPG)
Ellie (CCGs)
Jon Bell (RPGs)
Luke (Comms)
Orders of Business
- What we've done over summer
- Welcome Week events
- Meeting with Luke
- Membership Fees
- Exec Intros
Reminders and Updates
- Attend your events this week! If you don't I'll be really sad. Let exec chat know immediately if you can't.
- Attend Socs Fair at your allocated time. Same thing as above.
- Socs Forum is Tuesday Week 1, 6-8pm. Callum, Finnbar and Thomas (Welfare Officers must be there) are going, other exec are welcome but it will be unexciting.
1. What We Did Over Summer
- We bought new storage!
- Ares found a suitcase (which is called Best Bag) which has four wheels and all of them work. This'll contain all the games that we play the most.
- I bought two tall boxes from Wilkos which don't have names yet. [After meeting note: these are called Large Box 1 and Large Box 2. Better names on a postcard, please.]
- We found all the games we should cull and put them in a bag that's barely qualified to be a bag.
- Warhammer tournament! Dan ran a Warhammer tourney with us and now we're £48 up.
2. Welcome Week Events
Is everything prepared? Aaaaaaa.
- Wargs (Monday 5-10pm, B2.01/2, 53 signups): Ready.
- SU Boardgames (Monday 6-10pm, The Duck, 100 signups + 130 on a waiting list): Happening alongside Wargs. Exec please be at wargs for 5pm to move games.
- Draft (Tuesday 6-10pm, LIB1, 15 signups): No promos indefinitely, but otherwise ready to go.
- Boardgames (Wednesday 2-10pm, B2.01/2, 114 signups): Set up rooms to accommodate as many people as possible, stick to large games with small table space. Include B2.03 as backup.
- CCGs (Thursday 4-10pm, LIB2, 49 signups): Cool.
- Intro RPGs (Saturday 12-7pm, many rooms, 70 signups): Jon wasn't here to discuss this.
- Pub Social (Saturday 7pm, Varsity, 30 + 2 signups): I'm gonna call Varsity and up the booking to 50. [After meeting note: I could hear their face turn white as I asked them to do this, because it turns out Varsity was very full that day.]
- LARP (Sunday 12pm, OC0.05, 33 signups): Adventures prepped, system prepped, pregens gonna be printed, James Ellis will be our saviour. Rain forecast…
3. Meeting With Luke
Callum, Ares and Finnbar met with Luke Mepham, our new favourite Societies Officer. Here are the results:
- We actually found out the details about the SU’s welcome boardgames event (tomorrow), and panic ensued.
- We’re going to formalise PG boardgames via an email or something, and send our own promo materials. We also need to find a new Holiday Rep, so if you're reading these minutes and are around at Christmas and want to run Society events over Christmas, let us know!
- We bought locks. We’re gonna give these locks to Luke, who will talk to Estates and get them installed. [After meeting note: oh boy Estates installed some other locks, but we at least have locks now.]
- The Event Planning Pack is no more, praise be!
- We can fundraise ourselves! This is pretty important due to our budget being trash.
4. Membership Fees
We increased membership fees to £3.50 over the summer after our amazing budget. This is probably the last sensible time to change them, so, do we? We decided not: membership and our own fundraising should be enough.
5. Exec Intros
Ares thought it'd be cute to have some kind of intros for each exec member, listing their position, degree and favourite thing relating to the society. We did this in a shocking act of extreme organisation and got them out the next day. You can see them on Facebook, including a photo of me (oh no) and the more photogenic members of exec.
Next Meeting
- Welcome Week retrospective
- Escape Room
- Big RPGs
- Reducing our boardgame collection?
- Quizzes
Thank you for reading! I know these'll never be as good as my newsletters but with great responsibility comes less time for witty intros.