Term 1 Week 10 Exec Meeting Minutes

7 Dec 2022

Posted by Hannah ( Avatar for AceEmpress AceEmpress )

You can view the meeting minutes on Google Slides here.

This meeting was conducted on 07/12/2022 at 1-2pm in B2.03

These minutes were published on 23/12/2022.


Exec Present:

  • Alvis
  • Ben
  • Lap
  • Lewis
  • Fern
  • Matthew
  • Adam
  • Lils
  • Liam
  • Tobias
  • Ed

Non-Exec Present:

  • Alysha
  • Ethan
  • James

Exec Absent:

  • Alonso
  • sophie
  • Nathan
Orders of Business

Action Point Recap


  1. Next Year's Exec
  2. Megagame Update
  3. Book Selling
  4. Trimming Discord Emoji
  5. Big RPG
  6. Any Other Business


Action Point Recap
  • Fern to sort action points and post on discord - done.
  • Nathan + Matthew to ensure everyone signed up to murder mystery has joined the discord, filled out the form, etc - done.
  • Ben to sort Big RPGs GM/GMless form and to talk to previous Big RPGs runners about interlinking - done.
  • Ed - Start sorting poster for big RPGs - not yet done because Ed's busy.
  • Alvis, Liam, Lewis, Lap to run the DCS christmas party - others to help - sort unitemps asap so the uni pays you - done.
  • Quiz runners to send in rounds to me by Weds week 9 - done.
  • Everyone - Tabletop Weekend duty form - done.
  • People who want to be involved in the megagame - talk to Lewis - Lewis or Lils to sort general announce to this effect - done.

Candidates for next year's exec.

Ideally we want to make sure we have at least one candidate for each position before the AGM. With that in mind, here's a role by role breakdown of each one and their candidates, taken from people who were in the meeting or who expressed interest to relevant exec. President - Ben Vice-President - Ben (the second), Will need somebody else for president or VP. Treasurer - Alonso Wargames - Liam Draft - someone from the soc Boardgames - Alvis CCGs - Lap RPGs (possibly x2) - Ethan, murmurings of maybe from others not in the room LARP - Matthew Quartermaster - James Co-op - Alysha Tech Officer - Currently nobody. Graphic Design - Alonso (maybe) Welfare - Ben (if need be) We also want to put relevant things in slides and the newsletter to try and recruit people.

Megagame Update

We (the megagame design team) have had our first meeting and decided on a theme - Ben's pirate suggestion, and have allocated roles and a very broad-strokes overview. We're planning another meeting at some point over the Christmas break.

Book Selling

We have (finally) got everything sorted with respect to getting those RPGs sent off, and have got £500 plus postage for them. Most of the cash will probably go to the RPGs budget but we'll see if any other faction needs it first. Also, any volunteers to help sort packaging and carrying them to Rootes after this meeting? (Thank you to everyone who helped sorting this in some capacity - Lap, Nathan, Rick, Ben, Matthew, Ethan, Alysha, and James, you're all heroes! Also thank you to everyone who gave up room space to store these - Finnbar, Scarlett, and Ares, Ben and Alonso.)

Removing Emoji.

We bought up a list of all the current emoji, and did a quick scan, identifying those we need and those that might be able to go should we need space, as well as a few to remove anyway so we have space for new ones. There were no major takeaways, but we decided it would probably be worth putting the photos of ex-exec on the chopping block, to seem less clique-y and entrenched, as well as for data security reasons.


We currently have 13 or 16 form responses, and want to push for it a bit more, not least because there's a decent chance that group could be exec/ex-exec - we plan to have an active "this isn't D&D but if you're a new player here for D&D you can come try this it'll also be cool!", as well as a bigger push in January at the start of term 2. Lewis, Alonso, and Lils also might want to coordinate with Ben, as people with suggestions about adapting Wanderhome to a Big RPG format, maybe forming a small planning server.

Any Other Business

A comment that we should focus advertisement beyond the soc bc we’ve got most people in the soc to get new people - via uni-wide channels, posters, etc (make sure we follow SU regs about this). We also need to sort some miscellaneous purchases - a new banner, business cards, possibly any other promo if anyone has ideas. The merch interest survey is still up, and will be until the 16th. We need to sort our own accessible campus map stuff because the DSO has dropped the ball on it (probably at least initially just do the science concourse). On holiday events - people don’t need special permission or anything unless you want box stuff. Ben's ED&I writeup needs adding to the website, and potentially to ask Scarlett about website search bar? Ed bls delegate there's a lot on your plate and we're available if you need us or just want help. (inc description writing, putting stuff on SU site, etc) - I can sort writeups for stuff, Lewis to sort uni posters

Action Points
  • People to recruit new exec - specifically find a VP/pres candidate + maybe welfare - Fern, Scarlett
  • Update slides for term 2, inc AGM, run for exec, merch - Fern
  • Look into getting more… intact… boxes for factions - replacement for current BGs tubs - Alvis
  • Megagame people to not stop megagaming - Megagame prep crew
  • Yeet old exec emoji + a few others - Scarlett
  • Fern + Lewis to support Ed in sorting posters + merch stuff SU-side
  • Ben to sort big RPG prep server
  • Big RPG ads in January, poke the D&D people and RPG novices - Ben, Ed, Lils
  • Sort new banner, business cards order. - Ed
  • ED&I writeup needs adding to the website. - Scarlett. (Moved from AoB)

Next Meeting

Term 2